FinancialsState of Kansas - FMSPage 1 of 9

APExternal AccountsCAP041

Item Overview:

The External Accounts page is used to set up external bank accounts. The External Accounts pages are used to define External account information, ChartField inheritance options, Signatories for accounts, Account contacts, Account information, Collection methods, Document types for draft processing, Payment methods, Intermediary routings, Document sequencing information, ChartFields for draft processing, EFT Options for payment methods, and Account settlement information.

Menu Path:

Banking > Bank Accounts > External Accounts

Page Screenshots:

















Record Information:

Table Name / PS Table Name / Table Purpose
Bank Acct Ledger ChartFields / BANK_ACCT_CHRT / This record identifies the general ledger accounts associated with the bank transactions.
Counterparties to Accounts / BANK_ACCT_CPTY / This table will capture the counterparties to accounts. This will not be configured for the State of Kansas.
Bank Accounts / BANK_ACCT_DEFN / This table is used to define the general characteristics of each bank such as Signatories, Contacts, Account Reconciliation Method, Account Information, Collection Methods, Payment Methods, and Account Settlement Instructions.
Payment Methods for Account / BANK_ACCT_MTHD / This record is used to define the default payment method, other payment options, and EFT file attributes for each account. For each bank, multiple accounts may be entered as well as multiple payment methods for each account.
Acct Recon Attributes / BANK_ACCT_RECON / This table defines codes used in the bank reconciliation such as manual, electronic, or semi-manual.
Bank Code Table / BANK_CD_TBL / This table is used to store general characteristics of each bank such as Bank Type, Bank ID number, Credit Rating, and Bank Status.
Receivables Payment Attributes / BANK_COLCT_MTHD / This record is used to associate different payment methods and collection options (for receipts) with multiple bank accounts established with a particular bank.
Bank Acct collect method Prop / BANK_COLCT_PROP / The State of Kansas will not configure this feature.
Bank Acct pmt method Prop / BANK_MTHD_PROP / This table holds all delivered Payment Methods
Layout codes for payments / BANK_PYMNT_LYT / This table holds the payment layout codes.
Bank ID Qualifier Values / BNK_ID_QUAL_TBL / This table is used to define bank identification qualifiers
Reconciliation Source table / RCN_SOURCE_TBL / This table holds the reconciliation source types and rules.


  • The following pages will be configured for the “Remit To” bank accounts: External Accounts, Account Information, Collection Methods, Chartfield Options, Payment Methods, Bank Branch Information, and Bank Branch Address Information.
  • The system will set defaults for all other fields not used for the bank, but required by PeopleSoft prior to saving the bank account.

Information Source:

  • The AP Team will work with the State Treasurer’s Office to define the External Accounts information.

Data Entry Method:

__X__ On-Line Pages

_____Excel Spreadsheet


Field Approach:

Field Name / Approach
SETID / The Bank Accounts will be configured using the State of Kansas SETID.
ACCT_STATUS / The account status will be set to “A” for all active external accounts.
BANK_ACCOUNT_NUM / The bank account number will be the same as the Bank Account key field.
BANK_ACCT_KEY / The bank account key field will specify the remit to address number for each agency.
BANK_CD / The bank code. Value to be determined during Design phase.
BRANCH_NAME / The Branch will have the same value as the Bank Account Key field.
BUSINESS_UNIT_GL / This will be determined by the GL Team
CURRENCY_CD / This will be determined by the GL Team
CUR_RT_TYPE / This will be determined by the GL Team
DESCR / This field will contain the description of the Remit To address, and will be defined with State Agency input.
RATE_INDEX / This field will define the market index. Delivered values will be used.
RECON_TYPE_FLG / The Recon Method will be decided later in the design phase.
BANK_ACCT_QUAL / This will be configured using the State banking information.
Record Name: BANK_CD_TBL
Field Name / Approach
SETID / The Bank Accounts will be configured using the State of Kansas SETID.
BANK_CD / The bank code. Value to be determined during Design phase.
DESCR / This field will contain the description of the Remit To address, and will be defined with State Agency input.
BANK_TYPE / The Bank Type will be set to “E” (External). PeopleSoft Default.
BANK_STATUS / The account status will be set to “A” for all active external accounts.
Field Name / Approach
SETID / The Bank Accounts will be configured using the State of Kansas SETID.
BANK_CD / The bank code. Value to be determined during Design phase.
BANK_ACCT_KEY / The bank account key field will specify the remit to address number for each agency.
Field Name / Approach
DD_CLEARING_METHOD / The Clearing Method will be set to “None” A/R will not use this feature.
HOL_PROC_OPT / The Holiday Options will be set to “Not Applicable” A/R will not use this feature.
HOL_PROC_OVERFL / The Overflow days will remain “Blank” A/R will not use this feature.

RTM Cross-Reference:

  • None.


  • The External Bank Accounts will be maintained centrally.
  • The State of Kansas will have one main Bank Account for processing Payable and Receivable transactions.
  • Draft Options will not be used by Accounts Receivable.


  • The State of Kansas may decide to recordimprest fund and petty cash fund activity inthe SMART system.

Input Provided By:

Name / Title, Department
Allison Garcia / AR Lead

Change Log:

Date / Author / Change Description
2/10/09 / HaShawn B. Epps / Initial Design

Note: The Template Change Log should be maintained in reverse chronological order. Hence, the most recent changes are on the top of the list.


Peer Review

______Date: _____/_____/_____

Configuration Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

Accenture Configuration Lead

______Date: _____/_____/_____

State of Kansas Configuration Lead

Module Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

______Date: _____/_____/_____

Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

______Date: _____/_____/_____

V:\FMS_Project\Shared\Finance Team\Accounts Payable\Design Phase\Configuration Design Docs\Ready for Module Lead Review\Jo Ann\CAP041_External Accounts.docx 10/11/20184:21:05 PM

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