Kincorth and Leggart Community Council2

Minutes of meeting held on 14 December 2015 at our Lady of Aberdeen Catholic Church, Provost Watt Drive, Aberdeen


Graham Bennett Chairman, Hazel Park Treasurer, Alex Park Vice Chairman, Father George Hutcheon, Catherine Cowie Secretary, William Cowie, Gary Mitchell, Councillor Andy Finlayson , Councillor Steven Flynn and Pete Lawrence Aberdeen City Council


Apologies were received for Iris Bennett, Hannah Park and Police Scotland

Minute of previous meeting

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved by those present.

Police report;

Due to an ongoing incident Police Scotland were unable to have representation at the meeting.

Waste Strategy

Mr Pete Lawrence was welcomed to the meeting by the Chairman. He then gave a presentation and brief history on the waste strategy covered by Aberdeen City Council and what they saw for the future of waste in the coming years. A Q&A session followed when concerns were listened to and answered to the satisfaction of all members.

A new stakeholder group is to be set up with the 2nd meeting due to take place on the 3rd Wednesday in January. Mr Lawrence intimated that 1 or 2 representatives would be welcome to attend this on behalf of KLCC. A copy of the Aberdeen City Waste Strategy was made available to members. Mr Lawrence gave a very clear and concise presentation to members. He was then thanked for his attendance at the meeting.

All Wheeled Skate Park

Discussion took place on the KRAS issue, updates will be made at the next meeting from the Chairman and Councillor Finlayson.

Website/Facebook Page

The Secretary reported that the photographs of the Skatepark opening and Christmas “Switch On” from this year had been on included on both the FB page and on the website. The sign will hopefully go up in the coming weeks.

Christmas Lights

The Chairman thanked all members for their input to the Christmas “switch on” party. This year had been the best so far with a full house of people attending the switch on. Favourable comments had been received on the FB page and there were a number of people speaking about the event in the local area. It was hoped that we could build on this in future years. A card and letter of thanks had been received from the Boys Brigade thanking us for our input with the event and thanks for the invitation to our party. Both Councillors present were thanked for their attendance at the event and for their continued support throughout the year.

South of the River Update

The Secretary reported that a meeting of this group is due to take place on Friday with Callum McCaig MSP and Maureen Watt MSP outlining the issues currently being experienced in our area, and the fear that this is only going to get worse with the planning applications which are currently being proposed. This will be attended by the Vice Chairman and Secretary.


Items of correspondence were received from :

Kincorth Learning Partnership – meeting 16the December Gary Mitchell will attend on behalf of KLCC.

Notice of statutory consultation – Loirston-Cove rezoning proposals for primary education to amend Charleston School, Kirkhill School, Loirston School and Abbotswell School. Information on this was be made available on the Facebook page. Both William and Catherine had attended this information event and were disappointed that apart from them only 3 parents had attended this event. Several concerns were raised by Catherine and William and a comment sheet had been filled in giving the concerns which had been raised at the consultation on behalf of KLCC. The submission was agreed by members present.

A review of our Strategic Police Priorities – comments will be welcomed on Members should fill this out on their own behalf.

Aberdeen Harbour Expansion Plans – documentation can be viewed on

Proposed Football Stadium – Circa 300 seat capacity for Cove Rangers FC at Calder Park, Nigg. A public consultation will be held at the Thistle Aberdeen Altens Hotel on Monday 21st December between 2pm and 8pm to which everyone is welcome to attend.

Planning application for Makro site – alteration to existing building. This application had been granted by the Planning Authority on 19.11.15.

City Centre Masterplan – the updated masterplan was made available to members.

Treasurers Report

The Treasurer reported that currently there is £2221.89 in the account. A cheque is awaited for the expenditure for the “switch on”. It is anticipated that approximately £700 will be required for putting up the lights. It was agreed that any surplus of funds at the end of the financial year should be earmarked for upgrading of the lights in the future. It was noted with grateful thanks that a donation had been received from Callum McCaig MSP for £336 towards the upgrading of our lights. A letter of thanks will be sent to him in due course.


A report of the Civic Forum was made available to members, although the Secretary and Treasurer had been unable to attend the November meeting due to a KLCC meeting on the same night. The Secretary had also attended the meeting of the Community Council Forum on 7th December. Minutes of this were not yet available but would be made available when appropriate.



The report received from Councillor Finlayson showed that currently there are 27 HMOs in our area. It was felt that with our proximity to the nearby University this wasn’t too bad. It was however agreed that this would be kept under review.


Father Hutcheon asked about the teachers currently employed in the Academy. Following a suggestion from Councillor Finlayson he would attempt to get someone from the Education Department to attend a meeting in the New Year. Councillor Finlayson will update as required.

The Abbot Bar

Gary reported that he had spoken to the owners of The Abbot Bar and they had agreed that a bottle could be put on the bar asking for donations towards the upgrading of the lights. He also intimated that we could perhaps do a fundraiser in the middle of the year towards this project.

It was agreed by members that we would publicise their bingo on the Facebook page for residents.

Security Camera at Spar

It was reported by Councillor Finlayson that the camera on the side of the building was no longer in working order. To replace this would be in the area of around £20,000. The Secretary will report this back to Police Scotland.

Speeding on Abbotswell Crescent

Following a request from Councillor Flynn an operation had been held checking on the speeds coming along Abbotswell Crescent. One car had been clocked doing 52mph in a 20mph zone. It was his feeling that we should spend some time thinking about what we want to happen on this road to attempt to slow traffic down. It was agreed that we do not want a one way system. Members will give this some more thought and report back at the next meeting.

Date of next meeting

The next meeting will take place on Monday 10 January 2016 at 6.30pm.

The Chairman then thanked all members for their continued hard work throughout the year and looked forward to another successful year next year, building on the success of this year.

Apologies were given for the next meeting from the Chairman, Iris Bennett and Alex Park.