Microsoft Project 2003 Users Manual
Meredith and Mantel, Project Management (5th Edition)
Microsoft Project 2003
Users Manual
To Accompany
Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer & Margaret M. Sutton
Core Concepts Project Management in Practice (2th Edition)
William R. Sherrard
San DiegoStateUniversity
February 6, 2006
Installing the Microsoft Project 2003
120-Day Trial Edition on Your Computer
The instructions for installing the Micosoft Project 2003(MP2003) software on your computer should automatically appear on your computer screen after you insert the MP2003Compact Disk in the CD drive of your computer (usually the D drive).The instructions, appearing automatically on your computer screen, will lead you through the installation process. If for some reason the installation screen does not appear on your computer, follow the instructions below:
1.Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive.
2.From the Program Manager (click on StartRun)
3.In the Open box type in “d:\setup.exe” (without the quotes) and press OK
4.Follow the on-screen instructions for installing the MP2003 software.
Guide to Using the Manual
Most screen views in Microsoft Project 2003 (MP2003) are a combination of a View and a Table. For instance a Gantt Chart, Table: Entry view would show the Gantt chart in a separate pane on the right side of the screen with the Table: Entry view on the left side of the screen. This view allows the entry of tasks into Microsoft Project. In thisMP2003 manual you will be guided to this view with the following: Gantt ChartTable Entry. This instruction is carried out by (1) clicking on View on the Standard Toolbar followed by clicking Gantt Chart from the drop down menu to put the Gantt Chart view on your screen and (2) by clicking View on the Standard Toolbar followed by clicking Table and selecting “Entry” from the drop down menu..
The instructions in the manual are carried out with a MP2003 file open. The manual instructs you as to what View and Table to open in MP2003. Forinstance to open an MP2003 file:
1.Open MP2003 using one of the following methods:
a.(1) Click the Start button to open the Start menu. (2) Select Programs to open the Programs menu (3) Select Microsoft Project 2003 to start MP2003.
b.If your computer’s desktop contains the MP2003 icon, double click the icon.
2.The files used in the MP2003 Manual are contained on the CD that accompanied your textbook. To access the files carry out the following steps:
a.Open the MP2003 program using the steps in #1 above.
b.Insert the CD in the CD-ROM drive.
c.Click on FileOpen to view the Open dialog box.
d.In the Open dialog box type in D: followed by the directory containing the file referenced in the MP2003 Manual. (If you are unable to discern the directory containing the file conduct a search for the file by clicking StartSearchFor Files and Folders and typing in D: followed by the desired file name.)
The MP2003 manual supports the Sanuel J. Mantel, Jr., Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer, and Margaret M. Sutton Core Concepts Project Management in Practice (2nd Edition) textbook (John Wiley and Sons, 2005). The manual references textbook chapters that have Figures, Exhibits, or text relating to Microsoft Project 2003. The following table gives the chapters referenced along with the topical coverage of the text and MP2003 manual.
Chapter / Topical Coverage in MP2003 ManualChapter 1–The World of Project Management / None
Chapter 2 – The Manager, the Organization and the Team / None
Chapter 3 – Planning the Project / Installation, adding columns, entering tasks, subtasks, durations, predecessors, resources, costs, WBS, Action Plan
Chapter 4 – Budgeting the Project / None
Chapter 5 – Scheduling the Project / Networks, critical path, PERT, CPM,
Chapter 6 – Allocating Resources / Allocating Resources
Chapter 7 – Monitoring & Controlling / Earned Value
Chapter 8–Evaluating and Terminating / None
File: Installing MP2003.doc