3 Types of Permission Needed to Use Copyrighted Content
Fill out the worksheet based on what you learned from the lesson content and web sources.
Individual Section:
Permissions Granted in Software Licenses
Finding the Creative Commons License Info...and Follow The Rules!
Requesting Permission from the Originator/Owner
Describe in detail how each step is carried out according to the Columbia University source.
1. Contact the copyright owner
2. Secure permission to use the content (with or without restrictions)
3. Keep a record to document permission
What are your options if you “cannot find the owner” of the content?
Group Section:
This section should be completed by the collective efforts of the group (3-4 students).
- Find the proof within the license agreement of Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro or another video editing program that allows owners of that software to use the included content royalty-free.
Name of Video Editing Software:
What the CC license allows (in your own words):
“Official” language of the license agreement:
- Find the Creative Commons licensing information on one of the content sites listed above and describe how to legally use their content (Hint: copy and paste any "official" language of attribution.
Name of Site:
What the CC license allows (in your own words):
“Official” language of attribution that must be included:
- Create their own content request letter template (based on the forms and information provided on the web site) and email a content creator requesting permission to use their content in a video.
Date your letter was emailed:
Date you received a response:
Details of your response:
Ideas for Creating Your Letter
(based on the Columbia University example)
A most effective letter (or email in our case) will include detailed information concerning your request for permission to use the work. Be sure to include the following pertinent information:
- Who: Introduce yourself. Tell who you are and perhaps include a brief summary of your credentials. For example: “I am a professor of history at Columbia University and am the author of several books on American history.”
- What: Be as specific as possible when you cite and describe the work you wish to use. If you plan to use the entire work, say so. If you need only part, give the details. For example: “I would like permission to reproduce pages 113 through 142 of [full citation to book].” You may need to be more detailed or include copies of the material, especially if you are using photographic images or sound or film clips.
- How: Tell how you plan to use the work. Specify whether your use is commercial or nonprofit, for classroom learning or distance education, for research and publication, etc. Remember, the permission you obtain is limited by its own terms. For example, if you secure permission to include a video clip in a multimedia project for your own classroom teaching, the permission may not include sharing the project with colleagues, posting it to your website, or selling copies at a conference. If you want those rights, be sure to include them in the permission request.
- When: State how long you plan to use the work, whether one semester or indefinitely. Some owners may be wary of granting permission for extended periods of time or for dates far in the future, but if that is what you need, go ahead and ask.
- Where and How: Include information about how and where the work will be used. Such uses may involve classroom copies, reserves, coursepacks, password protected online displays, etc. Include the exact or estimated number of copies that you wish to make or the number of uses intended.
- Why: Tell why you are contacting that person or entity for permission. For example: “I am writing to you, because I believe your company acquired the company that originally published the book.” Another example: “I believe that you are the grandson of the original writer, and therefore may have inherited the copyright to the letters and diaries.” If you are using materials from a library or archives, do not assume that the institution holds the copyrights. You need to investigate and ask.
Sometimes you need to be patient and persistent, and sometimes the owner responds quickly. In any event, the reply can take any number of possibilities:
- Permission Granted. Great news. Move to Step 3.
- Permission Denied. Find out why. Maybe you can negotiate a better result. In any event, you may need to change your plans or look for alternative materials.
- Permission Granted, but at a Cost. The copyright owner may charge a fee for the permission. You might obtain a lower fee if you change your plans, e.g., by copying fewer pages from the book or making fewer copies of the work. Sometimes copyright owners require their own permission form. Read it carefully. The form may impose limits or include legal constraints (“You agree to be bound by the law of Illinois”) that are not acceptable to you. The decision to accept will be up to you, your counsel or supervisors, and your budget.