New Era Trust
INDIA ($5,300)
Various Income-Generating Projects
25 women who were living below the poverty line were the beneficiaries of this one-year project which was completed June 30, 2012. The women chose the activities themselves as they are things they already knew how to do. The NGO provided training on “capacity building”, i.e. the skills necessary to run a successful business, save money, and manage credit. The women also received training on gender empowerment and how to use and benefit from government aid programs. NET has already implemented a project in partnership with RSWR which was completed in 2010. In that project 32 women obtained and repaid loans and an additional 14 women have received loans from the repayment amount. The repayment rate was 100%.
RSWR Field Staff, Dr. R. Kannan, reports: New Era Trust is successfully revolving the previous RSWR grant. Beneficiaries have good knowledge about the income-generating projects. New Era Trust has good rapport with target people. There is a good scope for all the proposed IGPs.
Dairy / $292 / $126 / $21 / $25 / $82
Flour Grinding / $203 / $101 / $17 / $19 / $70
Vegetable Vending / $113 / $101 / $11 / $12 / $89
Petty Shops / $225 / $113 / $5 / $25 / $82
The completion report from this group affirms that all 25 women have repaid their loans in full plus interest. There was one installment, due during a festival time, that the women had difficulty paying. They decided as a group to delay payment for this one month and make it up the next month – and all 25 women did! Now, the repaid funds have been loaned to 20 new women. The NGO is beginning to hand over the administration of the project to the self help group itself and they are capably carrying on with tasks involved.
Testimonials from the women beneficiaries
Mrs. P. Poongodi, age 40: Poongodi is a widowed woman who lost her spouse 15 years back. The project has given her a regular income throughout the year. She makes Rs.175 per day. ($3) She no longer needs to take loans from the money lenders and she is now able to support her elder son’s teacher training course.
C. Mariammal, age 52: C. Mariammal lost her spouse 2 years back. She purchased a milk cow with the project loan. The cattle waste is being used to make compost to enrich her soil. This saved her Rs.12,000 ($216) for the year because that is the amount she would have spent on chemical inputs for the crops.
Mrs. P. Kannagi, age 37: She has put up a petty shop with the loan money. She gets a profit of Rs.100 per day. ($1.80) from the shop. She is happy that the income enables her to send her children to school and give them Rs.20 per day (4 cents). Otherwise it would be difficult for her. She is also able to save Rs.100 per month in her self-help group. ($1.80) Family savings has increased and also her self confidence has increased.