Regular Session May 13, 2004
6:04 p.m. College Hill School Complex
Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order, followed by the Pledge led by Spring Hill High School FFA students, after which a moment of silence was observed. The following members were present: Shaw Daniels, Whitney Seaton, Charles Morrison, Talvin Barner, Bill Muehlbauer, Walter Dycus, Judy Vick, Richard Thompson and Ricky Sims. Edie Sutter and Vice Springer were absent.
Upon a motion by Mr. Dycus, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved the Agenda, and the request by
Ms. Seaton to add under New Business Other E2, attachment to monthly Board Packet billing from Board Attorney.
The Chair commended Central High School 2003-04 Girls’ Basketball Team– Region Runner-up, State Tournament and Central Principal Eddie Hickman presented Certificates of Recognition to:
Players: Dee Dooley, Jamie Smith, Nancy Moore, Quintina Smith, Alex Ross, DeAndrea Bullock,
Jessica Pillow, Janey Armstrong, Rachel Peery, Susan Davis, Chassity Scott, Mikala Moore,
Alyssa Jones, Ellie Foster Managers: Jazz Pierce, Ashley Masterson, Brittany Partee
Coaches: Rachel Moore, Misti Grooms, Chad Moore
Maury County Public Schools 2003-04 Retirees were commended for their years of service to the students of Maury County Public Schools and the following employees were presented plaques by Ms. Vick and Ms. Seaton:
Brown Elementary Teachers-Gale Pace, Betty Jo Daniel
Food Service-Gertrude Church Hardin
Central Office Supervisor-Ronnie Hines
Central High Teacher-Joe Graham
Cox Middle Teachers-Deloris Johnson, Tom Miller
Hampshire Unit School Food Service-Linda Sue Morton
Custodian-Lloyd Murphy
McDowell Elementary Teacher-Dorothy Sneed
Mt. Pleasant Elementary Teacher-Roslyn McCandless, Zona Morrical
Riverside Elementary Teacher-Jean Tench
Spring Hill Elementary Teacher-Jean Powell
Spring Hill High Teachers-Lucile Rosenthal, Peggy Harmon, Betty Jane Moore
Whitthorne Middle Teachers-Jerry King, Teri Baker, Sherri Murchison, Anita Williams, Jane Alexander
Custodians-Virginia E. Lovell, Robert Floyd Lovell
Woodard Elementary Teacher-Rosemary Bone
Teachers Receiving Tenure were recognized and presented a floral tribute, Tenure Pin and Certificate of Recognition by Supervisor of Human Resources Jerry Wilson, Chair Daniels, Ms. Vick and Ms. Seaton. They are as follows:
Baker Elementary – Janey Shirala
Brown Elementary – Lynn Caruthers, June Davis, Christine Duke, Tara Forester
Central High School – Donald Bice, Alex Bobo, Teressa Franklin, Priscilla Jennings, Colleen Seaton,
John Welch, Melissa Woody
College Hill – Martha Chandler
Cox Middle – Laura Holley, Mark Lovvorn, Kathy Tatarczuk, Joel Walker
Culleoka Unit School – Cindy Brennan, Jessica Hay, Jill Pigue, Amy Jo Smith
Hampshire Unit School –
Highland Park Elementary –
Randolph Howell Elementary – Sarah Cope, Paula Ensinger, Rita Feliciano, Renee Gillis,
Melissa Joslin, Andrea Rhodes, Nancy Wisker
McDowell Elementary – Virginia Baron, Kelli Williamson
Mt. Pleasant Elementary – Camille Adcock, Carol Ann Jent, Jennifer Pigg, Marlinia Rhodes
Mt. Pleasant Middle School of the Visual and Performing Arts – Annette DeGeorge, Jamie McNutt
Mt. Pleasant High - Troy Hughes, Terri Thornton
Riverside Elementary –
Santa Fe Unit School – Andrea Arnold, Patricia Brown, April Davis, Joan Haskins
Spring Hill Elementary – Kathy Hardison, Karen High
Spring Hill High - Jerry Angus, Walter Beard, Rhonda Booker, Mike Bradley, Mark Davenport,
Gwynne Evans, Michael Gonzalas, John Paul Jones, Lynn Lamar Steinfedt, Eva Parks,
Ben Rohling
Whitthorne Middle – Darrell Boston, Martha Brooks, Teresa Inman, Judy Thome
Woodard Elementary – Jimmy Tidwell
System Wide – Barbara Baltzer, Lisa Wiggins
Paraprofessionals Achieving NCLB Highly Qualified Status were recognized for this accomplishment and the following were presented Certificates of Recognition by Supervisor of Federal Projects Brenda Hammond and Technology Coordinator Suzanne Ingam:
Kim Smith, Pat Dooley, Rosanna Jones, Bettilynn Clark, Mary Jo McMeen, Cynthia Shapiro,
Patricia Wakefield, Debra Simmons, Gwen Feinstein, Decerita Venson, Joyce Hughes,
Vicki Harvell, Michele White, Margie Vanderford, Sue Boyd, Mary Tansey, Karen Pickard,
Cara Crawford, Carlene Price, Loretta Chatman, Wendy Cannady, Marcia Allison, Sonia Findley,
Deneen Hawke, Sandra Wood, Beth Sands, Lisa Lozner, Paula Cox, Sheri Gately, Dawn Scott,
Martha Jane Clark, Carol Thomason, Eileen Duff, Rhonda Hudson.
Molly Hulen, MCEA President, speaking on behalf of the MCEA membership, thanked Board Members who attended the annual MCEA Recognition Banquet. She congratulated educators honored tonight, retirees and teachers receiving tenure and stated that they deserve to be honored and treated with respect and gratitude for their work.
County Mayor James L. Bailey, Jr. spoke regarding his concerns with funding and safety aspects of the school transportation system. He encouraged Board Members to review their policy regarding school bus conduct and consider misbehaving on a school bus a zero tolerance offense, with punishment to be administered consistently throughout the system. He urged the system and Board Members to get the message out that, “Riding a school bus is a privilege” and should not be taken for granted.
Upon a motion by Mr. Morrison, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved: Minutes (April 13, 2004 Special Called Meeting, April 15, 2004 Regular Meeting, April 19, 2004 Special Called Meeting and April 30, 2004 Special Called Meeting), Executive Committee Report approving request from MCEA to use the library at Woodard Elementary May 22, 2004 from 8 am until 1 pm for Executive Workshop with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Santa Fe Booster Club to use the auditorium, cafeteria and gym at Santa Fe School May 22, 2004 from 12 pm until 12 am for fundraiser with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Central High School to have equipment with a value of less than $200 declared surplus and disposed of the by maintenance department, request from Howell Elementary for staff to make application for Unsung Heroes Awards Program grant with staff authorized to prepare and submit amendments, addenda, and correspondence pertaining thereto, request from Girl Scouts of Cumberland Valley to use a classroom or cafeteria at SHES May 4, 2004 from 3:30 until 5:00 pm for Girl Scout Meeting with all use of facilities fees waived, request for overnight student trip: Central High FFA State Convention-May 1-4, 2004, request from Well Spring Christian Church to extend use of the cafeteria, gymnasium and eight classrooms at SHES Sundays in July, August and September with the following use of facilities fees to apply:
Custodian/Supervision $15 per hour x 6 hours x 13 Sundays=$1,170 due and payable to Maury County Public Schools on or before the event, Facility fee $150 per day x 13 Sundays=$1,950 due and payable to SHES on or before the event, request for overnight student trip: MPHS FFA State Competition-UT Martin-April 18-19, 2004, request from CSCC to use the music room at Cox Middle School Tuesdays 9-7-04/12-14-04 from 4:15 until 7:45 pm for MTSU course requirements for 2+2 Program with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Kinder Care to use the small cafeteria and auditorium at SHHS May 2, 2004 from noon to 4 pm for pre-school graduation with the following use of facilities fees to apply: Custodian/Supervision-4 hours x$15 per hour=$60, Security-4 hours x $20=$80, total of $140 due and payable to Maury County Public Schools on or before the event, request from Transportation Coordinator to declare items with a value of less than $250 surplus and have the maintenance department pick up and sell accordingly, request from Food Service Supervisor to declare items with a value of less than $250 surplus and have the maintenance department pick up and sell accordingly, request from Maintenance Manager to declare items with a value of less than $250 surplus and have the maintenance department pick up and sell accordingly, request from Child Nutrition Supervisor to declare surplus property with a value of less than $250 and have maintenance pick up and sell at public auction, request from Food Service Supervisor to declare items with a value of less than $250 surplus, request from American League T-Ball to use the playground area at McDowell School for spring practice with all use of facilities fees waived, request from Hampshire School to use the lobby and gymnasium at Hampshire School May 15, 2004 from 5 until 9 pm for fundraiser with all use of facilities fees waived, request from SHHS principal to waive use of facilities fees for NAWGS use of SHHS cafeteria March 28, 2004 from 1 until 4 pm for Middle TN Meeting of NAWGS, request from Howell Elementary PTA to use the front and back parking lot at Howell Elementary May 15, 2004 from 5:30 am until 8 pm for playground improvements benefit yard and craft sale with all use of facilities fees waived, Attendance Report/Drop-out Report,
Low Bids/Purchases over $5,000
1. SACS, dues for all schools $ 7,200.00
2. Thinkronize, Inc., software entire school system 7,980.00
3. Harcourt, proprietary assessment materials, Spec. Ed. 20,829.00
4. Pomeroy Computer Resources, laptop computers, Spec. Ed. 8,827.25
5. Herbert Lewis Tractor, mower for maintenance 8,532.00
the following student trips:
1. Santa Fe/Mt. Pleasant HOSA Fellowship Mtg.-KY Kingdom Six Flags-June 1, 2004
2. Central High NJROTC Summer Training-Rockwood, TN-May 30-June 5, 2004
3. Central High NJROTC Basic Leadership Training-Tullahoma, TN-June 4-11, 2004
4. Santa Fe FFA Forestry Camp-Pikeville, TN-May 30-June 4, 2004
5. Culleoka FCCLA Leadership Camp-Doyle, TN-June 25-26, 2004
6. Culleoka FCCLA National Mtg.-Chicago, IL-July 10-17, 2004
7. Santa Fe FCCLA Leadership Camp-Doyle, TN-June 25-27, 2004
8. Santa Fe Math & Science Club-Atlanta, GA-May 21-22, 2004
9. Central High Cheerleaders Camp-Knoxville, TN-June 21-25, 2004
10. MPHS Basketball Camp-Chattanooga, TN-June 17-19, 2004
11. Hampshire Basketball Camp-Cornersville,TN-June 17-18, 2004
12. Hampshire Basketball Camp-Siegal High School-June 13-15, 2004
13. Hampshire Basketball Camp-Cornersville, TN-June 3-4, 2004
14. Hampshire Basketball Camp-Waynesboro, TN-June 20-22, 2004
15. Hampshire Basketball Camp-Chattanooga, TN-June 17-19, 2004
16. Culleoka Cheerleaders Camp-Martin, TN-June 21-24, 2004
17. Central High Yearbook Staff Workshop-Atlanta, GA-July 18-21, 2004,
Board Members notification of Cox Middle School acceptance of $5,000 donation from Coca-Cola to be used for bleachers for ball fields, SHES acceptance of $26.09 from Earth’s Seasons to the general fund and SHES acceptance of $214.03 from Target to the general fund, for staff to make application for continuation of the Early Childhood Grant with staff authorized to prepare and submit amendments, addenda and correspondence pertaining thereto, for staff to make application for continuation of the Community Services for Suspended and Expelled Students Grant with staff authorized to prepare and submit amendments, addenda and correspondence pertaining thereto, Maury County Board of Education/YMCA School Bus Contract,
Head Start Contract for College Hill Facilities. Mr. Thompson commented he thought extra student trips were no longer to be a part of the agenda and the Chair said this would be reviewed.
Upon a recommendation by the Director, with a motion by Mr. Morrison, seconded by Mr. Thompson, Board approved revisions to Policy 6.310 (Dress Code). It has been posted the required time.
Policy 6.309 (Weapons & Dangerous Instruments), 6.300 (Code of Behavior and Discipline) were referred back to Policy Committee for further review.
Discussion of Policy 5.1151 (Assignment/Policy Violations) was initiated by Mr. Thompson. His motion to establish a committee of five to review audits for the previous two years was seconded by Mr. Barner but failed with a roll call vote. Mr. Sims, Mr. Thompson and Mr. Barner voted yes and Ms. Seaton, Mr. Morrison, Mr. Dycus, Ms. Vick, Mr. Daniels and Dr. Muehlbauer voted no.
There was a discussion of surplus property and buildings initiated by Mr. Sims but was referred to Facilities Committee by the Board.
Discussion of Professional Development Building and/or/including relocation of Central Office was initiated by Mr. Sims and he asked Mr. Thompson to address this issue. After discussion and at Ms. Vick’s suggestion, Board agreed this should go through the Facilities Committee. However; upon a motion by Mr. Sims, seconded by Mr. Thompson, Board voted unanimously to allow Supervisor of Teaching and Learning Ronnie Hines make a presentation to the May 17, 2004 County Commission Meeting regarding his knowledge of the downtown development project that would include in that scope of work relocation of the Central Office and a possible Professional Development Building.
A. Policies and Planning
Upon Mr. Thompson’s initiation, there was discussion of Board consideration of ad hoc committee composed of Board Members to review security system of system computer system.
Mr. Thompson discussed potential building sites for a school in the Spring Hill area but this issue was referred by the Board to the Facilities Committee.
Ms. Vick had asked for discussion regarding 2 unused snow days and Ms. Carter provided an explanation.
The VOLCO contract was brought up for discussion by Ms. Vick. After discussion, Board asked Child Nutrition Supervisor Carol Long to bring her list of needed cafeteria equipment to the Facilities Committee.
Upon a recommendation by the Director, with a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Sims, Board approved posting the required time Policy 4.302 (Field Trips & Excursions).
B. Personnel
The Director's report on personnel was presented to the Board as follows:
Appointment of personnel
Ashley Bartlett, Randolph Howell Interim First Grade Teacher, effective May 3, 2004
Mark Dillion, Columbia Central Construction Teacher, effective April 28, 2004
Dudley McCormick, Mt. Pleasant High Interim Algebra I Teacher, effective April 12, 2004
Kay Reischman, Mt. Pleasant Middle Interim Guidance Counselor, effective April 26, 2004
Brandi Branton, System-wide Special Education Speech Assistant, effective April 12, 2004
Vicki Chatman, Mt. Pleasant Elementary Special Education Preschool Assistant, effective April 26, 2004
Catherine Embler, E. A. Cox Middle Substitute Custodian, effective April 19, 2004
Kristi L. Haire, System-wide Technology Specialist, effective May 24, 2004
Donna Howland, McDowell Elementary Cafeteria part-time Food Service Associate, effective April 12, 2004
Edward Kerr, System-wide Technology Specialist, effective April 26, 2004
Nakeda McClinic, Whitthorne Middle Substitute Custodian, effective April 15, 2004
Webbie Melton, Spring Hill High Custodian, effective April 12, 2004
Willie Charles Mitchell, Spring Hill High Substitute Custodian, effective March 9, 2004