Strategies for PA promotion:
1.Policy- NPAG’s, compulsory sport/PE for govnt schools, laws and regs.
2.Mass media-television, radio, billboards, print, commercials, interactive info. Go for your life, Active Australia, Life Be In It, Take another step. It is designed to inc awareness, provide info, inc interest in PA, motivate individuals to take action, provide role model behaviour, raise awareness of community based programs, info about the consequences of inactivity.
3.Environmental- walking /bike tracks, parks ovals etc, remove barriers and impediments around facilities. Does the program- tailor a program, remove impediments to activity, introduce new resources and facilities or support environmental change with educational programs?
1.Counselling/screening- advice in person, via phone, automated phone delivered service. In this approach a counsellor/screener: assesses stage of motivational readiness, matches processes with SOC, identifies opportunities to be active, contacting (goal setting), encourage client to enlist social support, encourage reminder systems, tailoring. rapid, convenient, cost effective
2.Print and web media-booklets, brochures, handouts ect available from rec centres, health care providers, schools and workplace settings. rapid, convenient, cost effective
3.Theoretical models
Self efficacy (the confidence in your ability to engage in healthy behaviour across a range of challenging situations. You need to be able to assess a persons readiness to change and determine an appropriate cognitive OR behavioural change process depending on the SOC.
Stage of Change-Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination. RELAPSE
Self efficacy can affect an individual’s behaviour in terms of their choice of behaviour, the amount of effort expended on a given task and the amount of time people persist when faced by adversary (obstacles and challenges)
Disadvantages?- because they target the individual there may be an initial outlay of money
Settings based approach to PA
Local community- people from a defined geographical area
Advantages and disadvantages?
Examples- workplace: improved morale, increased productivity, reduced absenteeism, reduced job stress, reduced staff turnover, improved community relations. School- adults that have been educated for longer are more likely to participate in PA.
School setting / Workplace setting / Community settingSocial or interpersonal approaches / · Link programs to community programs
· Active yard-duty where teachers are active role models for students
· Peer-lead programs where students organise and run activities for other students
· Play music in a designated dancing area / · Encourage staff to park further away form building
· Introduce lunchtime walking groups
· Schedule active meetings (eg walk and talk about a concept)
· Introduce one day per week that is casual clothes day to encourage people to be active
· Organise a ride to work day
· Enter a work team into a sporting competition / · Establish walking groups for different age groups
· Mass media campaign to increase awareness of community programs and facilities
Physical environment strategies / · Install bicycle racks and secure lock up facilities.
· Introduce 40km/h school zones
· Introduce wall and line-markings
· Installing basketball rings and court / · Promoting the use of stairs using footprint stickers to people towards stairs
· Providing bike racks to encourage employees to ride to work.
· Providing on site gyms
· Providing showers, change rooms and lockers to encourage people to walk or jog to work / · Increase aesthetics of parks & walking trails
· Increased access to walking trails to specific destinations such as shops, post office, parks, schools, etc
· Introduce facilities specific for different age groups and cultural interests (eg skate parks and lawn bowls or bocce)
· Publish distances to walk specific destinations on signs
Policy strategies / · Mandated minimum time allocation for PE & sport in Government schools
· Allocated play spaces for various year levels within the school ground
· Ensure there is activity equipment monitors allocated during breaks / · Subsidise health club memberships for employees.
· Reduce insurance rates for active and fit employees / · Consider the provision of active transport routes and access to green space in urban planning of new developments
What can the setting do to increase physical activity levels? / · Following government recommendations for time allocated to PE.
· Providing sufficient sports equipment and facilities / public use.
· Promoting school sporting events / · Publicising physical activity opportunities through email, links to be active, noticeboards, websites and newsletters
· Providing informative and motivational posters around the workplace.
· Purchasing corporate memberships of local fitness centres. Some local fitness centres offer attractive corporate packages which allow employees reduced membership rates / · Developing local facilities
· Use of community venues that encourage physical activity
· Free health checks at shopping centres
· Educative sessions for community members on health issues.
· Review of council policies
At risk groups, Government and Private sector initatives.
Low income- government grants, welfare support
Indigenous Aus- indigenous sport program, indigenous mentoring scheme, anti-racism is sport strategy, indigenous sport trust; koorie sport star awards.
Disabled- Willing and able, Coaching athletes with disability scheme, Australian Paralympics Program, Wheelchair sports program
Older- older, smarter, fitter program, masters sport strategy, mature age sport program (play on),
Women/girls- active girls breakfast, the woman and sport program, National policy- a plan for women in sport, women and sport award, towards gender equity in sport program)
Young Australians-Aussie sport, Moneghetti report (mandate PE AND sport 100mins of each)
Ethnic communities- ethnic youth sports development program.
Other government promotion initatives:
Go for your life,
Access for all abilities.
Local government distributing funds to sporting groups or organisations
SOC theory can help government or private sector organisations by:
1. Help to determine and assess the most appropriate intervention strategy to be developed and implement (based on the target group).
2. Levels of physical activity or readiness to participate in PA is assessed using the SOC
3. After the program of strategy is implemented, the SOC theory allows for evaluation by assessing the number of people in each stage of change before and after the intervention and what % has moved into the active stage. This can clearly show the worth of the program.