Homework for the Week of September 14th – September 18th
Early Release
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridayMath Page / Math Page / Math Page / Math Page / Weekly Assessments
Write 2 sentences on about what you read, on our class blog. Write about the theme of your chapter/book. / Blog Response due.
Read for 20 minutes / Read for 20 minutes / Read for 20 minutes / Read for 20 minutes
Parent Information
Last week, we focused on a true story about a man that walked on a wire between the two towers. Students were able to see a short clip with him describing this great goal that he made for himself and how he felt when he achieved it. We discussed the importance of goals and how they help us to do great things in life. In math, we began our unit on data and representation of information. We began our Social Studies unit on Communities and how they are formed.
This week, we will be discussing family communities and why people migrate to new locations. We will continue to work on tables and picture graphs. Students will also continue to learn about verbs.
Test envelopes went home last week for the first time. Please sign and return them, as I will need them for future tests. Please remember, that the information in this envelope is where the majority of my grades.
Websites to support learning at home: (links can be found on my website)
RAZ Kids: This program is a reading tool. Students may use this for their nightly reading. They have individual passwords that I sent home with them.
Front Row Ed: For extra support and extension activities in math. They will need to enter their name and Password is a555ux.
Think Central: This program goes along with our math curriculum. Students can find videos and support for their homework pages. You can also print out homework pages if your child forgets theirs. You will need to look under practice book. Username: their 956 number and password: think
Reading Counts: Students can read a chapter book and take a test on this program to check comprehension Username: 956 number / Password: name3
Stretch Math: Helps build fact fluency Username: 956 number / Password: name3
Have a great week,
Mrs. Hewitson