Romeo and Juliet Questions
Act II Questions:
Act II, Scenes 1-2
1. Romeo has been talking about the “power” of love since the beginning of the play. What does he say about love in this scene? What is he willing to do to be with the one he loves?
2. Identify the speaker and explain the significance of the following quote:
“But soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east and Juliet is the sun.”
Act II, Scenes 3-6
3. Why does Friar Lawrence criticize Romeo when he hears about his love for Juliet? Compare and contrast the attitudes toward love held by Romeo and Friar Laurence.
4. What advice does Friar Laurence give to Romeo? How might his words explain the tragedy to come (foreshadowing?)
5. When the nurse returns, how does she infuriate Juliet? Why is Juliet so impatient?
Act III Questions:
1. Conflict refers to physical struggle or the battle between opposing viewpoints. What conflicts come to a climax at the beginning of Act III?
2. In what ways does Benvolio, whose name literally means “good will,” act as a peacemaker?
3. Why does Romeo try to ignore Tybalt’s insults? Why does he finally fight with him?
4. What retribution for Tybalt’s death does Lady Capulet demand from the Prince? Why is the Prince so angry about the fight?
5. What plan do Friar Laurence and the nurse arrange to unite Romeo & Juliet?
6. A pun is a play on words. In this play Mercutio is the character shown to be the master of puns. Find the two meanings of the underlined word in the following pun.
“Ask for me tomorrow, and you shall find me a grave man.”
Grave means either ______or ______.
7. What is the example of foreshadowing at the end of Scene 5?
Act IV Questions:
1. What do you think of Juliet at this point in the play? How has she changed?
2. Suppose Romeo and Juliet had not acted so hastily getting married. What effect, if any, would that have had on the play?
3. Many people have criticized this part of the play (the end of Act IV) as contrived and ridiculous. What do you think?
4. Identify the speaker and explain the significance of the following quote:
“Farewell--God knows when we shall meet again.(IV.iii, 14)”
Act V Questions:
1. What news does Balthasar bring Romeo in Scene i?
2. Why is Paris at Juliet’s tomb?
3. Romeo gives Balthasar two reasons for entering the Capulet’s tomb. What are those two reasons?
4. Why does Juliet kiss Romeo after he is dead?
5. How do Montague and Capulet plan to honor the memories of their children?
For this assignment, I expect the following:
Ø Complete the set of questions before the class designated and be prepared to have them initialed by me at the start of that class.
Ø Leave some space between each question so that you can add to your response or correct your response.
Ø Take notes during the class discussion. Using a different colour ink will allow me to easily see your additions.
Ø If you miss a class, I’ll expect to see the questions up to date as per the calendar.
Ø Marks in the rubric will be pro rated to the number of sets turned in. That is, if three sets of the four are done (75% complete), the maximum mark possible for each sector of the rubric would be 75%.
Ø This is a self-correcting assignment; at the end, you should have a rich set of notes about the short stories from which to study for a test.
Total40 / Below or barely meets expectations
F / C- / C / Meets Expectations
C+ / B / Exceeds Expectations
Completeness and Depth
20 / Set is incomplete or completed in a minimal way. Certain questions may be blank.
Errors of grammar, diction, etc. are common.
Appears done in haste. / Set is complete and of sufficient depth.
Errors are minimal. Appropriate level of language.
Appears to be done in a clean, readable copy. / Set is complete and shows a great deal of depth or response.
Basically error-free. Elevated level of language, style, and grammar.
Appears to be organized and highly legible.
6 / More than two sets are not initialed.
Uses same coloured pen. / One or two sets are not initialed.
Usually uses an alternate coloured pen for revisions. / All sets are initialed.
Consistently uses an alternate colour to show revisions.
Additions and Corrections
14 / Additions to notes are scattered and often absent.
Level of note taking appears minimal.
Leaves incorrect responses stand. / Additions are common and consistent.
A good level of note taking is apparent.
Corrects responses with some consistency. / Additions are rich and fully included.
A strong level of note taking is in evidence.
Corrects responses in a thorough and concerted way.
Total ______pro rated at ______% = /40