African Excursion Project
You have been approached by a travel organization to produce a short travel video with the goal of enticing travelers to some of the cities within the countries of Africa. Just as Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie said in her TED Talk, we do not want to write a single story of Africa. Our travel videos will highlight a broad array or cities and countries that exist on the second largest continent.
Choose an urban center within a country of Africa from the list below:
Accra, Ghana / Addis Ababa, Ethiopia / Cairo, Egypt / Cape Town, South AfricaDar es Salaam, Tanzania / Johannesburg, South Africa / Khartoum, Sudan / Kigali, Rwanda
Lagos, Nigeria / Nairobi, Kenya / Port Louis, Mauritius / Tangier, Morocco
Tunis, Tunisia / Windhoek, Namibia
Create a wiki page following the instructions on the Africa Excursion wiki page to house general notes about the country, the specific information about your trip, and your final travel video.
Use the following reliable sites to find general information about the country that your city is located within.
- Culture Grams – Username: bcs - Password: cobra
- Encyclopedia Britannica
- CIA World Factbook
These notes are for travelers to get a brief glimpse of the country they would be traveling to.
Things to include in your notes:
Major languages / Major cities / Information about the government. / Interesting factsEconomic information / Major religions / Brief history of the country. / Images from around the country
Research all that there is to do within your city (no longer the country as a whole). These are to attract travelers who are deciding where to take their next vacation.
Possible things to include:
Restaurants / Shopping / Festivals / ParksHotels / Museums / Sporting events / Shows to see
Historical places / Beautiful sites / Amusement parks / Other points of interest
You can also choose to leave the city for one excursion. Some of these cities are located near some amazing nature parks, natural wonders, historical places, etc.
Try to give as much details about each place as you can in your notes. If you can find prices, addresses, business hours, things a traveler should know (like the fact that the pork tenderloin at this restaurant has won seven awards!).
You do not need to include a travel budget or time budget in this project.
Continued on back
Create a travel video that highlights your city.
Review the Expedia travel videos for inspiration.
Your video needs to be less than five minutes long.
Complete the African Excursion Group Evaluation to determine the individual grades for group members. Remember to problem solve along the way with group members. If group problem solving is not working, be sure to conference with Mr. Emmi well in advance of the final day. Blaming others after the fact is not an acceptable way to alter grades on this project.