October11, 2010

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The Board of Trustees of the Village of Winnebago met at 7:00 p.m. with President Frank Eubank, Jr. presiding.



MYERS – absent until 7:13 p.m.

Guests: Attorney Mary Gaziano,Kelli Jeffers, Sally Bennett, Todd Stockburger, Todd Weegens, Dennis Noegel, Chad Insko, Lori Schultz, Robin Baker, D. Mark Hubbartt and Ralph Thompkins.

A motion was made by MR. ELSEN seconded by MR. SMITH to accept the minutes of the September 13,2010,Regular Board Meeting as submitted. Motion carried on a voice vote.

A motion was made by MRS. TARGOSZ, seconded by MR. LEONARD to correct the August 9, 2010 minutes to include the motion inadvertently missed in the amount of $15,000. Motion carried on a voice vote.

Following is the motion that was missed in the minutes of August 9, 2010:

A motion was made by MRS. TARGOSZ, seconded by MR. MYERS to spend $15,000 from line 51-44-542 to have Fehr-Graham complete the Water System Analysis. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.

A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MRS. TARGOSZ to pay the bills over $5,000 to Gill’s Freeport Disposal, Herbig Black Top (of which $6,500 is for CDAP grant) and Illinois EPA (which is the final bond payment making the Village debt free). Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

A motion was made by MR. ELSEN, seconded by MRS. TARGOSZ to pay the bills as presented. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote of those present.

There are no line item transfers at this meeting.

The Treasurer’s Report has been placed on file for audit. MR. ELSEN noted the state is now three months behind on payment of income tax money.

MR. MYERS arrived at 7:13 p.m.


No one signed up for public comment.

October 11, 2010

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  1. Items with planned action
  1. Village Engineer

a. The final bill for the 2009 CDAP Sewer Improvement Grant was not received, however the work is completed and the grant closed out. The Village provided good documentation in good order making closeout very efficient.

b. The Village was not awarded a 2010 CDAP Grant; they are encouraged to reapply in February 2011. It was noted that the Low to Moderate Income Study will expire the end of 2010.

c.Based on the quotes for pavement marking and striping and crack routing and filling of Elida Street, A motion was made by MRS. TARGOSZ, seconded by MR. MYERS to accept the low quote of $24,299.90 from SKC Construction, Inc. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.

d. The Intergovernmental Agreement for the operational improvements for the RRWRD has been signed.

e. The Water System Study remains open. A meeting of Fehr-Graham and Mr. Insko will be scheduled.

f. The Unified Development Ordinance is progressing. Copies of all existing ordinances have been gathered.

Mr. Weegens noted that the IT manager has left Fehr-Graham but there are workers handling any needs until a new manager is hired.

  1. Public Works Committee
  1. Village Attorney
  1. Finance Committee
  1. The worksheets for the 2011 budget will be provided to the

Department Heads by the end of the month.

October 11, 2010

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The infrastructure financing will be discussed at their next meeting.
5. Community Development Committee/Fourth of July Team

  1. Administration Team/Clerk

a. The salaried employee’s time was closed last month.

  1. Police Committee
  1. A motion was made by MR. SMITH, seconded by MR. LEONARD

based on the recommendations of the Police Committee if the limiting rate increase referendum passes, that the following happen:

1) the current approximate $220,000.00 transfer from General to Police still occurs;


2) $135,000.00 worth of the approximate $170,000.00 raised from a successful referendum be allocated to the Police Department budget in order to hire additional police personnel;


3) the remaining $35,000.00 raised from a successful referendum be used by the Village for such other Village purposes as the Village Board deems necessary by voting on the expenditures of those funds from time to time.

After a great deal of discussion the motion was withdrawn by MR. SMITH as was the second by MR. LEONARD.

A motion was made by MRS. TARGOSZ, seconded by MR. SMITH that if the limiting rate referendum passes the goal of the Village will be to provide 24/7 police coverage and two officers on the night shift. The motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.

  1. President



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Mr. Ralph Thompkins of the Illinois Public Service Institute joined the meeting and presented Chad Insko a plaquecommemorating his graduation from the IPSI. He has completed the three year program for public service supervisors, managers and directors. Mr.

Thompkins noted that Mr. Insko is very dedicated. The Board congratulated Mr. Insko.

  1. Village Engineer
  1. Public Works Committee

a. The purchase of water meter reader and software remains open.

  1. Village Attorney

4. Finance Committee

5. Community Development Committee/Fourth of July Team

6. Administrative Team/Clerk

a. After discussion of the advantages to have the Treasurer be certified through the Illinois Municipal Treasurers Association Program a motion was made by MRS. TARGOSZ, seconded by MR. MYERS to change the job description of theTreasurer to require completion of the IMTA program and achievement of certification within four years of employment. The Village will pay the cost of the classes and to join the Association. The Treasurer will receive a rate per hour increase of $.75 or equivalent salaried, for the successful completion of each of the three phases. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.

7. Police Committee

8. President

a. There were three quotes received to rebuild the website; they were $6,250, $1,500, and $500.00. A motion was made by MR. MYERS, seconded by MR. LEONARD to award Astute Web Group the contract for $500.00 from the General Fund. The cost will include a complete rebuild and up to five pages. Motion carried on a unanimous roll call vote.

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  1. A motion was made by MR. MYERS, seconded by MR. LEONARD to authorize President Eubank, to sign the Proclamation of October

as the National Domestic Awareness Month. Motion carried on a voice vote.

c. President Eubank noted the Nicor Rebate Programs which are available.

d. Mr. Greenwood will present the BASSET Program October 26, 2010 at 6:30 p.m. for the Liquor Commission, liquor license holders and anyone else interested.

e. Upcoming Meetings:

Public Works Committee - October 21, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

Police Committee - October 28, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

Finance Committee - November 15, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

Board Retreat - October 30, 2010 at 9:00 a.m.

At the Village Hall

Community Development - October 18, 2010 at 6:30 p.m.

Fourth of July Team-October 19, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

WIPC -October 20, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

  1. The T6 Broadband lease was referred to the Community

Development Committee and Public Works Committee.

  1. The Village is entering the fourth year of the five year contract with

RAEDC. It was noted that they are working to keep the Village availability information to those interested.

The consolidated Election for Village Officials will be April 5, 2011; petitions are due between December 13th and December 20th, 2010.

A motion was made by MR. SMITH, seconded by MR. MYERS to adjourn at 8:56 p.m. Motion carried on a voice vote.


Sally Jo Huggins, Village Clerk

Minutes Approved November 8, 2010