North Fork Crow River Watershed District
Approved Minutes – December 12th, 2016
North Fork Crow River Watershed District
Approved Regular Meeting Minutes
December 12th, 2016
Managers Present: Berndt, Brauchler, Wuertz, Barchenger, Hanson
Managers Absent: None
Staff Present: Cristopher Skonard, Christine Knutson, Christopher Lundeen,
Others Present: Kurt Deter (Rinke-Noonan), Henry Herickhoff, Darrin Herickhoff, Andrew Herickhoff, Virgil Fuchs, Jane Fuchs, Boyd Fischer, Jim Weller, Earl Kasper , David Johnson, Joe Lewis (HEI), Geoff Kramer (RESPEC), Harald Marthaler, Larry Ladwig, others
Call to Order:
Chairperson Wuertz called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.
Review and Approve Agenda
Motion to approve the revised agenda as amended made by Manager Barchenger, seconded by Manager Brauchler. Motion carried.
Consent Agenda Items
Chairperson Wuertz called for a motion to approve the consent agenda.
- Treasurer’s Report and Bills to December 12th , 2016
- Check Register - 106 Bonanza Checking Acct
- P & L Detail – All Accounts
- Balance Sheet – All Accounts
- November 14th , 2016 – Regular Meeting Minutes
- November 3rd , 2016 – Special Meeting
- November 12th , 2016 – Special Meeting
- November 28th , 2016 – Special Meeting
Motion to approve remaining consent agenda items, made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried.
Open Discussion from the Public
Manager Wuertz asked for comment from the public.
Kevin Bruntlett questioned if crop damages had been paid on CD 43. Manager Wuertz stated crop damages had been paid. Bruntlett also asked if any decisions had been made regarding the outlet on West Lake. The District is waiting to hear from the DNR.
Boyd Fischer asked if the correct tile had been televised near the Earl Kasper property on CD 32. Geoff Kramer (Respec) stated the 15” tile had been televised and was in poor condition with the exception of the realigned HDPE tile around the Kasper manure basin. Discussion on need to replace newer section of pipe. Concerns raised regarding weather conditions, standing water, tile installation procedures and completion of the project as scheduled.
Regular Agenda
Staff Reports
Administrator’s Report
Skonard discussed the MAWD conference held December 1-3, 2016.
Skonard discussed Resolution 2016-24. Motion to approve Resolution 2016-24, authorizing the continuation of the District Flex Plan, made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Barchenger. Motion carried.
Skonard discussed Resolution 2016-25. Motion to approve Resolution 2016-25, setting Skonard’s billable rate, made by Manager Hanson, seconded by Barchenger. Motion carried.
Shared letter from Raymond Township Board stating that 330th Street shall be placed to pre-construction condition.
Make sure CAC member list is updated and correct.
Motion to hire an intern for the 2017 summer, made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Berndt. Motion carried.
Forwarded a cost estimate for driveway improvements from First Choice Landscape and Construction. To be discussed at a later date.
Technician’s Report:
Prairie Storm Project.
Lundeen discussed status of the project. Project started December 1, 2016 and should be finished by the end of the year. Concerns project will not be completed and jeopardize grant funds.
1W1P: Update on Process
Lundeen gave update to Board about the planning process. Next meeting scheduled for December 21, 2016.
Alt Drainage Grant
Lundeen updated the board stating all inlets have been installed but waiting on one invoice and two landowner signatures to close out the grant.
Activity Report:
Lundeen reported on activities.
Funds Manager / Administrative Assistant Report:
Financials located in board packet.
Additional Business
Program Reports
Permit Report: none
Drainage Report:
CD 32 Repair: Status Update:
Lundeen updated on the progress of tile installation. Pump invoice from States Border Construction discussed. Chairman Wuertz stated his belief that the verbal contract was for one month at $1,500 and 1,500 feet of 6” tile at $1.00/ft. Landowners state pipe is still in ditch. Motion to direct the Administrator to further investigate the SBC invoice for the pump and tile by Barchenger, seconded by Brauchler. Berndt abstained as a benefitting land owner. Motion carried.
Discussion of contractor performance moved to continuance hearing.
Jim Weller stated standing water in the new pipe. Boyd Fischer discussed tile connection as stated in Easement Agreement. Board consensus is there is nothing to connect on the Fischer property.
Engineer answered questions from landowners.
Continuation of CD 32 Acceptance Hearing (November 1st, 2016)
Chairman Wuertz opened the hearing at 2:00 pm but noted the attorney was not present. Motion to continue hearing when Attorney Deter arrives made by Berndt, seconded by Hanson. Motion carried.
JD 1 BR 12 Repair Status Update:
Joe Lewis, HEI, gave a status update. Work completed on Spur 1 of Fork 4. Work still required on the lower portion of Fork 4.
JD 1 BR 12 FK3: Update
Joe Lewis, HEI, gave status update. Checked grade which generally matched with plan.
JD 1 Main and Branches: Status Update
Joe Lewis, HEI, presented change in scope of services. Additional services required due to extent of identified wetlands.
Dave Johnson discussed wetland issues on the upper portion of JD1.
Motion to approve change in scope of services with HEI in the amount of an additional $13,900 to conduct a wetland impact assessment made by Manager Hanson, seconded by Manager Brauchler. Manager Barchenger and Manager Berndt abstained due to a conflict of interest as a benefitting landowners. Motion carried.
JD 1 BR 12 “Mr. Dirt” Claim
Motion to sign release on bond claim (Bond No. 71787440) for “Mr. Dirt” in the amount of $10,183.76 made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Hanson. Manager Barchenger and Manager Berndt abstained due to a conflict of interest as a benefitting landowners. Motion carried.
CD7 Redetermination of Benefits:
Motion to have H2Overviewers send out individual owner’s report made by Manager Berndt, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried
Motion to hold individual land owner meetings with H2Overviewers during the week of January 17-20, 2017 at the District office made by Manager Barchenger, seconded by Manager Hanson. Motion carried.
Motion to set the Redetermination of Benefits Hearing on February 6, 2017 at 1:00 pm in the District office made by Manager Berndt, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried.
Virgil Fuchs discussed separating CD7-Lateral A from CD7 and maintaining his portion of the ditch.
Continuation of CD 32 Acceptance Hearing (November 1st, 2016)
Attorney Deter arrived at 2:47 pm. Clarified purpose of continuance hearing. Discussed pay request of contractor. Landowners not satisfied with work performed to date wish for contractor not to be paid until satisfactory work.
Jim Weller discussed culvert removal and disposal.
Motion to televise new pipe installation prior to December 28, 2016 made by Manager Hanson, seconded by Brauchler. Motion carried. Manager Berndt abstained due to a conflict of interest as a benefitting landowner.
Motion for the Engineer to investigate hook up, top soil grading and other issues on the Boyd Fischer property and report back by December 28, 2016 made by Manager Barchenger, seconded by Brauchler. Motion carried. Manager Berndt abstained due to a conflict of interest as a benefitting landowner.
Motion to continue hearing on December 28, 2016 at 1:30 pm made by Manger Barchenger, seconded by Manager Brauchler. Motion carried. Manager Berndt abstained due to a conflict of interest as a benefitting landowner.
CD 5 – Status Update:
Reviewed As-Built drawings.
CD 21– Status Update:
Lewis, HEI, summarized repair plan which includes additional 400’ to achieve positive grade.
Motion to accept CD 21 Repair Report Bid package by HEI dated December 9, 2016 made by Manger Berndt, seconded by Manager Brauchler. Motion carried.
Motion to obtain a repair report and costs on the request submitted by Cain, Meyer and Leisure made by Manager Berndt, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried.
CD 37– Repair Request:
Virgil Fuchs addressed the Board regarding his request for maintenance.
Board advised to see if As-Built drawings exist. Check with Corps of Engineers.
Other Ditch Business:
Board requested that the Administrator check with the Sauk River WD requesting a boundary change in the Munson and Zion Townships. SRWD is redetermining benefits in this area.
Landowner addressed potential liability issues with tile in ditch on CD32.
Beavers trapped on JD1 Br 12. Use excavator to remove dams.
Board Member Meeting Reports:
Manager Brauchler discussed buffer meeting at MAWD. Many unanswered questions regarding rule enforcement. Noted enforcement is $500/parcel/day
Items for Next Meeting Agenda:
Buffer Enforcement
Calendar Review:
No comment.
Motion by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Barchenger to close regular meeting to discuss employee reviews. Motion carried.
Regular meeting resumed.
Motion by Manager Hanson, seconded by Manager Berndt to move Christine Knutson up 1step in pay grade. Motion carried.
Motion by Manager Berndt, seconded by Manager Barchenger to move Christopher Lundeen up 1step in pay grade. Motion carried.
Motion to continue meeting to December 28, 2016 at 1:30 made by Manger Berndt, seconded by Manager Brauchler. Motion carried
John Hanson –SecretaryNorth Fork Crow River Watershed District
Approved Continued Regular Meeting Minutes from December 12, 2016
December 28th, 2016
Managers Present: Berndt, Brauchler, Wuertz, Barchenger
Managers Absent: Hanson
Staff Present: Cristopher Skonard Christine Knutson, Christopher Lundeen,
Others Present: Kurt Deter (Rinke-Noonan), Jim Weller, Boyd Fischer, Julie Blackburn, Geoff Kramer
Chairman Wuertz called the continued meeting to order at 1:30 pm.
Prairie Storm WPA:
Legal counsel advised that Managers Berndt and Barchenger had no conflict with motions regarding Prairie Storm Project and allowed to vote.
Motion to approve Change Order #1 of the Prairie Storm Project to extend the completion date to June 30, 2017 made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried.
Manager Berndt questioned the site conditions. Contractor is responsible for final conditions after construction.
Motion to approve Partial Pay Request to Sunram Construction, Inc. in the amount of $80,922.35 made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried
Ladwig Extension:
Motion to approve extension of construction activities until December 31, 2017 for Larry Ladwig made by Manager Berndt, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried
Lyon Change Order:
Motion to increase cost share by $802.48 to Roger Lyon for rock inlet installation made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Berndt. Motion carried.
Current Bills;
Reviewed current year end bills. Manager Barchenger noted bill to MBC Drainage for clearing debris should not be charged to CD 21 but Administration. The bill will be paid while the Administrator is to send a letter to Crow River Township requesting the bill be split in half.
Motion to approve the bills as printed with the exception noted above made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Berndt. Motion carried.
Motion to approve Alt Drainage Grant Application 2016-03 in the amount of $11,246.36 made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried. Manager Berndt abstained as a benefitting landowner.
Continuation of CD 32 Acceptance Hearing (November 1st, 2016)
Attorney Deter recommended closing the acceptance hearing until the buffer and tile portion of the project has been renoticed.
Motion to close the CD acceptance hearing until the buffer and tile components of the project have been re-noticed made by Manager Barchenger, seconded by Manager Brauchler. Motion carried. Manager Berndt abstained as a benefitting landowner.
CD 32:
Geoff Kramer reported to the Board on findings as directed on December 12, 2016. Mr. Kramer reviewed the submitted report.
Boyd Fischer requested his manholes be buried. Inlets to the tile are not recommended according to the engineer’s report.
Manager Berndt questioned the $1,500 charge for dewatering even if it is not used. Engineer indicated it is a standard item and can be considered “insurance” if needed. Berndt also suggested final grading of the ditch on the Fischer property should facilitate surface water flow to the west towards the open ditch.
The administrator was to contact States Border Construction to inquire about actual bills for the pump.
Motion to pay HydroClean for televising services in the amount of $1,080 and to have the correct Bill To on the invoice made by Manager Barchenger, seconded by Brauchler. Motion carried. Manager Berndt abstained as a benefitting landowner.
Motion to approve Partial Pay Request #2 to Border States Construction in the amount of $27,796.27 made by Manager Brauchler, seconded by Manager Barchenger. Motion carried. Manager Berndt abstained as a benefitting landowner
Other Business:
Discussion of office hours. Consensus of the Board was to approve Friday afternoon office hours by appointment only as long as District business was not impeded and employee’s had reached their 40 hour work week.
Manager Berndt moved to adjourn. Seconded by Manager Brauchler. Motion carried.
James Wuertz, ChairmanNext Regular Meeting is January 9th, 2016 at 1:00pm at the District Office.
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