Office of the Development Commissioner IT/ITES SEZ,
Please enclose: 1)Statutory Auditor certified Annexure 21 & Annexure 23 A from the date of inception as a SEZ unit, 2) Annexure “A”,
3) Annexure “B”, 4) Annexure “C”, 5) Annexure “D”,
6) Annexure E.
S-No / Particulars1 / Name of the Unit
Name of the Developer
2 / Address of the SEZ Unit (as per the approval accorded)
Ph.No 1
Fax No
Email id (Mandatory)
Web site id
2 (a) / Address of the additional locations (In case the SEZ unit is operating in multiples locations, insert additional rows )
Ph.No 1
Fax No
Email id
Web site id
3 (a) / Name of the Director /Center Head/ CEO
Email id
3 (b) / Name of the Chief Finance Officer
Email id
4 / Name of the authorized Person
(The person interacting with SEZ – Bangalore for SEZ
Ph. No.
E mail id
5 / Date of Initial SEZ Approval (i.e. LOA. No.)
Date of Bond Cum Legal Agreement/BLuT No and Date
Bond Amount
Additional BLuT if any, No, Date and Amount
Date of Commencement of Operation
6 / Status of the Softex Forms & Invoices for current financial
Year (2008-09).
(Filed / Not Filed). If not filed reasons for the same. / Please provide details as per Annexure - E
7. Investment Details (Rs in Lakhs)
Period / Foreign Investment(Foreign Direct/ Indirect) / NRI Investment / Indian Investment / Total
During the current financial Year (2008-09)
Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009
8 / Whether VC Funded? If yes pl. provide brief details
9(I) / Category of the Company (select applicable) / Particulars
(a) / Indian Company
(b) / Foreign Equity Company (if yes indicate parent Company Name and country)
9(II) / Type of Company
(a) / MIC ( Major India Company)
(b) / SME (Small Medium Enterprises)
(c) / WOS (Whole On Subsidiary)
10. / Total Area Occupied in Sq. ft/Sq. mtr. / As on31/03/2008 / Expanded space/ De-bonded space during 2008-09 / Total Space as of31/03/2009
11. / Status of Quality Certification/Assessment
a. / ISO Certification
b. / SEI - CMM Level ----
c. / SEI - CMMI Level 5
d. / BS7799
e. / Others (Pl. specify)
12. MANPOWER EMPLOYED (Please provide details as per "Annexure B")
Manpower / As of 31/3/2008 / During 2008-09 (only incremental) / Total Manpower as of 31.03.2009Men
13. (a) CG import from the date of Inception up to 31.03.2009. (Please furnish the details as per the Annexure 21 format enclosed) [All amount Rs in Lakhs]
SL. No / Imports Through / Out right Purchase (inclusive of second hand goods, high sea sale, leasing of CG etc) / Loan Basis / Free of Charge / Total( lakhs)
A / During the current financial Year(2008-09)
B / Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009
13 (b). Procurement of Indigenous Goods up to 31.03.2009 - (Central Excise Exemption) [Rs in Lakhs]
Period / Procurement of Indigenous Goods In Rs lakhsDuring the current financial Year(2008-09)
Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009
- Exports ( lakhs):
Period / Through Data communication(Offshore) / Onsite
Consultancy / Physical
Exports / Grand
During the current financial Year(2008-09)
Cumulative from the day of inception upto 31.03.2009
14 a. Country wise Software Exports [ lakhs](Total should match with SI.No.14)
Sl. No. / Country / During the current financial Year (2008-09) [ lakhs] / Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009[Rs. In lakhs]
1 / USA
2 / UK
3 / Japan
4 / Middle East
5 / China
6 / Europe
7 / Rest of the World
14 b. Area of activity & the corresponding Export in Rs. (Select which ever applicable)
Sl. No. / Area of activity / Exports during current financial Year(2008-09) Rs. In lakhs
(1) / Enterprise Application
a / Application Software
b / System Software
c / Web Development
e / Other (Pl. specify)
(2) / Technology Software
a / IC design
c / Embedded Software
d / Telecom Software
e / Other (Pl. specify)
3 / Products & packages
4 / IT Enabled Services / Business process Outsourcing
a / Data Entry & Processing
b / Medical Transcription
c / Medical Billing
d / Insurance Claim Processing
e / Call Centre
g / Multimedia Animation
h / E-Publishing
i / GIS Application
j / Others (Pl. Specify)
Total (Should match with SI.No.14)
15. FE Outflow & Inflow up to 31.03.2009 [ lakhs]
Sl.No / Foreign Earnings and Out Flow / During current financial Year(2008-09) / Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009a) / FE Inflow other than export earnings
b) / Foreign Exchange inflow through Borrowing from Parent/ Collaborator company, External Commercial Borrowings, Any other funds etc.,
c) / FE Outflow towards purchase of Capital Goods
d) / FE Outflow towards Technical Know How
e) / FE Outflow other than CG and Technical Know –How Fee
16. DTA Sales (Please provide approval details)
DTA Sales /During current financial Year (2008-09) [Rs in lakhs]
/ Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009 [ lakhs]DTA Sales Permission obtained from DC’s Office
DTA Sales Actual
17.CST (Central Sales Tax) Claimed & reimbursed up to 31.03.2009
Central Sales Tax /During current financial Year (2008-09) [ Lakhs]
/ Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009[Rs in Lakhs]CST Claimed
18.VAT Claimed & reimbursed up to 31.03.2009
VAT /During current financial Year (2008-09) [ Lakhs]
/ Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009[Rs in Lakhs]VAT Claimed
VAT Reimbursed from Concerned Authority
19. Service Tax Claimed & reimbursed up to 31.03.2009
Service Tax /During current financial Year (2008-09) [ Lakhs]
/ Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009[Rs in Lakhs]ST Claimed
ST Reimbursed from Concerned Authority
20.Intellectual Property (IP)
Intellectual Property (IP) Created / No of IP’s /Brief about IP
/ Approximate ValueIntellectual Property (IP) created out of India
Intellectual Property(IP)-Instrumental to create outside India
21.Wage Bill:
Period / Amount [Rs in Lakhs]During the current financial Year(2008-09)
Cumulative from the day of inception up to 31.03.2009
I/we hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge.
(Authorized Signatory along with Seal)Name:
Date: / Signature of Statutory Auditor with seal
Name of Statutory Auditor:
Name of the Auditor’s firm:
Membership No.:
- All the fields are mandatory, whichever fields are not applicable mention NA.
- All the pages should be signed Authorized signatoryStatutory Auditor of your Unit.
- Signed hardcopy of Annual Performance Report for the Financial Year 2008-09 -along with Annexure 23 A; Annexure 21, Annexure A, Annexure B, Annexure C , Annexure D and Annexure E is required to be filed by 22nd MAY 2009. APR, Annexure 23 A & 21 is to be certified by statutory Auditor.
- All the figures should be furnished in Rs. In Lakhs only
- Contact details : Mrs. Suma Patil / Mr. Amarjeet Singh 66186085 /66186131
- For clarification contact (not for submission of reports)
Annexure XXIII – A
Performance Report
(To be certified by Statutory Auditor)
Name of the Company and address:
SEZ Letter of Approval No. & date:
BLUT No and Date :
BLUT Amount Utilized and Balance:
(Amount Rs in Lakhs)
(Pl. indicate the financial years)
Sl. No. / Particulars(from the date of registration with SEZI) / 1st
Year / 2nd
Year / 3rd
Year / 4th
Year / 5th
Year / Grand
1 / Import of Capital Goods
(II) / Exports Earnings ( Fob Value)
Direct Export
a) Offshore Exports
b) Onsite Exports
c) Physical Exports
Deemed Export
a)FE Earnings
b)INR Earnings
(II) / Export Realization against actual Exports
Direct Export
Deemed Export
a)FE Earnings
b)INR Earnings
4 / Wage Bill
5 / Foreign Exchange outgo towards technical Know how fee
6 / Foreign Exchange outgo for items excluding FE towards Capital Goods imported and Technical know how fee
Note: Units are requested to submit the above data from the date of inception as an SEZ unit and
may add more columns if required. All amount to be Rs in. Lakhs
I/we hereby declare that the information provided is true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge.
(Authorized Signatory along with Seal)Name:
Date: / Signature of Statutory Auditor with seal
Name of Statutory Auditor
Name of the Statutory Auditor’s firm:
Membership No.
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