- Entries WILL NOT be accepted without competition entry form and fees.
- A separate form is required for each sub section ie Adult Cookery, Preserves, Junior cookery
- Exhibits must be presented on a firm white disposal tray or plate
- You may enter a MAXIMUM of two (2) exhibits per class if you wish but NOTE they must be of separate mixes.
- Unless specified packet mixes are NOT permitted,
- Iced and decorated special occasion cake, 20cm square or round.
Own choice of cake and icing
All decorations must be edible
To be presented on a suitable base no larger than 30cm square or round.
- Rich Dark Fruit Cake – 250gm mix, 20cm sq
See notes regarding recipe and conditions
- Boiled Fruit Cake 500gm fruit. 20cm round tin
- Plum Pudding – steamed in a bowl
- Marble Cake, 20cm Square tin
- Carrot Cake – 20cm round tin,Lemon icing on top
- Gluten Free Cake – 20cm tin
- Pumpkin and Walnut loaf
- Banana Bar Cake, Lemon icing TOP only
- Orange Bar cake – iced on TOP only
- Chocolate cake – 20cm tin, chocolate icing TOP only
- Date Roll -Roll tin
- Sponge Sandwich – 20cm tins joined with jam
- Any other cake variety not already mentioned.
- 6 Patty Cakes -Tins/No Papers, iced on top
- 6 Plain Scones - 5cm in diameter
- 6 Plain Scones – Competitors 65 Yrs and over – 5cm in diameter
- 6 Pumpkins Scones - 5cm diameter
- 6 Pikelets
- 6 Ginger Nut Biscuits
- 6 Melting Moments
- 6 pieces Raspberry Coconut Slice – 5cm Square
- Clever packet cake mix use
6 pieces Baked Slice 5cm square, basic dry component of packet cake to be used +
your choice of other ingredients. Slice to be named. Cake mix packet to be submitted.
6 Monte Carlo Biscuits to be as AUTHENTIC as possible
- Handmade Bread
- Machine made Bread
- All to be presented in glass jars (375 – 500 gm) with screw or twist tops. NO CLOTH tops
- No wax
- Jars to be filled to within the jar neck, level with the top of the external ridge at
just under the screw/twist facility (will be approximately 1.5cm from top)
- No rusty lids
- Label with preserve name only to appear on lid as well as jar.
- Only one (1) entry per batch per class. MAXIMUM of two entries per class.
- Jar Marmalade – one fruit
- Jar Marmalade – 3 fruits
- Jar Dark fruit jam – any variety
- Jar Light fruit jam – any variety
- Jar Tomato Jam – any variety
- Jar Rosella Jam
- Jar Lemon Butter – 250 – 300Gms
- Jar Tomato Chutney
- Jar Fruit Chutney
- Jar Relish
- Jar Mustard Pickles
- Jar Sauce any variety
11yrs and Under
- Novelty Iced Cake (any medium base – no more than 27CM
- Chocolate cake – 20cm ring tin (see recipe)
- 6 Patty Cakes – baked in paper, iced on top.
- 6 Anzac Biscuits
- 6 Jam Drops
- 6 Pikelets
- 6 sweet muffins (Baked in muffin papers)
- 6 Marsh mallows – rolled in coconut - 3cm sq.
- 6 Decorated Plain Biscuits eg Arrowroot, morning coffee
12 to 18 Yrs
- Iced Novelty Cake – any medium, base no more than 27cm
- Chocolate cake – 20cm ring tin (see recipe)
- 6 Patty Cakes – baked in paper, iced on tom
- 6 Anzac Biscuits
- 6 Jam Drops
- 6 Biscuits (any variety NOT mentioned)
- 6 pieces APRICOT COCONUT Slice 5cm sq.
- 6 pieces White Christmas Slice 5cm sq.
- 6 Plain Scones 5cm diameter
- 6 Pikelets
- 6 Sweet Muffins (any Variety baked in muffin papers)
- Jar Lemon Butter (250-300gn)