TAH Advisory Committee Meeting

August 29, 2011

4:30 p.m. / I. Welcome and Introductions
  1. Dr. Harmonica Hart, Secondary Pedagogy Specialist, The Citadel
  2. Dr. Renard Harris, Elementary Pedagogy Specialist, College of Charleston
  3. Dr. John White, TAH Webmaster, Director of Lowcountry Digital Library, College of Charleston
  4. Dr. Larry Waston, Advising Historian, South Carolina State University
  5. Ms. Deborah Price, Secondary Principal, Laing Middle School
  6. Ms. Camille Hendrix, Elementary Principal, Chicora Elementary
  7. Ms. Gerilyn Leland, Secondary TAH teacher representative, Cario Middle
  8. Mr. David Wingard, Elementary TAH teacher representative, Mitchell Elementary
  9. Ms. Jennifer Graham, TAH Content Advisor, Wando
  10. Ms. Chris Ryan, Director of Curriculum & Instruction
  11. Ms. Pam Waters, TAH Technician
***Jodi slated to return from maternity leave on October 24, 2011. / Barbara Hairfield
4:45 p.m. / II. Project Director’s Report
  1. Scope of Work for contracts (changes, additions, deletions)
/ Barbara Hairfield
4:50 p.m. /
  1. Review of Year 2 Budget with Rollover Funds
Will come later.
February Colloquia
  1. Bill of Rights Institute – $10,000.00
  2. iCivics – Dr. Jane Brailsford w/ SC bar judge – FREE
Year 2 Travel Study – New Orleans and San Antonio (large increase from Year 1 – days, airfare, meals, etc.); will need to request budget transfers to increase for Travel Study (possibly from contracted services); GL professors
Year 2 Colloquia Historian – Dr. David Preston, The Citadel / Sandra Rochester
5:00 p.m. /
  1. Post and Courier Proposal(s)
  2. Proposal # 1 (developed from brainstorming session)
  3. Proposal # 2 (CCSD counter proposal)
  4. Proposal # 3 (not yet received)
/ Robie Scott
5:10 p.m. /
  1. Evaluator Contract
  2. Mark Peterson, Grant Evaluations, INC.
  3. Dr. Linda Kargis Bone, Charleston Southern
/ Barbara Hairfield
5:13 p.m. /
  1. Year 2 Focus of Study Overview (handout) Course Syllabus, College of Charleston
/ Barbara Hairfield
5:15 – 6:00 p.m. / III.Year 2 Cohort Selections
1. Year 1 Cohorts (review)
2. Year 2 Secondary Cohort (last year: 5 high school and 9 middle school teachers = 14)
  1. Year 2 Elementary Cohort (last year 20 elementary teachers; this year focus on grade 4)
  1. Year 2 goal – MAXIMUM of 40 teachers - increase secondary cohort; more candidates from grade 4 than grade 5
***Orientation for Year 2 TAH Participants (AC members welcome to attend!)
When: Wednesday, September 14th @ 5:15 p.m.
Where: 75 Calhoun St. Boardroom / Barbara Hairfield
  1. TAH Advisory Council Contact Information (edits)
  2. iPad Check-out for TAH Pedagogy Specialists
/ Pam Waters
6:00 p.m. / Next meeting of TAH Advisory Committee
Date: October 3, 2011
Time: 4:30pm-6:00pm
Place: Kiawah Room at 75 Calhoun St. / Pam Waters

Barbara Hairfield, TAH Grant Director Jodi Denton, TAH Grant Manager

August 25, 2011