LPTO Meeting April 13, 2016
Present at Meeting: Denyse Draper, Colleen Chen, Lynn Kenerson, Cindy Burnell, Jill Brewer, Tina Gargano, Julie Quesnell, Amy Mullins, Toni Butterfield
Meeting called to order at 7:53am
Julie Quisnelle presented a book fundraiser that she has done in previous schools: Reach for the Stars EDC Educational Services. It is different from Scholastic Book Fair. It is a pledged based reading program. Students would read and then collect the money from theirpledges after they have finished their reading goal. ½ of the money goes to the library to buy books the other ½ goes back to the student to buy books at the book fair. Teachers can pick the books that they would like to see at the fair. Other people can also buy books at the fair and the money goes back to the school. They are Usborne books. Julie is thinking of doing this program next October. LPTO felt like it sounded like a great program and supports this effort. Julie does not feel like she would need help from the LPTO.
Minutes from March 9th meeting were approved.
Spelling Bee Report: Please see Jill’s written report for notes on the event. We raised $1,989.00 and had 19 teams that participated. $389 of that was from food and raffle, $150 was a donation. The Dutch Treat also donated the pizzas which was a big help. We had a few incorrect judgements which we would like to prevent next year. It was suggested that next year the correct spelling is read out loud. Will try to keep the event on the first Friday in April (providing it doesn’t interfere with Easter activities). Will try to involve audience more next year. Jill is writing thank you notes.
There was not a treasurer’s report: Toni did state, however, that we currently have $7,900 in the bank account (before the spelling bee deposit). We have paid WMSI for the residency. Toni will pass over the books to Jill by June. Jill will open the Woodsville Guarantee account with the spelling bee money.
Staff Appreciation: Cindy passed around the schedule for the week. Community Meeting at 11:00am on Monday May 2ndwill be the “kick off”. Staff lunch will need volunteers. We have some but need a few more. Teachers have asked for a “rainy day treasure box” for their gift to the school; more specifically, KEVA blocks. Motion made by Cindy to spend $400ish dollars on KEVA blocks for indoor recesses. Seconded by Lynn, approved by all.
Art Show: We have gotten a lot of new “bigger” donations over the last few weeks. (canopy tours, overnight stays, etc.) Amanda has the full list of raffle items and live auction items. Amy and Amanda have made boards for displaying art and are working on mounting artwork. Waiting on mat cutter to be put together to do the rest. Invitation has gone out. We will have a list at the door of people who pre-purchased tickets and will cross their name off and give them their raffle ticket when they come in the door. We will need help decorating and setting up the art work. We may also need more lighting.
Funding Requests: None
Other Business: Toni suggested that at-shirt for all of the students for Festival of the Arts would be a nice “community” and “school spirit” idea to celebrate our students and school. We could ask for sponsors and put their logos on the back. 6th grade could design the front based on the theme for the year. This idea was well received and will be discussed at the next meeting if not before. If someone is willing to take on this idea, please speak to Toni.
Next Meeting: Wednesday May 11, 2016 7:50am