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1. The Air Cadets Pilot Navigation Training Scheme (ACPNTS) provides a 2-week Pilot Navigation Course (PNC) for selected air cadets, flying up to 8 hours in AEF aircraft. Selection of candidates is made by Air Cadet Regional HQs.
2. To be eligible for the Scheme, a cadet must:
a. Be 16 years of age or above.
b. Hold, or be predicted to pass, GCSE Grade C or above in English Language and Mathematics, or the equivalent in SCE. A BTEC in Aviation Studies is an acceptable alternative for the Mathematics qualification.
c. Have passed the Air Navigation examination or be assessed by their CO to be able to pass the examination during the PNC (with tuition by AEF instructors).
d. Have their parent's or guardian's written consent for the PNC if under 18 years of age (see application form at Annex A).
e. Be able to attend for a continuous residential period of up to 14 days on an RAF station.
f. Be a member of the ACO at least until training is completed.
3. ATC Cadets may apply at any time for a PNC through their CO using the application form at AnnexA CCF cadets apply in September. Selection is made in January, and successful applicants will be placed on a course during the year - usually during the Easter or Summer Camp period. Selection is made by ACRHQs for ATC cadets and by TEST officers for CCF (RAF) candidates, and is based on information provided by the cadet and his ATC sqn cdr or CCF (RAF) section cdr. The need for interviews or other selection tests is at the discretion of ACRHQs and HQ AC (WgCdr CCF). Guidance on selecting cadets is at Annex B.
4. The ACPNTS Syllabus is at Annex C.
5. During the working day, cadets on a PNC are on duty under the command of the AEF Cdr. Cadet students are to be dressed in uniform or in flying clothing approved by the AEF Cdr.
6. Outside working hours, cadets are to be under the command of the Air Cadets' Camp Commandant at the RAF station where the PNC is being undertaken.
7. For ATC cadets travel budgets are allocated by Wg HQs. Subject to approval by Wg HQ, cadets may be issued with a travel warrant for travel between their home and the AEF. Arrangements for travel for CCF cadets are to be made with Sqn Ldr CCF. They will normally be accommodated during their course with the camp in residence unless they prefer to travel daily from home at their own expense.
8. The schedule of events is at Annex D.
A. Application for Air Cadets Pilot Navigation Training.
B. Guidance on Selecting Cadets for the ACPNTS.
C. ACPNTS Syllabus.
D. Schedule of Events.
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STAFF (When Completed)
Application for:
a. Air Cadet Pilot Scheme (Light Aircraft Course) - First/Second/Third*
b. Air Cadet Pilot Scheme (AEF Course) - First/Second/Third*
c. Air Cadet Pilot Navigation Training Scheme - First/Second/Third*
(*delete as necessary)
When completed, this form should be returned to your ATC Squadron Commander or CCF (RAF) Section Commander
Part 1 - Personal Details (Please use BLOCK CAPITALS)Surname / Cadet Rank
Date of Birth / Forenames (in full)
Your weight (in normal clothing) Your height / Place of Birth (Town, County)
Kg / M
Home Address / ATC Sqn & Wing or CCF (RAF) Section/School
E-mail Address:
Home Tel number / Mobile Tel No
Part 2 - Educational Qualifications ( BLOCK CAPITALS)
Give details of all academic qualifications held. Please differentiate between Eng Lang and Eng Lit. Attach separate sheet if more space is required. (Include predicted grades)
Date of Examination / Title of Certificate and Level / Subject / Indicate Grade Achieved (A) or Predicted Grade (P) / Insert A/P
Part 3 - Further Education
If you are at College or University, please give address of institution and details of course and dates.
Address / Course Title
Dates: From / To
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Part 4 - Activities and Interests, and reasons for applying for the Pilot Scheme or ACPNTS.State the activities and interests (including sports, hobbies, Outward Bound courses and Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme) in which you have participated, specifying any positions of responsibility held. State why you believe you should be awarded a place on a course. Attached a separate sheet if necessary.
Part 5 - Air Cadet Service
Tests Passed, ATC / Tests Passed, CCF RAF Prof / Other Air Cadet Achievements
LC / SC / Staff C / Pt 1 / Pt 2 / Adv
Air Cadet Aviation Subjects passed:
Subject/Date of
Pass and Grade
Gliding Qualifications. Where and when did you complete a gliding scholarship? / Flt Staff Cdt AEF or VGS
Silver Wings / Blue Wings
Part 6 - Flying Training
I agree to make myself available for up to 14 days continuous training, during the course period.
Date / Signature of Applicant
Signature of parent or guardian if cadet is under 18 yrs of age.
Part 7 - Recommendation (To be completed by ATC Sqn Cdr or CCF (RAF) Section Cdr)
I / Support / ) this application and have the following comments on the applicant’s personal qualities,
) achievements and motivation towards a flying career.
Do not Support
Name / Rank / Signature
Part 8 - Comments by OC ATC Wg or CCF Contingent Cdr
Name / Rank / Signature
Part 9 - Comments by Rgnl Comdt or Wg Cdr CCF (if required)
Name / Rank / Signature
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1. In addition to meeting the eligibility requirements, cadets should be high calibre and have previous experience of flying in the Tutor or other light aircraft or gliders. Ideally, they should have sufficient experience of flying to be confident of working satisfactorily in an airborne environment.
2. There is no need to be too restrictive but the following attributes could be considered:
a. Individual motivation for the ACPNTS
b. Intentions to follow an aviation career.
c. Performance during the previous completion of an air cadet gliding scholarship. (If required, OCs VGS will provide a copy of the student record card showing progress during the gliding scholarship).
d. Future value of the training to the cadet’s squadron or section.
3. Although the intention is to select high calibre applicants, cadets who have already completed a flying scholarship - be it light aircraft or AEF based - should not be chosen ie the aim is to enable as many cadets as possible to benefit from the major flying courses.
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1. Ground Instruction:
a. Equipment, facilities, discipline and behaviour.
b. Maps and charts, navigation terminology.
c. Aircraft instruments.
d. Fuel planning and awareness.
e. Radio Bearings.
f. Safety Brief.
g. Local area.
h. Dalton computer.
i. Planning, Altimeter Setting Regions and Safety Altitudes.
j. In-flight Techniques.
2. Flying Exercises:
Exercise 1 / Familiarisation including instruction on aircraft instruments, effects of controls, layout of the airfield and local area. Practice map orientation and distance estimation. Effect of Wind. / :45Exercise 2 / Straight line out and back Navex. Demo map reading. Estimated Time of Arrival revision at half-way point of each leg. Demo standard closing angle. / 1:00
Exercise 3 / Triangular route between 2000 ft and Flight Level 50. Practice techniques including regaining track by Standing Closing angle. Estimated Time of Arrival revision. Introduction of checks at turns. / 1:00
Exercise 4 / Triangular route. Introduction of fix point technique. Introduction of fuel monitoring. / 1:00
Exercise 5 / Triangular route, practising all techniques previously learned. Pilot demonstrates practice diversion on third leg, followed by Return to Base. / 1:00
Exercise 6 / Triangular Navex with legs at 500 ft and up to Flight Level 50 (weather permitting). Pilot demonstrates lost procedure and called for true bearings. Simulated weather abort and cadet practices before Return to Base. / 1:00
Exercise 7 / Navex to consolidate as required. New routes, with cadet responsible for all Navigation. Practice all techniques learned. May be flown as landaway and Return to Base at Flight Commander’s discretion. / 1:00
Exercise 8 / Final Navigation test to include at least one leg between 2000 ft and Flight Level 50, and at least one leg at 500 ft above ground level. Sortie to include practice diversion and Return to Base. / 1:15
TOTAL / 8:00
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Ser No / Date / Event(1)1. / Any Time / ATC Cadets apply using standard proforma. (Annex A)
2. / September / CCF Cadets apply using standard proforma. (Annex A)
3. / January / a. No 1 EFTS informs HQ AC of number of places available, location and dates(2)
b. HQ AC allocates places to ACRHQs and Wg Cdr CCF.
4. / January/February / Air Cadet Regional Headquarters (ACRHQs) select ATC candidates and reserves, TEST officers select CCF candidates and pass names and contact details to No 1 EFTS.
5. / March/April/May / No 1 EFTS sends joining instructions direct to cadets, copy to HQAC (EO Flying), ACRHQs and Wings and Wg Cdr CCF.
6. / Easter and
Summer / Cadets attend ACPNTS courses.
7. / After Each
Course is
Completed / a. OCs AEF provide assessment and grading in course reports.
b. OCs AEF issue ACPNTS badges to successful cadets.
c. OCs AEF send course reports to No 1 EFTS, who send a copy to HQAC, (for onward transmission of 3 copies (for ACRHQs, Wg HQs, and Sqns and Wg Cdr CCF and Schools))
d. HQ AC sends Certificates, Report and Brevet to Wg HQs and schools.
1. Total number of places available varies from year to year and depends on availability of AEF staff and accommodation etc
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