NIT Part-I, page no 1
PHONE-0663-2410078, FAX-0663-2411660
State: -Orissa Circle: - BSNL Civil Circle, Sambalpur.
Zone: -Orissa Zone, Division: - BSNL Civil Division, Sambalpur.
Name of work- Construction of Store Shed over Cycle Shed in BSNL Admn Bldg. Compound at D H E N K A N A L.
NIT No: -210-47-06-01 DATED 23.11.2006
Cost of Tender Paper (non-refundable): - Rs 500.00 (Rupees Five Hundred Only)
a) Name of the tenderer / Contractor: -
b) Last date of receipt of application : -Date 04-12-2006
c) Last date of sale of tender papers: - Date 06.12.2006 up to 16.00 hrs.
d) Date and time of receipt of tender papers: - Date 08.12.2006 up to 15:00 Hrs.
The tender shall be opened by EE (Civil) in presence tenderer who may be present in his office on the scheduled date and time.
This document consists of 35 (Thirty Five) pages excluding front and back cover, it’s corrigendum if any and having following corrections: -
1. Additions: - Nil
2. Deletion: - Nil
3. Over-writing: -Nil
4. Correction:- Nil
(For and on behalf of BSNL)
Executive Engineer (C)
BSNL Civil Division
NIT ID NO.210-47-06-01 Dated:- 23.11.2006
1. Sealed item rate tenders are invited by the Executive Engineer (Civil), Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Civil Division, 4th floor, Door Sanchar Bhawan, Kacheri Road, Sambalpur, PIN: - 768001, for and on behalf of B.S.N.L for the following works from eligible Contractors registered in the appropriate category in BSNL Civil wing/DOT/DTS.
Sl no / Name of work / Estimated Cost (in Rs) / Earnest money (in Rs) / Time of completion / Last date & time of receipt of application / Last date & time of sale of tender paper / Date & Time of receipt of tenders / Date & Time of opening of tenders / Cost of tender paper (non-refundable)I / II / III / IV / V / VI / VII / VIII / IX / X
1 / Construction of Store Shed over Cycle Shed in BSNL Admn Bldg. Compound at D H E N K A N A L. / 655701.00 / 16393.00 / 5(Five) months / 04.12.06 up to 16:00 hrs / 06.12.06 up to 16:00 hrs / 08.12.06 up to 15.00 hrs / 08.12.06 at 15:30hrs / 500/-
2. Tenders will be issued to eligible contractors provided they produce definite proof of valid registrations from an appropriate authority.
3. While applying for issue of Tender documents, Contractor(s) shall submit attested copies of registration certificate, along with attested copies of partnership deed duly registered in court (wherever contractor is a partnership firm), attested copies of memorandum of article of associations duly registered in court (wherever contractor is a company), attested copy of power of attorney duly registered in court (wherever contractor is a power of attorney holder).
4. The written application in prescribed format (available free of cost in the office of Executive Engineer and on the BSNL web site) for issue of tender papers shall be received in this office up to the time and date as specified in Para 1 above. After scrutiny of applications, the list of eligible tenderers shall be displayed on the BSNL website on the next working day after the last date of receipt of application. Only eligible tenderers, as displayed on web site shall be permitted to quote rates.
5. Tenders will be sold to eligible contractors on payment of cost of tender papers and earnest money on or before the stipulated time and date (as mentioned in Para 1 above).
6. The tender fee is non-refundable and is payable in the form of Cash/Demand draft/Banker cheque/ money-order payable at Sambalpur drawn on any Nationalized/ Scheduled Bank (guaranteed by RBI) in favour of Accounts Officer, BSNL, Civil Division, Sambalpur.
7. The Earnest Money in full shall be deposited by the Contractors in this office only in the form of Receipted Treasury Challan / Deposit at Call Receipt / Demand Draft/ Fixed Deposit Receipt issued by any Nationalized Bank /Scheduled Bank (Guaranteed by R.B.I) payable at Sambalpur only and drawn in favor of the Accounts officer, B.S.N.L, Civil Division, Sambalpur.
7.1.Tender and Earnest money shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes marked ‘Tender’ and “Earnest Money” respectively.
7.2.In case the tender document is down loaded from B.S.N.L website, the “Tender” and “Earnest Money plus cost of tender” shall be placed in separate sealed envelopes marked “Tender” and “Earnest Money plus cost of tender” respectively.
7.3.Both the sealed envelopes shall be placed in a third sealed envelope. The Name of work, Estimated cost put to tender, last date of receipt of the tender, and Name of the contractor with address etc. shall be clearly indicated on all the three envelopes properly by the contractor.
8. Duly filled and signed tenders (the tenderer must sign on each page of the tender papers before submission) will be received in three packet system as mentioned in para-7 above in the office of the Executive Engineer(civil), B.S.N.L, Civil Division, Sambalpur on the stipulated date and time and will be opened at 15:30 Hrs on the same date as mentioned above in Para 1 in presence of the intending tenderers or their authorized representatives.
8.1.While opening the tenders by the Executive Engineer(civil), the envelope marked Earnest Money/ Earnest money plus cost of tender as applicable in case of down loaded tender documents shall be opened first. In case the EMD is not found in proper and prescribed form, the envelope marked “Tender” shall not be opened and such tender shall be summarily rejected.
9. The tender papers shall not be issued by post. However the tenderers can submit their duly filled tenders in the manner described above by registered post to the Executive Engineer (civil) so as to reach him on or before the stipulated time and date of receipt of tenders. The B.S.N.L shall NOT be responsible for any damage, delay, loss/ misplacement etc of the tender documents submitted in this manner. The tenders received by post after the stipulated time and date shall not be opened and shall be summarily rejected.
10. It may be noted that conditional tenders or tenders with conditional rebates shall be summarily rejected.
11. If any of the above mentioned date happens to be a holiday the same activity will be carried forward to the next working day.
12. The Executive Engineer(C) reserves the right to cancel or postpone the above time schedule without assigning any reasons.
13. Please also visit website for further details.
Instructions for downloading Tender Forms for participation in “e-tender”:
14. Tender documents can be downloaded from internet Web-site
15. “Click For NIT” in the Tender Subject for appropriate Name of work and NIT No. for downloading (i) Notice Inviting Tender (ii) Application Form. (Web-site addressà “Civil Wing” -à “Tender watch”)
16. Tender consists of two parts Part-I and Part-II.
(I) Click the “Tender File” of the respective work to download the Tender Documents Part-I, which consists of (a) NIT (b) BSNLW-6 (c) BSNLW-8 (d) Additional conditions and specifications (e) Special conditions if any and (f) Schedule of quantities etc.
(II) The rate can be quoted on down loaded Scheduled in Part –I which shall be submitted in the office of the Executive Engineer (C), BSNL Civil Division, Sambalpur.
(III) The general condition of contract in NIT Part-II is available at the office of EE(C) BSNL Civil Division Sambalpur. (This is optional only. This part is not required to be submitted with tender documents. However the conditions and general terms as per the copy available in the office of the Executive Engineer, BSNL Civil Division, Sambalpur will form part of agreement subsequently)
The intending tenderers are advised to seek any clarification from Executive Engineer(civil) about eligibility conditions prior to submission of tenders to avoid disappointments later on. If they so desire, they may contact on telephone number 0663-2410078.
In case of any discrepancy or doubt in NIT part I of downloaded tender submitted and copy available with Executive Engineer(Civil), BSNL, Civil Division, Sambalpur, signed copy with Executive Engineer (Civil) BSNL Civil Division, Sambalpur shall prevail and shall be binding on contractors/tenders.
Executive Engineer (Civil)
BSNL Civil Division
No. 26(86)/TCD-SBP/ Date:- 23.11.2006
Copy to: -
1. The CGMT, BSNL, Orissa Circle, Bhubaneswar.
2. The Chief Engineer (Civil), BSNL, Orissa Zone, Bhubaneswar.
3. The General Manager, BSNL, Sambalpur/ Rourkela/ Dhenkanal.
4. The TDM, Keonjhar/ Bolangir/ Bhawanipatna.
5. The Superintending Engineer (Civil) , BSNL, Civil Circle, Bhubaneswar/ Sambalpur.
6. The Superintending Engineer (Electrical), BSNL, Electrical Circle, Bhubaneswar.
7. The Executive Engineer (Civil), BSNL, Civil Division, Bhubaneswar/ Cuttack.
8. The Executive Engineer(Electrical), BSNL, Electrical Division, Bhubaneswar/ Sambalpur/ Cuttack.
9. The D.C, Sambalpur.
10. The Executive Officer, Sambalpur Municipal Corporation, Sambalpur.
11. The SDE (civil), BSNL, Civil Sub Division, Sambalpur, Bolangir, Dhenkanal, Rourkela, Cuttack, Bhubaneswar, Balasore, Berhampur, Koraput.
12. The Vigilance Officer, O/O the CGMT, Bhubaneswar by registered post with A.D.
13. The Accounts officer, BSNL, Civil Division, Sambalpur for information and necessary action.
15. The concerned files.
Executive Engineer (Civil)
From: Name: Place:
Address : Date:
The Executive Engineer (Civil)
BSNL Civil Division
Name of work: - ……………………………………………………………….…………………….
NIT no: -…………………………………………………………………………...…………………
1. I/We am/are registered with the BSNL Civil wing as Class ______contractor and my/our Registration No is ______It is further certified that the said registration is valid as on date. I/ we shall inform the department as soon as my / our registration expires or is cancelled / revoked.
2 . The following documents are enclosed herewith in support of my eligibility’
(a) Attested copy of registration.
(b) List of works in hand (progress) with me/us in the prescribed format.
(c)Attested copies of memorandum of articles of associations (in case of a company).
(d)Attested copies of power of attorney duly registered in court (in case of Power of Attorney holder).
3. It is certified that I/we have personally seen, read, understood and accept (unconditionally) all the provisions made in “NIT Part –I” and “NIT Part – II (available in division office)”.
4. The particulars of satisfactory and timely completion of similar works are as follows (Attested copies enclosed).
Sl. No. / Name of work / Gross value of work / Actual date of completion / Issuing authority5. I/We will produce original documents of all the attested copies submitted herewith whenever required by the department.
6. The declaration is hereby given in respect of para-14 of BSNL W-6, which will become part of the agreement.
I ______son of ______residence of ______hereby certify that none of my relative (s) as defined in the tender document para-14 of BSNL W-6, is/are employed in BSNL Orissa Civil Zone. In case at any stage, it is found that the information given by me is false / incorrect, BSNL shall have the absolute right to take any action including termination of contract as deemed fit without any prior intimation.
7 .The declaration is hereby given, which will become part of the agreement.
I/We ______do hereby solemnly declare that I shall abide by all the rules / conditions / provisions of EPF and miscellaneous Provision Act 1952. In case of default by the undersigned, the sole responsibility shall be mine / us.
8.We hereby enclose cost of tender form in the form of Cash*/DD/Bankers cheque bearing number ______dated ______in the name of Accounts Officer, BSNL Civil Division, Sambalpur payable at Sambalpur only for Rs ______.
Note: -* Cash submission of tender cost for “e-tenders” not allowed. They can give in form of DD/Bankers cheque in appropriate envelopes.
** Please give additional certificate in form “B” for “e-tenders”
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
Encl :------no of sheets.
Name of contractor: -…………………………….
Complete Address: -
Telephone number Office: -
Fax no: -
Mobile no: -
Place: - Date: -
(To be submitted at the time of application)
Name of work / Name and Particulars of Division where work is being executed / Value of work done / Position of work in progress / Remarks1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
I hereby declare that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I shall produce the required documents as and when demanded by the B.S.N.L.
Contractor’s Signature______
Full name of the signatory______
Additional certificate for “e-tender”
Certified that I / ______son of ______resident of ______have downloaded the entire tender document “NIT Part – I “ including the NIT, BSNL W-6 & 8, Schedules A,B,C,D,E & F additional specification, condition, special condition, annexures, proformas, Schedule of quantities etc. and all other contents in the tender documents intact as it was displayed on the web-site on ………………………. (date ) at ……………… (time) and no tempering/ change viz any modification/ addition/ correction / deletion etc. has been made anywhere. The tender document submitted by me/ us are same / identical as available on the web-site. If it is found at any stage that I/We have resorted to any tempering / change as mentioned above in the downloaded tender document which may or may not lead to change in any of the specification, condition, clauses, nomenclatures, quantities or meaning of any of the relevant sentences, BSNL shall have absolute right to summarily reject the pre-qualification tender application and e-tender participation or terminate the contract and start criminal proceedings. BSNL shall have full rights to indemnify themselves against any losses occasioned due to such tampering of the document as mentioned above.