2010 Straub Professional Excellence Incentive Plan

The Straub Professional Excellence Incentive Plan is part of the overall Straub Physician Compensation philosophy. The purpose of the plan is to reward excellence in leadership activities, community and professional service, and patient satisfaction. The plan helps to promote group culture and to further the mission of Straub Clinic and Hospital and Hawaii Pacific Health.

Participants in the plan include Straub Physicians who are Full Member Physiciansby 12/31/2010. Full Member Physicians are physicians with more than two years of service who have successfully passed Associate reviews.

The Straub Professional Excellence Incentive Plan rewards excellence based on individual physician performance. Physicians must be in compliance with Straub rules and regulations as outlined in the Physician Manual in order to be eligible for the award.

There are three categories of awards for excellence:

  • Annual participation in Straub committees, committee meetings and official leadership positions.
  • Annual participation in teaching, research, publications, and healthcare- related community and professional service.
  • Patient Satisfaction

No payments are made under this plan for the following activities:

  • Attending Conferences*
  • Attending Department or Physician Meetings
  • Compliance/Safety Training
  • Taking Call
  • Practice Development and Marketing Activities
  • Non-Healthcare related Community Service
  • Activities for which the physician is already compensated

*Exception: Participation by invitation to HPH Leadership Conferences

The Scoring criteria for the Professional Excellence Incentive Plan are as follows:

  • Annual participation in Straub committees, committee meetings and official leadership positions (documentation of dates and hours of participation required):
  • 1-25 hours: $25 per hour of participation, minus any administrative stipends.
  • Greater than 25 hours: (0.02%) x (hours of participation) x (pay), up to a maximum of 5% of pay, minus any administrative stipends.
  • Annual participation in teaching, research, publications, and healthcare-related community and professional organizational service (documentation of dates and hours of participation required):
  • Straub CME presentation: 5 points
  • Uncompensated community CME presentation (discretionary based on nature of activity): 1-5 points
  • Professional Publication mentioning Straub, no research involved (discretionary based on nature of publication): 1-5points .
  • Straub research with publication: 10 points
  • Uncompensated Straub research (at least 25 hours of participation) without publication: 5 points
  • Research, teaching, leadership or professional service award or honor: 10 points
  • Medical student and resident teaching: up to 1 point per month of participation (discretionary based on nature and hours of participation)
  • Preceptor for Straub Foundation student: 5 points
  • Uncompensated Healthcare-related service to Professional Organizations or the Community: 1-10 points (discretionary based on nature of activity and hours of participation; )

PAGmay give input on discretionary items. Point scoring example is as follows:

  • 0-5 points: $25 per hour of participation, up to 0.5% of pay
  • Greater than 5 points: (0.1%) x (total points) x (pay), up to a maximum of 2.5% of pay.

The Participation Worksheet should be filled out on an ongoing basis and turned in semiannually, by mid-July 2010 and mid-January 2011. Payout for the two categories above will occur after the annual HPH Compensation Committee meeting in February 2011.

  • Patient Satisfaction: Percent of 5’s (% Very Good) 78% with at least 30 responses on Press Ganey Survey question “Likelihood of recommending Care Provider” equals 2.5% of pay for the 4 month time period. Measured every 4 months and paid out with the Physician Compensation Calculation over each 4 month period for which the physician qualifies.