What is the New Zealand Wound Care Society?
The New Zealand Wound Care Society was established by a group of health care professionals from different backgrounds, who had an interest in wound care.
Membership is open to all health care professionals, companies or employees of companies involved in wound care.
The Aim of the Society
The NZWCS aims to promote and share best practice in wound management in all health care settings in New Zealand through the provision of education, resources, networking and expert advice. The Society provides:
Ø Seminars, meetings & conferences
Ø Society website: www.nzwcs.org.nz
Ø On-line journal access
Ø Access to resources & expert knowledge
For further information, please contact your Local Area Co-ordinator,
Or Jeannette Henderson, NZWCS Administrator,
a) Full Membership
i) Full Membership shall be open to all health professionals in New Zealand with an interest in Wound Care
ii) Professional denotes a formal qualification
FEE: NZ$60.00 annual
Full Membership entitlements:
On-line access to Journals
NZWCS Newsletters ‘Tissue Issue’
‘Members Only’ access to NZWCS website
Reduced registration fees at NZWCS Events
Voting Rights
b) Corporate Membership
Corporate membership shall be available to Groups of not less than five (5) and not more than twenty (20) health professionals who share a common employer
FEE: NZ$240.00 annual
Corporate Membership entitlements:
On-line access to Journals.
NZWCS Newsletter’ Tissue Issue’
‘Members Only’ access to NZWCS website
Reduced registration fees at NZWCS Events
c) Commercial Membership
Commercial membership shall be available to companies or employees of companies where wound care products sales or marketing is a source of income
FEE: NZ$120.00 annual
Commercial Membership entitlements:
On-line access to Journals
NZWCS Newsletters ‘Tissue Issue’
‘Members Only’ access to NZWCS website
c) Student Membership
Student membership shall be available to any person currently enrolled in an undergraduate course study in healthcare with an interest in Wound Care
FEE: NZ$30.00 annual
Student Membership entitlements:
On-line access to Journals
NZWCS Newsletters ‘Tissue Issue’
‘Members Only’ access to NZWCS website
Reduced registration fees at NZWCS Events
Application Form
(Please complete in Block CAPITALS)
First Name
Mailing Address
Contact Phone ( )
Contact Fax ( )
Contact Email
Area of Expertise
How did you hear about the Society?
Please turn over
Updated May 2017
Application Form
Type of Membership (tick box):
Full Membership NZ$60.00
Student Membership NZ$30.00
Corporate Membership NZ$240.00
(Number of members)
(Contact person)
Commercial Membership NZ$120.00
(Contact person) ………………………………
I hereby give my consent for the above register
and database information to be shared with other
New Zealand Wound Care Society members and
my name and address to be shared with the
Australian Wound Management Association in
accordance with our affiliation.
Please make cheques payable to NZ Wound
Care Society, and post with this completed
application/consent form to:
Jeannette Henderson
NZWCS Administrator
74 Fergusson Road, RD9
Phone (06) 328 8647
Internet Banking:
Bank: BNZ Newmarket Branch
Account No.: 02-1220-0009829-000
Please reference your payment with your surname
and initials, and (if known) your NZWCS
Membership Number.
Membership Benefits
As a member of the NZWCS you will receive the following benefits.
· On-line access to Journals
· On-line access to Resources
· Tissue Issue – NZWCS bi-monthly Newsletter.
· ‘Members Only’ access to NZWCS website.
· Reduced registration fees at NZWCS Events.
· Voting Rights – Full memberships only.
From time to time members also receive additional notification emails, some of which may be from commercial sponsors.
The NZWCS membership year runs for 1 year. The NZWCS’ year end is 30th June.
Note: Student memberships require proof of current full time undergraduate student status.
The NZWCS is a Registered Charity
(No. CC44360)
You are invited to join
(Incorporated 1995)
Application Form
Updated May 2017
Updated May 2017