Monash University
Monash Student Experience Network
Meeting 4/07 of the Monash Student Experience Network was held on Friday, 23 November, 2007 from 10.30am – 12.30pm in the Council Room, 1st Floor, Building 3A, Clayton campus.
1. / Apologies and attendance:1.1 There were present: Rob Willis (Chair), Peter Yates, Janette Burke, Stephen Legg, Helen Dunne, Loretta Hambly, Melinda Hildebrandt (secretary), Kristine Banks-Smith, Terry Hogan, Judy Duffy, Sam Jacob, Christina Klopfer, Sue Gleeson, Jacqui Perdriau, Megan Petrass, Vlad Prpich, Kate Roth, Jill Falkland, Julie Marriott, Janine Mazzini, Phillip Steele, Cristina Varsavsky, Sue Webb, John Hurst, Acharige Rahula Weladavi (via telephone from Malaysia), Jimmy Yeow, Tim Winkler Andrea Heyward, Zoe Edwards, Joanne Tyler, Katherine Lock, Kate Brown, Kelly Tsagournos, Jill McLachlan, Vicki Nash, Andrea Waller, Lloyd England, David Copolov.
1.2 In attendance: Matthew Keates, Amy Quinn, Cara Alphey, Patricia Lannan, Rachel Cusworth, Catherine Gawler, Kris McCarthy (MONSU Peninsula representatives for item 7), Cathy Barnett (for T Luff), Kelly Bramston (for M Heagney), Con Moraitis.
1.3 Apologies were received from: Charmaine Paramanthan, Ross Booth, Tony Luff, Adrian Devey, Heinz Kreutz, Audrey Lian, Helen Fletcher-Kennedy, Marian Costelloe, Louis Roller, David Murphy, Stephen Davey, Kay Gardner, David Arnott, Jodie Burgess, Lynda Caldwell, Gary Codner, Karen Haywood, Margo Hellyer, Glenda Key, Nicolene Murdoch, Lee-ann Norris, Jeannie Paterson, Peter Schelluch, Rod Devenish, Marg Heagney, Gerard Schnabl, John Loughran, Roland Müller, Julie Roberts, Lynda Caldwell, David Murphy, Martin Doulton.
1.4 Welcome to new members: Stephen Legg (Associate Dean, Education – Arts), Janette Burke (Director Central Services – Library), Lloyd England (Student Development Officer, Faculty of Law).
1.5 Thank you to outgoing members: Zoe Edwards, Audrey Lian, John Hurst
David Arnott, Mark Peel, Cathrine Harboe Ree, John Loughran, Katherine Lock. / Action / Information
2. / Confirmation of minutes SEN meeting 3/07:
The minutes of SEN meeting 3/07 held on 7th September, 2007 were confirmed.
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 Report to Education Committee 6/07
Rob provided an update on his presentation and submissions to the last Education Committee meeting, which included:
· An in-depth statistical overview of retention at Monash, and
· A discussion of the paper on Sessional Staff Training and Induction that originated with the Caulfield CSEN and was approved by the SEN and Retention Project Group. The Committee endorsed the proposed recommendations which have now been forwarded to CALT (CHEQ) for action and implementation as University-wide policy.
3.2 Response to AVCC Report – Update
As discussed at the last SEN meeting, a report and recommendations that addresses the financial needs of Monash students in response to the 2007 AVCC data is in progress. The report involves a joint collaboration between Equity & Diversity (Marg Heagney), the Office of the Academic Director Clayton (Melinda Hildebrandt, Adrian Devey) with advice from Health, Wellbeing and Development (Sam Jacob and colleagues) and other areas of the University. It is intended that the report will be ready for submission to the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Education) for transmission to Education Committee in early 2008. / For information: Adrian Devey
For action & information: Marg Heagney, Adrian Devey & Melinda Hildebrandt
4. / CSENs – Campus Reports:
The following 2007 CSEN achievements were highlighted by the respective Chairs across all campuses:
4.1 Berwick – Katherine Lock for Phillip Steele:
· The availability and coordination of sporting activities at Berwick was improved greatly this year due to the involvement of Monash Sport who committed funding for a dedicated staff member 2 days per week during semester. This commitment will be ongoing in 2008.
· Plans for an outdoor stadium are in progress.
· Better outdoor seating and landscaping near Building 903 to be completed.
· The Global Friendship Program and its related activities it generated provided a positive experience for on-campus international and domestic students
· The Berwick CSEN is dedicated to the development of successful strategies and outcomes against its traffic lights in 2008.
Katherine Lock will be moving on from her current role as Campus Manager Berwick, to take up a new role as Director of the Office of the PVC Campus Coordination, effective from 1 January 2008. She will be replaced on the SEN by the new Campus Manager.
4.2 Caulfield – Chair, Helen Dunne:
· Student attendance improved throughout the year, especially at the last meeting.
· Commencement of architecture cohort in 2008 (60+) will add a new dimension to the student population.
· Mid-week Social Night events and activities have been well attended, contributed to the needs of international and domestic students on campus and will continue next year.
· MONSU Caulfield have established a strong presence on Facebook and MySpace to enhance communications to and between Caulfield students.
· A campus choir has been launched with both staff and students involved.
· Positive Psychology initiative led by Suzanne Wolf has included significant faculty (eg Business and Economics developed positive psychology unit) student input (eg Art & Design poster campaign). It was proposed that there be a presentation to the SEN on the work of the interest group in 2008. For more information, refer to:
· There are plans to extend the 10,000 Steps program to include students from 2008.
· Other campus developments such as establishment of artificial turf for sporting activities are in discussion.
4.3 Clayton – Chair, Terry Hogan:
· In 2007, the Clayton CSEN has been well-attended and active, achieving many results against the action items developed in 2006.
· Zoe Edwards, President of the MSA, listed the following campus improvements as the major successes of the campus network:
- Re-opening of the student bar,
- Re-opening of the John Medley Library,
- Improvements to the Lemon-Scented Lawn, eg seating,
- Campus Centre refurbishment, including the Airport Lounge, to occur in 2008,
- Increased numbers of bike lockers on campus, and
- Establishment of a permaculture garden.
· Terry thanked the network membership and collaborating partners such as Facilities and Services for their assistance in delivering these improvements for students at the Clayton campus.
4.4 Gippsland – Chair, Loretta Hambly:
· MUGSU held its annual awards, which is a night that recognises the efforts of student volunteers in supporting the student association and other collectives on campus. A total of 50 nominations were received and 14 awards bestowed as part of this successful initiative.
· Sport and Recreation on campus enjoyed strong representation, such as at the University Games, with 28 students playing in Gold medal winning teams, including women’s football, for Monash.
· MUGSU have taken advantage of the social networking potential of tools such as MySpace and Facebook.
· The incoming MUGSU President led a great initiative to establish artwork around the campus.
· A campus Doctor will commence work at Gippsland in January, 2008.
· Improvements to transport and meals will be a priority for the Gippsland CSEN in 2008
4.5 Sunway, Malaysia – Chair, Weldavi Acharige Rahula:
· The Malaysian CSEN has had an active first year of operation and activity.
· Many achievements against traffic lights, such as:
- Improvements to services and support for international students,
- Engineering students have taken a major professional step forward by setting up a Student Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
- Increased participation in sports and recreation – staff and students from Malaysia, Australia and Singapore involved in the Singapore Marathon.
· MUSA launched the Silver Wings Project which is a reward based program that serves to enhance student participation in extra-curricular activities.
4.6 Parkville – No report submitted.
4.7 Peninsula – Sue Webb for Phillip Steele:
· The opening of the STRUAN Centre for postgraduate students: with 80+ registrations, it is well-utilised and features a refurbished lounge area, kitchen and student centre.
· International students were a key focus for the campus and the Global Friendship Evenings provided great opportunities to improve their student experience in 2007.
· New quite room to be opened soon close to Health, Wellbeing and Development on campus.
· Student representatives were asked for a new top 10 list of action items to be addressed in 2008, some of which have begun to been addressed, such as more doctors and counsellors on campus, and improved bike storage facilities.
· Work towards solving the issues surrounding the provision of food and beverage at Peninsula is ongoing.
4.8 South Africa – Chair, Peter Schelluch (report circulated with the agenda):
· The new residences (four buildings) will house 495 beds in single and double bedroom units which are self contained. The new units will have all the facilities, IT access, security, etc that are available to existing residents. Construction is on schedule they will be completed in late January/early February ready for the first Semester 2008 intake. This will bring total on campus accommodation to just under 780 beds.
· The library and campus centre which opened in late February 2007 is proving to be very popular with students particularly with regard to access to computers. Currently there are 115 PC’s in the Centre. A PC software booking/monitoring system will be introduced to reduce PC abuse. In addition and extra 149 PC’s will be installed on the first and second floor of the Centre for the use 2008
· Enrolments for 2008 are estimated at 2400 students. Applications are 45% higher that the previous year. This will place considerable pressure on existing facilities and services. Additional teaching facilities will be constructed during 2008 for use in 2009.
· We have entered into in-principle discussions with “Action Sports” to erect an Action Sports Arena on campus. It is intended that these facilities will be available to MSA students during the day and used by Action Sports team in the evening. It will cater for most indoor sports and will also have other recreational facilities. The discussions have not been finalised as yet. / For information:
CSEN Chairs
5. / Student Employment Project – Final Report
Jill McLachlan, Manager Corporate Services Branch, attended the SEN to present on the objectives and outcome of the Student Employment Pilot trialled by Facilities and Services and collaborating faculties in 2006-2007. Jill’s presentation covered the following areas:
· Background to the project which grew out of the original ‘work’ dimension of the Student Experience Framework;
· Description of the idea and proposal for Facilities and Services to:
- Run a pilot project in semester 1, 2007 on how students might be employed in an operational area of the University
- Develop a framework that could be used in other areas of the University
- Report back to the Student Experience Network on the pilot outcomes
· Details about the plan and proposal, including liaison with relevant academic units;
· Development of an admin framework (guidelines, registration, code of conduct, etc);
· Pooling of available student employment opportunities within Facilities and Services and academic areas, such as a Space Utilisation Study and Database Design;
· Feedback from staff and students involved was very positive;
· Key outcomes:
- Changing mindsets to think “student” when looking for project or casual staffing
- It is not hugely demanding on staff time
- The projects undertaken by Facilities and Services were all resounding successes
- Facilities and Services has developed the administrative framework and is happy to share it with others.
Rob thanked Jill for her presentation and expressed an interest in taking the project further by expanding it to other faculties, units and divisions in 2008. /
For information: Jill McLachlan
6. / Student Experience Programs – Presentation (was item 7):
International Student Friendship Program (Gippsland)
Loretta Hambly, Director of Strategic Planning at the Gippsland campus, delivered a presentation on the outcomes of the International Student Friendship Program on behalf of Wendy McKeown (Program Coordinator). Among the many achievements of the program in 2007, the presentation highlighted the following benefits to the students and volunteers:
· Students included in everyday family activities eg. Barbeques, family meals, sporting events, shopping, movies etc;
· Builds long lasting friendships and a support network for our international students, eg Walter & Marianna Gardin have recently been to China and visited their student’s family;
· Tuesday Night Dinners:
- Enables friends and students to arrange additional activities together;
- Encourages quieter students to interact with their new friends in a familiar environment.
· Enhancing the Student Experience:
- Provides an opportunity for international students to practise and improve their English;
- Helps to mitigate the transition difficulties experienced by international student at the campus;
- Encourages a more productive study environment;
- Graduating students take home with them positive memories and recommendations of Gippsland Campus and their ISFP experience
Rob congratulated Loretta and her colleagues on the successes of the program since it began in 2006. /
For information: Loretta Hambly, Wendy McKeown
7. / Peninsula Campus Presentation (was item 6):
Matthew Keates (incoming President), Amy Quinn (outgoing President), Cara Alphey (incoming Deputy President), Patricia Lannan, Rachel Cusworth, Catherine Gawler, and Kris McCarthy from MONSU Peninsula attended the SEN to deliver a presentation on the Peninsula student experience. Among the many areas covered in their report, the students spoke about:
· The location and history of the campus;
· Student demographics and range of courses on offer;
· Overview of facilities and services;
· Summary of MONSU Peninsula responsibilities and services;
· Description of the activities and events, such as:
- Orientation & HOST Scheme
- O-Week
- Student Survival Week
- Multicultural Week
- Sexual Awareness Week
· Clubs and societies at the campus;
· Overseas Student Services;
· Contribution of Monash Sport to the student experience;
· Residential Services;
· MONSU Peninsula’s top 10 wish list for 2008;
· Monash University Peninsula Campus offers a unique experience to its students, given the size relative to other campuses, composite of faculties and courses offered, and the demands placed on students in relation to the completion of their respective degrees, for example, placement requirements.
The full presentation is located online at:
Rob and the SEN thanked the students for their informative presentation on the Peninsula student experience. / For information: MONSU Peninsula
8. / Other Business:
8.1 Culture Card (MSA)
Zoe Edwards (outgoing President, MSA) reported briefly on the re-introduction of the Culture Card initiative in 2008. As the Community Card will not be going ahead next year, it is hoped that the Culture Card will receive strong support from the Monash community.
8.2 Presentation of gifts to campus representatives:
Rob presented thank you gifts to the following campus representatives for their most-valued efforts in making the student experience a University-wide success in 2007:
· Katherine Lock (Berwick)
· Helen Dunne (Caulfield)
· Terry Hogan (Clayton)
· Loretta Hambly (Gippsland)
· Sue Webb (Peninsula)
Gifts will also be delivered to:
· Phil Steele (Berwick & Peninsula)
· Peter Schelluch (South Africa), and
· Rahula Weladavi Acharige (Malaysia) / For information: MSA
9. / Next Meeting:
This was the final meeting of the Student Experience Network for 2007. The meeting dates for 2008 are confirmed as follows:
· 29th February: to be attended by Professor Adam Shoemaker (Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education);
· 30th May;
· 5th September; and
· 21st November.
All meetings will be held on Fridays between 10.30am to 12.30pm in the Council Room, 1st Floor, Building 3A, Clayton campus.
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