California Association of Toxicologists
Sleep and Driving Under the Influence Workshop
Friday May 14 & Saturday May 15, 2010 in Sacramento
Hotel Accommodations: The meeting will be held at the Embassy Suites in Old Sacramento. Their address is 100 Capitol Mall Sacramento, CA 95814. There is a courtesy shuttle from the airport that runs regularly. Parking is $15 a day at the city garage across the street or $25 valet at the hotel. The CAT room rate is $139 for Thursday night and $129 for Friday night (includes breakfast). Type CAT in the convention section at or go directly by pasting the following into your browser: or by phone at (916) 326-5000. All reservations must be made by April 22nd to receive these rates.
In order to keep registration costs down for members, lunch is not included on Saturday. There are many options at the hotel or within walking distance. Please let us know if you like this option.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Registration (must be postmarked by April 16th) ( ) $60 Pre-registration for CAT Members ($100 after April 16th) ( ) $30 Pre-registration for CAT Emeritus/Student Members ($70 after April 16th) ( ) $90 Pre-registration for Non Members ($130 after April 16th)
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Registration (must be postmarked by April 16th) ( ) $20 Pre-registration for CAT Members ($60 after April 16th) ( ) $10 Pre-registration for CAT Emeritus/Student Members ($50 after April 16th) ( ) $50 Pre-registration for Non Members ($90 after April 16th)
Registration Form
**No Refunds After April 16th**
Mail Completed Registration Form to: Kristina Takeshita
1800 Paseo Rancho Castilla Los Angeles, CA 90032
Name Mailing Address
Email City/State/Zip
Phone Professional/Business Affiliation
My Total Registration Cost is $______w/check #______made out to “CAT”
CAT Member? Yes No