Otto the GreatGerman HREinvestitureappointment of church officials

subdued nobilityreform ordersmonks fighting church corruption

Henry IVpracticed lay investitureinquisitioninvestigating heresy

tried to depose popesimonyselling church offices

Pope Greg VIIexcommunicated HIVgoing to Canossaputting king below pope

Catharsthe pure oneslay invest.king appoints church officials

heretics in Languedococcitanspoken in Languedoc

Church=satantroubadorsminstrels in Languedoc

Albigensiansconsolamentumbapt. laying on of hands

Dominic founded Dominicansperfecticelibate Cathars

worked with CatharsAlbig. Crusadeto stamp out Catharism

Dominicansalso called Friarscluniac order rededicated to Benedict’s rule

Innocent IIIelected 1198Carthusianvery strict order

fought CatharismCisterciansest. by Bernard

Bern. ClairvauxCisterciansstrict Benedictine rule

strict Benedictinescanon priestcathedral priest

Cisterciansstrict BenedictinesPraemonstrat.reformed Augustinians

founded by Bernard

Francis AssissiFranciscansCompar. cheap\sell dear

Friars Minorchartermade towns legal

FranciscansFriars Minorguildshared technology

mendicants=beggarslimit practitioners

Augustiniansorder of cathedral priestsapprenticelearning trade

CapetiansFrench royal familyguildmasterindependent tradesman

Hugh Capetfounder of Capetiansjourneymanskilled but not independent

Abbot Sugersupported CapetiansducatVenetian coin

developed GothicflorinFlorentine coin

PlantagenetsEnglish royal familycapitalstart-up money

Henry IIestablished common lawtrade creditlent to merchant

m. Eleanor of Aquitaineby buyer or seller

BeckettHenry II’s archbishopbank notepaper money

killed by H’s menbankruptnot enough deposits

Rich Lionheartcrusader heronation statesareas ruled by kings

King Johnpoor reputationcircuit judgesking’s traveling judges

lost French poss.face valuewhat coin could buy

signed Magna Cartaintrinsic valuevalue of metal content

called Lacklandcommunestowns controlled by traders

Philip Augustusweakened HREIsle de Francearea around Paris

won Batt. of Bovinescommon lawlaw based on precedents

on 3rd Crusadegrand juryreported crimes to king

Edward ILongshankspetit jurytried property cases

Model Parliamentprecedentsprevious court decisions

Philip the Fairstanding armystatuteswritten laws

supported citiesscutagenobles fees to king in money

Estates GeneralMagna Cartaking’s power limited

forced a French popeParliamentpermanent advisory to king

Peter AbelardSic et NonConst. Monarch.king w\written law

faith must be understoodClaricos Laicospriests may not pay tax

Albertus Mag.Classical divinely insp.Unam Sanctamone church, one pope

Thom Aquinasfaith, then reasonEstates GeneralFrench parliament

AvignonFrench church center

collegestudent guild \hire teachers

universityteacher guild accepts students


scholasticismsquare doctrine, classical

worldly knowledge

dialecticongoing debate

thesisresolution to contradiction

antithesis counter argum. to thesis

critical thinkingthesis\antithesis

synthesisreworked thesis

Sic et NonAbelard’s book

argued both sides

Concordance oflaw arguments

Dicord Canonsby Gratian

ThomismAquinas’ philosophy

Summa Theolog.Aquinas’ philosophy

town and gownfight between university

and town

Gothicstyle of 12th c. art

from Germany

developed\N. France

cathedrallarge church in a town

St. DenisSuger’s cathedral

first truly Gothic

flying buttressoutside wall support

ribbed vaultarch strength in ceiling

stained glasscolored glass windows

lancet windowstall, skinny windows

rose windowlarge, round window

cantus firmusmain melody chant

counterpointopposite to cantus firmus


contrapuntaldifferent, fixed chants