Council Review
Hartford City Council Meeting
Monday, July 11, 2016
Prepared by Hartford 2000
There were 16 items on the original agenda. No additional items were added to the agenda during the meeting. The City’s official listing of actions taken on all items on this agenda can be found online at .
The Council’s next regular meeting will be held on Monday, August 8, 2016 at 7 PM, preceded by a public comment period at 6 PM. The next regular public hearing will be Monday, July 18, at 7 PM. All meetings are held in the Council Chambers. Note: The Council meets only once in July and once in August.
Complete Streets Policy – The Council referred, to its Planning, Economic Development & Housing Committee and to Public Hearing on July 18, an ordinance that establishes a Complete Streets Policy for the City of Hartford. The purpose of the Policy is to ensure that all public rights of way are designed and operated to provide safe, accessible, connected transportation for all users. Users include pedestrians, bicyclists, transit riders, motor vehicle drivers, emergency vehicle operators, and commercial vehicle operators, of all ages and abilities, including children, senior citizens, and persons with disabilities. The Policy was developed by the Complete Streets Working Group, under the direction of the Planning Division. It complements provisions of the new Hartford Zoning Code and has been endorsed by the Climate Stewardship Council, a working group of the Hartford Planning & Zoning Commission. (Bronin) Item #12
Promise Zone Task Force – The Council passed a resolution establishing a North Hartford Promise Zone Task Force, which will include, as members, the Promise Zone Coordinator, NRZ Chairs, City and State elected officials, the HUD Liaison, community agencies, and members of the community. The Task Force will examine key areas within the Promise Zone and develop a list of prioritized projects/actions for which the City will seek funding. The Task Force will provide its recommendations within 60 days and provide a monthly update thereafter to the City Council. (Clarke, Thames) Item #14
Item #
1. Speed Enforcement. Approval to accept a grant of $37,500 from the CT Department of Transportation to pay for police overtime to do speed limit enforcement during the summer at targeted locations which have high incidence of serious motor vehicle accidents. (Bronin) Passed
2. PRAC Appointments. Confirmation of the Mayor’s reappointment of Joyce Bosco, representing the Friends of Forster Park, and appointment of Janier Caban-Hernandez, representing the Friends of Goodwin Park, as members of the Parks & Recreation Advisory Commission. (Bronin) Referred to Public Works, Parks & Environment Committee
3. Nahum & Berkeley Drives. Authorization for the City to abandon Nahum Drive and Berkeley Drive, located within Bowles Park, and transfer the land to the Hartford Housing Authority for development of the area into the new Willow Creek. (Bronin) Referred to Planning & Zoning Commission and Public Hearing on August 15
4. Teen Pregnancy Prevention. Approval to enter into agreements with 23 service providers as part of the City’s Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative. (Bronin) Passed
5. Furloughs. Resolution in support of progressive and proportional furlough days for City employees as a means of budget savings. (Deutsch, Clarke, Bermudez, Sanchez, Gale, Jennings) Passed
6. Special Events. Ordinance requiring sponsors of festivals, parades, carnivals, and races to pay the full cost of all City services for these events. (Bronin) Postponed to August 8
7. Treatment of Immigrants. Request to the Administration that the Police Department be banned from collaborating with U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) on raids or providing certain information on undocumented residents to ICE agents. (Bermudez, Jennings, Deutsch) Postponed to August 8
8. Historic Commission Appointment. Confirmation of the Mayor’s appointment of Aurelia Gale as an alternate member of the Historic Properties/Preservation Commission. (Bronin) Passed
9. Energy Improvement District. Designation of the entire city of Hartford as an Energy Improvement District. (Bronin) Postponed to August 8
10. Breaks in Service. Approval to reclassify employee breaks in service to leaves of absence in order to allow previous years of service to be counted for purposes of pension calculation. (Bronin) Failed
11. Outdoor Sound. Approval for the Sportsman’s Athletic Club to use an outdoor sound system on August 9, 12, & 13 from 9 PM to midnight. (Winch) Passed
12. Complete Streets Policy. Adoption of a policy that will integrate people and places in the planning, design, construction, operation, and maintenance of the city’s transportation network. (Bronin) Referred to Planning, Economic Development & Housing Committee
13. Meeting Schedule. Resolution that the Council will not hold meetings on July 25 and August 22. (Clarke) Passed
14. Promise Zone Task Force. Establishment of a North Hartford Promise Zone Task Force which will, within 60 days, develop a prioritized list of needed improvements in the Promise Zone. (Clarke) Passed
15. Off-Road Vehicles Task Force. Appointment of Demar Osbourne from the Office of Corporation Counsel to the Off-Road Vehicles Task Force. (Concepcion, Clarke, Sanchez) Passed
16. Funding. Request to the Mayor to allocate $40,000 to Hartford Communities That Care to provide support to the Hartford Crisis Response Team. (Winch, Clarke, Concepcion, Bermudez, Gale, Sanchez, Thames, Jennings) Referred to Labor, Education, Workforce & Youth Development Committee
If you have any questions about the agenda or wish to be removed from the Council Preview/Review list, please email Linda Bayer at . The Council Preview/Review is a service of Hartford 2000.