Town Of GoshenConnecticut
Board of Fire Commissioners
Regular Meeting Minutes
@ Goshen Fire House
April 1, 2015, 7:00PM
Present:Commissioner Martin Connor, Commissioner William Lane, Chris Mitchell, Fire Department President Bill Gelormino, Captain Peter Bernard and Clerk Laurie Mosley.
Excused Absence: Commissioner John Krukar,Commissioner Bruce Larson,Fire Chief Barry Hall, Fire Marshal Bill Baldwin
Call Meeting to Order: Martin Connor called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM.
SEATING OF ALTERNATE:A MOTION WAS MADE BY Martin Connor, seconded by William Lane to seat Alternate William lane as a regular member. No discussion, SO VOTED.
Reading of the Minutes:
- Martin Connor read the minutes from the lastBoard of Fire Commissioner’s meetings.William Lane MOTIONED to approve the minutes, Martin Connor SECONDED THE MOTION. The motion Carries.
Fire Chief’s Report: By: Captain Peter Bernard
Monthly Call Report:
9Fire- 2 were structure fires out of town, 1 Norfolk, 1 Cornwall
3 Motor Vehicle
1Dog rescue
Captain Peter Bernard reported:
- The front brakes on Engine 1 were in need of emergency repair. On return from a structure fire in Cornwall, the front brakefroze; Jason Watley came to the rescue to fix the much needed repair.
- Firematic performed computerized flow tests and safety checks on all air packsat the firehouse.
Martin Connor made a MOTION to accept the Fire Chief’s report. The MOTION was SECONDED by William Lane. The Motion Carries.
Fire Marshal Report-The "April 2015" Fire Marshal’s Report was read by Clerk Laurie Mosley. William Lane corrected the address of a group home inspection. The report states it was on Litchfield Road, should be Torrington Road. A MOTION was made to accept the Fire Marshal’s report,with the amended change, by Martin Connor, William Lane SECONDED the MOTION. The MOTION Carries.
Bills:BOFC Members Reviewed and signed all vouchers.
Martin Connor made a MOTION: To approve all Bills.
William Lane SECONDED the MOTION. The MOTION Carries.
Clerk Laurie Mosley will deliver the signed vouchers to the Fiscal Office at Town Hall.
Work Log- Chairman Martin Connor read the action log which keeps track of special tasks to be performed by the BOFC or GFC Officers. Commissioner Martin Connor completed an Invitation to Bid for the Interior Maintenance-Paint Apparatus Bays & Stairwells Project for 2015. Chris Mitchell has had only one bidder so far. Painters are busy. He will contact other companies and at the next meeting on June 3rd, the bids would be open. Martin Connor asked all to spread the word to contractors that all bids must be in the Selectman’s Office by 4:00PM on June 2nd, 2015.
Old Business- None.
New Business- Peter Bernard commented that the stretchers were going to be inspected this week by Stryker Corporation.
Adjournment: Martin Connor made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting. The MOTION WAS SECONDED by William Lane at 7:40 PM. The MOTION Carries.
Submitted by,
Laurie Mosley
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