Minutes from Nightingale Network meeting the 24th of October 2012, Vienna
Represented Nightingales:
Østfold:40 tandems, obligatory for students in certain programs
Malmö:72 tandems, recruiting to match 10 more.
The municipality has made the decision to no longer support the Nightingale financially. The University however is still financing the program.
Girona:100 tandems
Wien:40 tandems
Zug:have tried to run the mentoring over summer and are positive with the results.
Växjö:24 tandems. Resources to run the project for another three years
New member this year is the Nightingales in Barcelona. Riga has started the Nightingale project also Vasa, Finland but they are not members yet.
Borås, Sweden couldn´t continue their project when Borås municipality no longer would like to support it financially.
The Nightingale mentoring network; aims and documentsDo partners want to work together with one topic over the year?
Carina reminded the partners of the objectives of the network, what the partners are obliged to do and what they gain from membership. You can find all the documents on the web site.
Carina reminded everybody to pay the Network fee.
Carina showed that the website is now more open to the public and that documents concerning the network can be found there. The homepage is updated with documents and a bibliography list etc.
Every other month a newsletter is published on the website. Carina wants all the partners to contribute to share experiences and updates.
Statistics has to be sent in from every partner concerning applicants, tandems, drop-outs etc. Information concerning this can be found on the website.
- An invoice will be sent out every year as a reminder to pay the membership fee.Partners must send the correct address and name of your University so malmöUniverity know where to send the invoice.
- JordiFeuGellis will be responsible for that the Nightingale mentoring network page on Facebook gets updated on a regular basis. Pernilla will send Jordi the necessary information.
- All partners check links on the webpage “Members” …they are not updated. Send an e-mail to Carina before the end of this year.
- All partners will contribute to the newsletter, one partner/newsletter.
Decission for 2013.
January: Växjö
March: Zug
May: Navarra
July/Aug: Oslo
October: Wienna
December: Girona
send pictures and something short about the status or something you would like to tell members at the latest 15th.
New members on the board
The constitution of the board was presented.
- Girona stays on the board for one more year and Østfold is a new member for two years.
Carina would like all participants to pay the network fee to be able to show the financial status.
Statistic applicant drop out etc.
It is very important that all partners fill in the annual report to be able to compile a new file. A compilation can strengthened each city to show others how many cities are involved and also strengthened the network
Student Exchanges within the Nightingale
Oscar and Jordi from Girona raised the question of student exchange which means if we are partner university this could be an option for students. Let us all think about the possibility.
Next Nightingale conference
Since the purpose is that the conference should be hosted by a member of the board Østfold University is responsible to arrange the next annual conference in October 24, 2013. They will probably do it in acooperation with Oslo. So the conference will be held in Oslo.
- Conference should be held in October instead of in the spring.
- Østfolduniversity is responsible to arrange the next annual conference in October 24, 2013…which is declared as the International Nightingale Day!
NOVA Evaluation, Norway + film 30
NN presented the NOVA evaluation of Nightingale in Norway. The evaluation will be available on the website