Monday, November 27, 2017
6:00 P.M.
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Kurt Hunstiger called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present: Nick Sauer, Ellen Thronson, Steve Heinen, and Jason Ellering. Others present: Ross Olson, City Administrator, Todd Schultz, Community Development Director,Terry Wotzka, City Engineer, Chad Staul, City Attorney, Pete Eckhoff, Public Works Director, Perry Beise, Police Chief, Jack Kahlhamer, Finance Director, Kirk Abraham, Engineering Tech, and Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator
2. Additions or Changes to the Agenda
3. Approve the Agenda
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Heinen and seconded by Councilperson Sauer to approve the Agenda. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Approve Minutes
A. 11-13-17 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to approve the 11-13-17 Regular City Council Meeting Minutes. Motion carried unanimously.
5. Receive and File
6. Mayor’s Communications
· Saturday, December 2nd Sauk Rapids Holiday Parade of Lights and Family Fun Day—Mayor Hunstiger noted that Saturday, December 2nd is the 10th Annual Sauk Rapids Holiday Parade of Lights and Family Fun day. He noted the various activities that are scheduled for the holiday celebration. Mayor Hunstiger encouraged everyone to attend Saturday’s festivities.
Councilperson Thronson noted that the Trot-4-Tots event is also a toy drive that is part of Saturday’s events. The Trot-4-Tots starts and finishes at the Sauk Rapids Fire Hall.
Councilperson Thronson said that Saturday’s event is the largest fundraiser for the Sauk Rapids Community Ambassador Program. She encouraged people to attend as it truly is a day full of fun family activities.
7. Audience Items/Visitors Total Time Limit 2 Minutes for Items NOT on the Agenda
Brenda Graves, 878 Pearlview Drive, noted that she has been watching the discussion about the development of Southside Park with trepidation. Graves stated that Southside Park is one of the most beautiful parks in all of central Minnesota. She said that an event center in this location will spoil the view. Graves also commented that the bandshell was a misfit for Southside Park. She said that there is insufficient parking near Southside Park to accommodate large events and the volume of the outdoor music will only be amplified over the water, which will be disruptive to those living in this area. Graves pointed out that a music venue is not compatible with the loud trains that are continuously going by in this location. She suggested that the City rent a temporary stage for a summer before making permanent improvements as this will allow them to see how well a bandshell would work at Southside Park. Graves said that developing Southside Park is a dicey attempt to boost downtown businesses. Graves requested that the City Council please preserve the natural beauty of Southside Park.
8. Public Hearings
A. Applicant Purpose
City of Sauk Rapids To Consider Approval on Assessment Rolls 411, 412, 413, 414, and 415
1. Open Public Hearing
Kirk Abraham reviewed the following Assessment Rolls with the Council:
· Assessment Roll 411—Unpaid Water and Sewer Bills, Storm Water Utility Fees, and Street Light Utility Fees throughout the City. The total amount of the proposed assessment roll is $102,479.35. Abraham noted that since the public hearing notice was sent, some residents have made partial or whole payments. Abraham reviewed the properties that have made partial or whole payments. The updated total amount for Assessment Roll No. 411 is $35,502.16. Abraham said that Assessment Roll 411 is a one year assessment with an interest rate of 3.8%.
· Assessment Roll 412—Lawn Cutting throughout the City. The total amount of the proposed assessment roll is $150.00. Abraham stated that this is a proposed one year assessment of 3.8%.
· Assessment Roll 413— House demolition in the 1000 Block of 10th Avenue North. The total amount of the proposed assessment roll is $29,869.82. Abraham stated that Assessment Roll 413 is a 15 year assessment with an interest rate of 3.8%.
· Assessment Roll 414—2017 2nd Avenue South Improvements, 2nd Avenue South from 1st Street South to South Benton Drive,1st Street South from South Benton Drive to 2nd Avenue South, 2nd Street South from 2nd Avenue South to 3rd Avenue South, 3rd Street South from South Benton Drive to 3rd Avenue South, 4th Street South from South Benton Drive to 2nd Avenue South, and 6th Street South from 3rd Avenue South to the dead end east of 3rd Avenue, for street reconstruction, curb and gutter, drainage system, water main, sanitary sewer, sidewalk, streetscaping, and lighting. The area proposed to be assessed for the improvements are those properties abutting the improvements and within the drainage area. The total amont of the proposed assessment roll is $497,992.39. Abraham noted that Assessment Roll 414 is a ten year assessment with an interest rate of ten years.
· Assessment Roll 415—2017 Overlay Improvements, for edge milling with a 2-inch bituminous street overlay of the existing pavements and improving existing pedestrian ramps on Summit Avenue North, 10th Street North, 11th Street North, Stearns Drive and 13th Avenue North, and improvements to River Avenue North for a full-depth reclamation of the street and bituminous paving from 2nd Street North to 10th Street North as well as construction for extension of the existing water main and connection to water service and sanitary sewer service from 7th Street North to 8th Street North. The area proposed to be assessed for the improvements includes the properties abutting Summit Avenue North (including the cul de sacs) from 9th Avenue North to the 2nd cul de sac from the South, Summit Avenue North from 2nd Street North to 11th Street North, 13th Avenue North, 10th Street North, 11th Street North from Summit Avenue North to Stearns Drive, Stearns Drive and River Avenue North from 2nd Street North to 10th Street North. The total amount of the proposed assessment roll is $106,032.49. Abraham stated that Assessment Roll 415 will be a three year assessment with an interest rate of 3.8%.
Ed Maier, 325 6th Street S, discussed his concerns with Assessment Roll #414. He said that he accepts the assessment for #39 on the Assessment Roll, but he does have an issue with being charged for #44 on this same Assessment Roll. Maier requested that the Council cancel the charges on #44.
Mayor Hunstiger asked if staff has had a chance to look at Maier’s concerns. Terry Wotzka said that Maier’s house is on #44 and the garage is on #39. Wotzka explained the odd shaped lot assessment calcualations, which is similar to a cul-de-sac. Wotzka said that while it is two seperate parcels, the calculations are based more on a single assessment charge.
Mayor Hunstiger asked if both of Maier’s lots in question are buildable. Wotzka said that as far as he is aware, both lots are buildable.
Maier said that he feels bad about being assessed twice. Wotzka explained that Maier isn’t being assessed twice.
Mayor Hunstiger clarified that the City did not charge Maier twice. Mayor Hunstiger explained that Maier has two lots. Wotzka stated that this is correct in that Maier is being charged for his lots bases on the City’s Assessment Policy.
Gerald Plachecki, St. Cloud , asked how he can find out what his assessments are going to be. Wotzka stated that the assessment notices were mailed out, so he is not sure why Plachecki didn’t receive his notice. Wotzka said that Placheki’s total assessment is $6,656.90 for a ten year term payback with a 3.8% interest rate. Plachecki questioned the street light assessment as he doe not have a street light in front of his house. Wotzka explained that the lighting assessments are for the entire corridor, so it may not be that Plachecki has a light right in front of his house. Wotzka noted that the City did change the street lighting assessment to 25% instead of 50%, so the residents being assessed are now paying 25% of the cost.
Mayor Hunstiger discussed the assessment plan and how the assessments charged to individual residents has been reduced significantly over the years.
Ethel Forbes, 217 5th Street South ,asked about the storm sewer charges she is being assessed for. Wotzka explained that when they calculate assessments, they try to include everyone in the immediate drainage area. Wotzka said that anybody whose property drains to 2nd Avenue has been included in this assessment area.
Mayor Hunstiger said that it used to be five year assessments and the Council recently extended the payback periods for certain projects to ten years, which helps with payback amounts.
Jack Kahlhamer discussed the senior deferment options. Kahlhamer encouragd anyone interested in learning more about the senior deferment options to contact him.
Gary Buermann, G& J Awning, discussed the fact that his neighbor with two lots is paying less in assessments than what Buermann is being charged for one lot. Wotzka explained the methods and rates applied to determine assessments. Wotzka said that they look at an area assessment, so the neighboring lot has less area than Buermann.
Buermann also talked about the City’s ditch and storm sewer that is located on his lot. He asked if he is paying for land that he cannot use. Wotzka stated that to the best of his knowledge, G&J Awning is being assessed for tax purposes and for this assessment for their whole lot. Wotzka noted that all properties can have some challenges, steep slopes, drainage ways, and those features are not discounted for assessments.
Mayor Hunstiger talked about the easements on both sides of his lot. He said that his lot is roughly 90 feet with easements on both sides. He said that in terms of an assessment, he would still get assessed for 90 feet and not the usable 70 feet as exceptions are not made city-wide for easements.
2. Close Public Hearing
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to close the public hearing. Motion carried unanimously.
3. Consider Action
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Thronson and seconded by Councilperson Ellering to approve the resolution adopting assessment rolls No. 411, 412, 413, 414 and 415. Motion carried unanimously.
9. Consent Agenda
A. Approve 2017 Plumbing and Mechancial Contractor Licenses
B. Approve SEH 2018 Rates
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve agenda items 9A-9B. Motion carried unanimously.
10. Regular Agenda
11. Other Staff Items
· 2nd Avenue South Project Update-Terry Wotzka stated that the street lights are up and energized on the 2nd Avenue South project. Wotzka noted that private services should be switched to underground by the end of the week.
· Parade of Lights—Pete Eckhoff said that the Public Works Department is preparing for Saturday’s Parade of Lights.
· Squad Car-Chief Beise noted that the new squad car for the Police Department just arrived today. Software and equipment still needs to be installed.
12. Other Council Items and Communications
· Compost Site—Councilperson Sauer questioned if, despite the recent warm-up, the compost site is still closed. Pete Eckhoff explained that the compost site closed for the season the Saturday before Thanksgiving weekend.
13. Approve List of Bills and Claims
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Sauer and seconded by Councilperson Thronson to approve the List of Bills and Claims. Motion carried unanimously.
14. Adjournment
Motion: Moved by Councilperson Ellering and seconded by Councilperson Heinen to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously.
Mayor Hunstiger adjourned the meeting at 6:46 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dana Furman, Administrative Services Coordinator
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