Sample Trucking Company LLC

Distracted Driving Policy

Employees of Sample Trucking Company, LLC, are strictly prohibited from using cell phones (including hands free type) or any other mobile electronic devices at all times while driving company vehicles, and while driving personal vehicles for company business or any other travel that has a connection to work with Sample Trucking Company. For the purpose of this policy, using cell phones or other mobile electronic devices includes, but is not limited to, the following activities: answering or placing phone calls, engaging in a phone conversation, reading or responding to e-mails, sending or reading text messages, reviewing electronic contact databases, accessing the internet, and inputting information to a global positioning system (GPS) or other electronic navigational tool.

Employees of Sample Trucking Company LLC are also strictly prohibited from performing other personal and work-related activities that may distract their driving. Other personal or work-related activities include but are not limited to the following: eating food, performing personal grooming or hygiene tasks, reading maps, reading paperwork of any kind, searching for items in the cab or passenger compartments.

If an employee needs to use a cell phone other electronic device, or perform any of the above mentioned activities, they should stop the vehicle in a safe location, place the vehicle in park and properly set the brakes before doing so. Only for emergency situations where the circumstances warrant the use of a cell phone, electronic device or performance of another task to avoid a crash or prevent or mitigate an injury to the driver or the motoring public, will violation of this policy be excused by Sample Trucking Company. Sample Trucking Company LLC reserves the right to determine whether emergency situations and circumstances warrant violation of this policy.

Failure to comply with Sample Trucking Company’s Distracted Driving Policy will be considered a violation of company policy. Consequences for violating Sample Trucking Company’s Distracted Driving Policy will be disciplinary action leading up to and including termination in accordance with Sample Trucking Company’s progressive discipline policy.

Sample Trucking Company LLC

Distracted Driving Policy

Acknowledgement and Pledge

I, ____________________________________ , have received a copy of Sample Trucking Company LLC’s Distracted Driving Policy. I have read this policy and / or had the policy verbally read to me, and I have had the opportunity to ask any questions that I may have. I fully understand the company’s penalty for violation of this policy and what my responsibilities are for complying with the policy.

I hereby pledge that I will abide by this policy whenever driving in a company vehicle or in any other vehicle when on company business.


[Signature of Employee] [Date]


[Signature of Supervisor] [Date]