Why are gender equality issues important
in the mining sector?
The benefits and risks of extractive industries are often measured broadly at the community level, but fail to distinguish the impact on men andwomen. Evidence suggests that a gender bias exists in the distribution of risks and benefits in mining projects. The risks fall moreheavily on women, while men tend to accrue more of the benefits. The development effectiveness and sustainability of mining projects could increase significantly by taking into account how gender biasissues affect the mining sector and how mining activities can benefit men and women more equally. There are several common gender bias issues in mining projects:
- Poor distribution of mining benefits: Benefits from mining projects are mostly captured by men in the form of employment, income and compensation.
- Social and family disruption: Risks from mining projects, such as domestic violence, alcoholism, HIV/AIDS, increased prostitution, loss of agricultural land and environmental damageincluding water losses and pollution fall most heavily on women.
- Limited voice in decision-making:Women tend to have limited voice in decision-making at the household and community levels, and limited control over productive resources.
What can be done?
Through engagement with women-stakeholders in mining communities, actions to address gender bias issues in the mining sector have been identified. They include:
- Economicempowerment of women:Affirmative action initiatives to improve access to both direct and indirect employment opportunities. Microfinance training programs, micro-credit schemes and business development programs. Improved benefits distribution mechanisms.
- Social empowerment of women:Equal representation of men and women among community leadersand committees that negotiate on all stages of mine life and address community concerns. Appointment of a gender officer in mining companies to address the concerns of women in the community and in the mine labor force.
- Health and education:Improved health care services and information campaigns to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS and other high risk diseases. Adult literacy programs, vocational and skills training programand equal access to education for boys and girls.
- Safety and security:Community initiatives to promote women’s safety, reduce violence against womenandprovide counseling and assistance for victims of abuse.