1stCuddington and Sandiway Scout Group
Executive Committee Meeting
6th January 2014, 7:00pm
Scout Hut
- Welcome& introductions
Martin Sykes (Chair), Pete Goodger (GSL), Stuart Goodfellow (Treasurer). Andrew Womersley, Becky Womersley, Chris Alvin, Trevor Isherwood, David Goodger, Gina Stacey, Simon Davies, Andrew Alvin, Leigh Wakefield, John Kerrigan, Elaine Kerrigan, Val Godfrey, Tim Vincent
- Apologies for absence
Alison Powley, Hazel Foster
- Agree minutes of the last meeting
- Matters arising
- Guest Topic –Village Plan
John Kerrigan presented an appeal for support from the Scout Group in gathering the views of our younger members as to the future development needs of the village such as roads, infrastructure, play facilities etc. The village comprises Cuddington, Sandiway and Delamere Park with approximately 2500 homes and 5000 residents. An electronic survey will be carried out later in the year but in the meantime, the Group will suggest a date for a focus group comprised of adult members and Section Leaders will plan individual meetings with their sections. Dates/details to be sent to Martin who will forward to Tim.
- Group matters
- Census Information
Pete Goodger asked leaders to check OSM and ensure all is correct by 30th January at which time a final export will be taken to form the official census.
- Current and future numbers, waiting list, new joiners
OSM says currently 105 with 37 on waiting list.
- Current subs status
Subs are being paid promptly and are largely up to date
- Accounts
- Current and future financial position
Our financial situation remains strong with £11227 currently in the account. There are a couple of significant expenses (capitation about £1200 and insurance about £1000) due soon but it was felt that due to the growth of the group we are accruing faster than expected. Martin and Stuart will put together a costed list of outstanding projects (porch, ceiling, floor, new tables etc.) and produce a recommended budget for the sections to spend on their regular programme. It was felt we should be able to afford to offer some trips for free where they have previously been charged for, discount camps and offer free neckers to new joiners but these will be confirmed once a budget is available. Other suggestions included Group T-shirts, an externally provided activity day (possibly at PettyPool – Andrew W. will check prices).
- Building, grounds and equipment expenses
- Hut – front door, porch
Door to be painted gloss black but not until some minor adjustments have been made to the fit and an interior handle fitted. Some immediate work is needed to seal a leak on the porch before rain damages the door. We will get an estimate for a new porch – Martin to sketch initial design..
- Garden fence, gate
Martin to contact one of the parents who works for a fencing company.
- Archery equipment
- Air rifles
The group owns 1/3 of the archery equipment, Middlewich owns another 1/3 and District owns the final 1/3rd. District owns all of the Air Rifle equipment but some will be stored in the hut once secure storage and insurance is in place as we have the trained instructors.
- Events and other expenses
- Chamboree 2014 – Leader’s expenses
Total cost to the Group for Leaders will be around £600-700
- Fundraising
- Gift Aid
£958 for 2010 –We are signed up to Charities Online so Martin/Stuart to make sure Alison P. has all of the data she requires to process the claim for 2011,2012 & 2013
- Autumn Jumble Sale
£338.48 – Next one will be first weekend in October (Saturday 4th)
- Spring Plant Sale, Village Gala
£354.01 –Will hold two this year, the main one at the Village Gala on June 14th and another at the Scout Hut about 6 weeks before (around May 3rd but need to check for clashes before finalising)
- Ladies Night
£100 + £100 boost funding from Co-op
Will also this year do the Christmas fair again and a Beetle Drive in February (Pete G. to organise Beetle Drive)
- AGM date will be in June but we will try and organise and advertise something more proactive this year to involve the members and their parents as we need to recruit more adult volunteers to Leadership roles. Some disagreement over the best night for the meeting still to be resolved.
- We will look into the cost of printing a newsletter this term to publicise our activities which will be handed to parents and also strategic sites around the village. Phil S. has agreed to manage if everyone can contribute content promoting what we do as a group and any events coming up in the next year.
- Rob Paddison has offered to step in to cover some parts of the QM role such as fixing equipment. Neil Molyneux will be stepping down from the role once work on the porch is completed. The Group thanks him for his years of support.
- A request was received to consider a discount for second and subsequent siblings but it was felt that this was not necessary as any parent struggling with the cost can contact either Pete G. or Martin S. to discuss hardship arrangements. The Group has a £500 per annum pot set aside for this purpose.
- Close by 9:00
Done, with 10 minutes to spare.