TAH Advisory Committee Meeting
August 29, 2011
4:30 p.m. / I. Welcome and Introductions- Dr. Harmonica Hart, Secondary Pedagogy Specialist, The Citadel
- Dr. Renard Harris, Elementary Pedagogy Specialist, College of Charleston
- Dr. John White, TAH Webmaster, Director of Lowcountry Digital Library, College of Charleston
- Dr. Larry Waston, Advising Historian, South Carolina State University
- Ms. Deborah Price, Secondary Principal, Laing Middle School
- Ms. Camille Hendrix, Elementary Principal, Chicora Elementary
- Ms. Gerilyn Leland, Secondary TAH teacher representative, Cario Middle
- Mr. David Wingard, Elementary TAH teacher representative, Mitchell Elementary
- Ms. Jennifer Graham, TAH Content Advisor, Wando
- Ms. Chris Ryan, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
- Ms. Pam Waters, TAH Technician
4:45 p.m. / II. Project Director’s Report
- Scope of Work for contracts (changes, additions, deletions)
4:50 p.m. /
- Review of Year 2 Budget with Rollover Funds
February Colloquia
- Bill of Rights Institute – $10,000.00
- iCivics – Dr. Jane Brailsford w/ SC bar judge – FREE
Year 2 Colloquia Historian – Dr. David Preston, The Citadel / Sandra Rochester
5:00 p.m. /
- Post and Courier Proposal(s)
- Proposal # 1 (developed from brainstorming session)
- Proposal # 2 (CCSD counter proposal)
- Proposal # 3 (not yet received)
5:10 p.m. /
- Evaluator Contract
- Mark Peterson, Grant Evaluations, INC.
- Dr. Linda Kargis Bone, Charleston Southern
5:13 p.m. /
- Year 2 Focus of Study Overview (handout) Course Syllabus, College of Charleston
5:15 – 6:00 p.m. / III.Year 2 Cohort Selections
1. Year 1 Cohorts (review)
2. Year 2 Secondary Cohort (last year: 5 high school and 9 middle school teachers = 14)
- Year 2 Elementary Cohort (last year 20 elementary teachers; this year focus on grade 4)
- Year 2 goal – MAXIMUM of 40 teachers - increase secondary cohort; more candidates from grade 4 than grade 5
When: Wednesday, September 14th @ 5:15 p.m.
Where: 75 Calhoun St. Boardroom / Barbara Hairfield
- TAH Advisory Council Contact Information (edits)
- iPad Check-out for TAH Pedagogy Specialists
6:00 p.m. / Next meeting of TAH Advisory Committee
Date: October 3, 2011
Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm
Place: Kiawah Room at 75 Calhoun St. / Pam Waters
Barbara Hairfield, TAH Grant Director Jodi Denton, TAH Grant Manager
August 25, 2011