Employment Application—Mariposa JuiceBar
Programs,servicesandemploymentareequallyavailabletoeveryone.PleaseinformtheHumanResources Departmentifyourequirereasonableaccommodationfortheapplicationorinterview. / Date of Interview (Month/Day/Year)://
Applicant Data / Position Applied for:
How were you referred to us:
Full Name:
Address: / City: / State: / Zip:
Phone: / Mobile/Pager/Other: / E-mail:
DateAvailabletoStart:SocialSecurityNumber:--Salary Requirements:
Haveyoueverworkedforthiscompany?YesNoIf yes,when?
Are you a citizen of the United States? YesNo Ifnot,areyoulegallyallowedtoworkintheUnitedStates?YesNo Typeofemploymentdesired: Full-TimePart-TimeTemporarySeasonal Haveyoueverpleadedguilty,nocontestorbeenconvictedofacrime? YesNo Ifyes,givedatesanddetails:
Answeringyestothesequestionsdoesnotconstituteanautomaticrejectionforemployment.Dateoftheoffense,seriousnessandnatureofthe violation,rehabilitationandpositionappliedforwillbeconsidered.
Dates of Employment:From //To / / / / Position(s)Held:
Company Name: / Address:
City:State: / Zip:
Phone:Supervisor: / Title:
Starting Salary and Title: / Ending Salary and Title:
Reason forLeaving:
May we contact this employer for a reference? Yes No
Dates of Employment:From //
To //
City:State:Zip: Phone:Supervisor:Title:
Starting SalaryandTitle:Ending Salary andTitle:
Reason forLeaving:
May we contact this employer for a reference? Yes No
I certify that my answers are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I authorize you to make such investigations and inquiries of my personal, employment,educational,financialandotherrelatedmattersasmaybenecessaryforanemploymentdecision.Iherebyreleaseemployers,schoolsorindividuals from all liability when responding to inquiries in connection with myapplication.
In the event I am employed, I understand that false or misleading information given in my application or interview(s) may result in discharge.