R.W. KochPage 110/19/2018
Richard W. Koch, PhD
Professor of Biology
Neilson-Cram Endowed Chair of Wetlands Ecology
Bemidji State UniversityPH: 218.755.2795
1500 Birchmont DR NEFax: 218.755.4107
Bemidji, MN
Ph.D. 2001. University of Louisville, Louisville, KY (Environmental Science).
Factors regulating phytoplankton and bacterial activities in large rivers and their impoundments. Ph.D. advisor: P.A. Bukaveckas
M.S. 1996. University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH (Biology).
Hydrological influences on autochthonous production and benthic macroinvertebrate heterogeneity of an Ohio river floodplain, southeast Indiana. M.S. advisor: M.C. Miller
B.A. 1990. Thomas More College, Crestview Hills, KY (Biology).
Teaching and Research Interests:
► Wetlands ecology► Aquatic plants► Nutrient cycling
► Microbial ecology► Biogeochemistry► Ecosystems ecology
Teaching Experience:
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN: 2002 - present
Professor in Department of Biology
Neilson-Cram Endowed Chair of Wetland Ecology
►Courses include: Wetlands Ecology, Aquatic Plants and Phycology, General Ecology, People and the Environment, Ecosystems Ecology, Wetland Delineation, Grants and Contracts
► Undergraduate and graduate student advising in academics and research.
Indiana University, Southeast campus, New Albany, IN: 1996 - 2001
Adjunct Professor in Department of Natural Sciences.
►Human Anatomy and Physiology
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: 1995 - 2001
Lab Instructor in Department of Biology
►General Ecology, Introduction to Biology
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: 1992 - 1995
Lab Instructor in Department of Biological Sciences
►General Ecology, Human Anatomy and Physiology, Wetland Ecology
Research Experience:
Bemidji State University, Bemidji, MN: 2002 - present
Professor in Department of Biology, Nielson-Cram Endowed Chair of Wetland Ecology. Carbon and nutrient cycling in wetlands and forested watersheds, plant-faunal interactions in bogs and fens, effects of forest fires on aquatic plants and re-vegetation of Minnesota lakeshores with native vegetation.
North Central Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Grand Rapids, MN. 2001-2002.
Post-doctoral scientist. Influence of wetlands, geomorphology and riparian vegetation on
carbon and nutrient flux from forested watersheds. Landscape analysis of land-use characteristics using GIS and areal photography. Stable isotope analysis of aquatic foodwebs.
Additional projects: Connectivity of small forested wetlands with upland communities. Evaluation of current NWI identification protocol and MN guidelines of riparian buffers. Modeling effects of lakeshore development on littoral vegetation and water quality. Ecological assessment of lakeshore restoration projects in southern Minnesota.
University of Louisville, Louisville, KY: 1996-2000. (Doctoral Dissertation)
Graduate research assistant. Investigations into carbon and nutrient dynamics in the Ohio River and tributary impoundments, with emphasis on bacteria, algae and zooplankton
Additional projects: Stable isotope analysis of riverine foodwebs to assess the importance of floodplain macrophytes and instream phytoplankton production.
[funded through DOE, NSF-SGER and Uof L’s Center for Watershed Research]
Arctic Tundra Long-Term Ecological Research Site, Toolik, AK: 1993-95 (Jun-Aug)
Graduate research assistant/ technician. Carbon and nitrogen fixation in tundra wetlands, lakes and rivers. Nutrient and light influences on primary production in lakes and streams. Sediment-hypolimnion chemical interactions
[funded through NSF-LTER].
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: 1992-1995. (M.S. Thesis)
Graduate research assistant. Carbon interactions between floodplain wetlands and rivers.Riverine wetland biotic and functional response to seasonal flooding, with emphasis on connectivity of wetlands and the river mainstem. Ecological studies emphasized aquatic macrophytes, benthic invertebrates, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish.
[funded through Oxbow Inc. and DOE-EPSCOR]
Additional projects: Uranium testing in aquatic foodwebs, Fernald superfund site
Environmental Enterprises Inc., Cincinnati, OH: 1990-94
Environmental chemist/ Laboratory coordinator. Analytical chemistry for industrial/
private sectors on wastewater, soils and drinking water. Designed and managed sampling regimes for environmental monitoring. 100+ clients monthly. Management of 20 lab personnel in 3 departments: wet chemistry, GC/MS, heavy metals, TCLP extractions. Familiarization with analytical instruments including ICP, AA, GC/MS, spectrophotometers, multi-ion analyzers
Thomas More College Ohio River Biol. Field Station, California, KY: 1987-89
Undergraduate researcher. Effect of electrical power plants on the fish,
macroinvertebrate and phytoplankton communities in the Ohio River. Monitoring effects of thermal out-plumes, dredging, suspension of sediments by transportation barges. Fish collection via electro-shocking and gillnets. Fish, invertebrate, and phytoplankton taxonomy.
Publications (past 10 years):
Hanson, M.A., S.E. Bowe, F.G. Ossman, J.Fieberg, M.G. Butler, and R.W. Koch. 2009. Influences of Forest Harvest and Environmental Gradients on Aquatic Invertebrate Communities of Seasonal Ponds. Wetlands 29(3): 884-895.
Koch, R.W., D.L. Guelda and P.A. Bukaveckas. 2007. Importance of phytoplankton carbon to heterotrophic bacteria in the Ohio, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. Hydrobiologia.
Guelda, D.L., R.W. Koch, J.J. Jack and P.A. Bukaveckas. 2005. Experimental evidence for density-dependent effects and the importance of algal production in determining population growth rates of riverine zooplankton. River Research and Applications.
Bukaveckas, P.A., D.L.Guelda, J.J. Jack, R.W. Koch, T. Sellers and J. Shostell. 2004. Effects of point source inputs, sub-basin delivery and longitudinal variation in material retention on C, N and P fluxes within the Ohio River Basin. Ecosystems.
Koch, R.W., D.L. Guelda and P.A. Bukaveckas. 2004. Phytoplankton growth in the Ohio, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers, USA: Intersite differences in light and nutrient limitation. Aquatic Ecology 38: 17-26.
Non peer-reviewed:
P. Welle, D. Cloutman, R. Koch, C. Parson, A. Beam, K. Condiff,. 2009. Biological and shoreline trend monitoring of Tea Cracker Lake, Hubbard County, Minnesota. (mpca doc # in preparation)
P. Welle, D. Cloutman, R. Koch, C. Parson, A. Beam, K. Condiff, and J. Givens. 2007. Biological and shoreline trend monitoring at Beauty Lake (#29-0292), Hubbard County, Minnesota. mpca doc # wq-lar29-0292.
Grants(External funding):
Koch, R.W. and K. Disterhaft . 2014. Watershed pollutant load monitoring network.: Upper Mississippi River watershed. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. $96,041. (In Review)
Koch, R.W., S. Lindow, T. Holzkamm and J. Backes. 2013. Water quality preservation study of Bad Medicine Lake, Hubbard County, MN. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. $243,770. (NOT FUNDED)
Welle, P., R.W. Koch and D. Cloutman. 2010. Biological and shoreline trend monitoring at Bad Medicine Lake, Hubbard County, MN. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. $41,202.
B.J. Palik, Koch,R.W. and P.C. Goebel. 2002 - 2005. Influence of stream geomorphology and large wood dams on organic matter processing and aquatic foodwebs in northern hardwood watersheds. USDA CSREES NRI. $314,397.
Koch, R.W. 2002 - 2003. Effects of geomorphology and landscape position on organic matter processing in forest watersheds of Lake Superior. NCRS USDA Forest Service. $27,000.
Thorp, J. H, R.W. Koch, D.L. Guelda, T.W. Sellers and R.B. Summers. 1997. The effects of a major flood on riverine secondary production. NSF SGER. $30,000.
Koch, R.W. 1994-1995. Organic carbon interactions between the Ohio River, Great Miami River and Oxbow floodplain. Oxbow Inc., Cincinnati, OH. $3,000.
Koch, R.W. 1993. Benthic macroinvertebrate and fish production in the Oxbow floodplain, southeast Indiana. Oxbow Inc., Cincinnati, OH. $1,500.
Papers presented(past 10 years):
Walechka, J. and R.W. Koch. 2014. Aquatic vegetation dynamics in Lake Bemidji, Beltrami County, MN. Midwest Aquatic Plant Management Society Annual Conference. March 2-5. Lombard, IL.
Walechka, J. and R.W. Koch. 2013. Factors influencing the distribution of aquatic vegetation in mesotrophic Lake Bemidji, Northcentral Minnesota. Annual meeting for the Society of Wetland Scientists. June 2-6. Duluth, MN.
Phillips, M.B., D.L. Guelda, R.W. Koch. 2012. Spatial and temporal differences in macroinvertebrate and zooplankton populations in the headwaters of the Mississippi river. Annual meeting for Society of Freshwater Scientists, May 21-25. Louisville, KY.
Koch, R.W. and J. Sarauer. 2012. GIS assessment of impacted wetlands and potential restoration in the Chippewa National Forest, MN. Annual meeting for the Society of Freshwater Scientists, May 21-25. Louisville, KY.
SahuTeli, J. and R.W. Koch. 2011. Susceptibilities of Northern Minnesota lakes to acidification: influence of water alkalinity and macrophyte photosynthesis. Annual meeting for the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Feb 6-10. Puerto Rico.
SahuTeli, J. and R.W. Koch. 2011. Susceptibilities of Northern Minnesota lakes to acidification: influence of water alkalinity and macrophyte photosynthesis. Annual meeting for the Society of Wetland Scientists. June 6-10. Prague, Czech Republic
Bowe, K.J., D.L. Guelda, and R.W. Koch. 2007. Effects of forest age structure on plant communities in seasonal forest ponds. Midwestern Fish and Wildlife Conference in Madison Wisconsin (December 9-12, 2007).
Bowe, S.E., M.A. Hanson, R.W. Koch, F.G. Ossman, and M.G. Butler. 2007. Constraints on Aquatic Invertebrate Communities of Seasonal Ponds in Forested Landscapes within Northern Minnesota, USA. Midwestern Fish and Wildlife Conference in Madison Wisconsin (December 9-12, 2007).
Bowe, S.E., M. Bischof, R.W. Koch, M. A. Hanson, F. J. Ossman. 2006. Effects of forest age structure on invertebrate communities and macrophytes in seasonal forest ponds. Joint annual meeting for the Society of American Foresters, American Fisheries Society, Society for Conservation Biology, and The Wildlife Society in Brainerd, MN (Feb 28 – Mar 2, 2006).
Koch, R.W., D.L. Guelda, C. Goebel and B.J. Palik. 2006. Interactive effects of stream geomorphology, forest age and woody debris jams on nutrient processing in streams of northern hardwood forests. Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. Anchorage, AK (June 3-10, 2006).
Guelda, D.L., R.W. Koch, J. Kragthorpe, C. Goebel and B. Palik. 2006. Influence of stream geomorphology, forest age and woody debris on stream macroinvertebrates in northern hardwood forests. Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. Anchorage, AK (June 3-10, 2006).
Palik, B.P., R.W. Koch, P.C. Goebel and A. Morris. 2006. Influence of stream geomorphology and large wood dams on organic matter processing and aquatic foodwebs in northern hardwood watersheds. International Conference on Riverine Hydroecology: Advances in Research and Applications. Sterling, Scotland (August 14-18, 2006).
Koch, R.W., D.L. Guelda, J.J. Kragthorpe, B.J. Palik. 2005. Interactions of geomorphology, forest age and woody debris on nutrient processing in northern hardwood forested streams. 2005 USDA-CSREES National Water Quality Conference, February 2005, San Diego, CA
Solem, T.L., D.L Guelda and R.W. Koch. 2004. Stream macroinvertebrates associated with woody debris in northern hardwood forests: influence of geomorphology and forest age. 2004 annual meeting of North American Benthological Society, Vancouver, BC.
Koch, R.W., D.L. Guelda, J.J. Kragthorpe, B.J. Palik. 2004. Influence of geomorphology, forest age and woody debris on stream nutrient processing in northern hardwood forests. 2004 annual meeting of North American Benthological Society, Vancouver, BC.
Koch, R.W. 2004. The Natural Value of Peatlands. Workshop on the Peatlands of Northern Minnesota: Ecology and Economy. Bemidji, MN. (Invited presentation)
Advisor to the following Graduate Students:
Sarauer, Jessica. May 2012. Hydrology of forest wetland ponds of Northern Minnesota. MS Biology, Bemidji State University
Sommer, Mark. May 2011. Inventorying and modeling of infrastructure related impacts to wetlands on the Chippewa National Forest, Minnesota. MS Biology, Bemidji State University
DeRemee, B. May 2011. Impact of the amphipod Diporeia on the Great Lakes food webs. MS Science, Bemidji State University
Bowe, K.J. May 2010. The effects of forest age structure on plant communities in seasonal forest ponds, Northern MN. MS Biology, Bemidji State University
Bowe, S. May 2010. Influences of adjacent forest age structure and environmental gradients on the aquatic invertebrate communities of seasonal forest ponds in forested landscapes of Northern MN, USA. MS Biology, Bemidji State University
Kragthorpe, J. May 2007. Periphyton biomass on small forested streams, as influenced by large woody debris. MS Biology, Bemidji State University
Merritt, A. May 2006. Erosion and Re-vegetation of Shoreline on Lake Bemidji, Minnesota, USA. MS Biology, Bemidji State University
Current(as of September 2014)
Stephanie Shearen.Response of marsh vegetation to controlled burns. MS Biology. (estimatedcompletion in May 2015)
Josh Suckow. Zooplankton and aquatic vegetation dynamics in shallow lakes associated with regime shifts (estimated completion in May 2015)
Jillian Walechka. Factors influencing distribution of aquatic vegetation in Lake Bemidji. MS Biology. (estimated completion in May 2015)
Breana Oberschmidt. Assessment of successfulness in wetland restoration and mitigation projects. MS Biology. (estimatedcompletion in May 2015)
Brian Montroy. Moist soil management plans in a shallow marsh/ wet meadow wetland. MS Biology. (estimatedcompletion in May 2015)
Professional Organizations:
- Certified Wetland Delineator for State of Minnesota
- Wetland Professional Association, Minnesota
- Society of Wetland Scientists
- Society of Freshwater Scientists
- North American Lake Management Society
- Mississippi River Research Consortium
- Certified Wetland Delineator for State of Minnesota