The transportation sector is now the country’s largest source of the carbon pollution that causes climate change. In 2012, after a lengthy public comment process and negotiations with automakers, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized standards to double the average fuel efficiency of new vehicles to 54.5 miles-per-gallon by 2025.

Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO), Representative Fred Upton (R-MI), and several other members of Congress have introduced legislation (S. 1273 and H.R. 4011) that will harm the national fuel efficiency program. These bills could take $34 billion out of American families’ wallets and place it directly into the pocket of oil companies

  • As a person of faith who cares of public health and climate pollution, I want cleaner, more efficient cars. I do not support any efforts to weaken the clean car standards.
  • America’s clean car standards help ensure that cars, pickup trucks, and SUVs continue to get more fuel-efficient, saving drivers money every trip to the gas station. Cleaner, more efficient vehicles also reduce air pollution and combat climate change –helping to prevent harmful health impacts.
  • Our dependence on oil to fuel our vehicles leads to air pollution that causes thousands of deaths a year, oil drilling that devastates our coastal communities and marine life, and global warming that is undermining our planet’s very life support systems.
  • The clean car standard is the most effective policy we have on the books to significantly reduce carbon pollution. In addition, fuel efficiency standards reduce pollution that affects all Americans’ health, especially the most vulnerable among us.
  • Our clean car standards are achievable and working. Car companies should pay their engineers to make more efficient vehicles, rather than hiring industry lobbyists to weaken fuel efficiency standards.
  • American innovation has ensured that today’s new cars and trucks are some of the safest ever built, and thanks to the clean car standards they also cost less to operate and pump less pollution into our air.
  • As someone who cares about stewardship of Creation, I oppose any attempts by Congress, such as S. 1273 and H.R. 4011, to weaken the current vehicle fuel efficiency standards. These common-sense standards are protecting our health and climate from dangerous pollution, and saving billions of gallons of fuel all while spurring innovation.