Created by Kerry Moody
Week Beginning: 16.4.2012 / PLC: We are one and we are many! What would it be like to live in Africa? / Week: PLC1Key Question: What does Jambo mean?
Time / Monday - INSET / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday8:50 / Carpet session 1: Register and news from the weekend Introduce children to key question of the week. / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register and Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet session 1: Register then Whole School Celebration Assembly
9:15 / Physical Development : KM
AM: ICT / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/G Reading
HLTA: Outside Activities EY Playground / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT:Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers/G.Reading / Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Ind Readers/G. Reading
HLTA: Outside Activities EY Playground
Adult Led Activity
Obj: Readers / observations
CT: Outside Activities EY
HLTA: Ind Readers/ G Reading
Children: MA Raindrop / Children: MA Rainbow / Children: LA Snowflake / Children: HA Sunshine
Setting up continuous Provision/ Outdoor Activities then
Ind Readers / Carpet session 2: PSRNCT/HLTA
Obj: Begin to count beyond 10. Count aloud in 10’s.
Warm Up:Sing counting in 10’s song.Use ITP numbergrid - Cover all multiples of 10. Use grid to support counting to 100 with chn using their fingers to match the units. Emphasise nos. ending in 0 and 5.
Main Teaching Session:
Show chn a 100 bead bar/ bead string. Count 1st group of beads (from left as chn see them) and hang the number 10 tag after the 10th bead. How many beads do you think are in the next colour? Count beads from the beginning, and hang a tag 20 after the 20th bead. Continue counting & hanging tags to show 30th, 40th… 100th beads. Show how to count in 10s, moving 10 beads as you do so. 10, 20, 30…100! Rpt lots, asking chn to join in/ demonstrate moving the beads as the class count in 10’s. / Carpet session 2: PSRNCT/HLTA
Obj: Begin to count beyond 10. Count aloud in 10’s.
Warm Up:Pass a bear round the chn as you count in ones from 1, round & round the class all the way to 100!
Main Teaching Session:Ask 10 chn each to make a tower of 10 cubes, and hold them at the front of the class. Count along the line of chn in 10s, Ask diff chn to come and find each of the 10s numbers using 2-100 paint grid. Chn count in 10s using the grid for support, ‘flashing’ 10 fingers each time they say a number.
Rpt, can chn count in 10s with their eyes shut? Can chn count in 10’s backwards without visual support? Can chn carry on counting from a given multiple of 10 forwards/ backwards? / Carpet session 2: PSRNCT/HLTA
Obj: Begin to count beyond 10.
Count aloud in 5’s/10’s. Countrepeated groups of the same size.
Warm Up:Chn to use 20 bead strings with a LP to support counting to 20 then back to zero. Use ITP numbergrid to support counting back from 30.
Main Teaching Session:Show chn a basket/bag of at least 15 objects. How many objects do you think might be in this bag? 3? More than 3? More than 10? Recap on lang of estimation, Tip out the objects and ask chn how we can make it easier to count them, e.g. put them in a line. Count the objects together, emphasising the 5s by modelling grouping. Rpt this time with a bag of objects (between 50 and 100). How could we put these objects into groups to make counting easier/quicker?Model grouping them into piles of 10, and then count in 10s to find how many pieces there are. / Carpet session 2: PSRN CT/HLTA
Obj: Begin to count beyond 10.
Count aloud in 5’s/10’s. Count repeated groups of the same size.
Warm Up:Choose random numbers on the ITP 100 grid and ask chn to start counting forwards. EXT: count on in tens from any given number.
Main Teaching Session:Place 10, 20, and 100 objects, e.g. Lego® bricks, counters, pieces of pasta on 5 covered plates. Chn to work with a LP using number fans,model how to use number fans to make 10, 20, 100.
Uncover the first plate for a few seconds and ask chn to estimate whether there are 10, 20 or 100 items. Chn agree an answer in pairs and hold up the corresponding number using their fans. Rpt with each plate.
Ask chn to suggest strategies we could use to count the number ofobjects carefully and quickly. Model each suggestion/ ask chn to demonstrate.
10:00 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
AM: ICT / Adult Led Activity Tues:CT/HLTA/ Wed: CT/HLTA
Obj: Count aloud in 10’s. Count repeated groups of the same size.
Explain to the chn that they are going to work together to grp objects to help them count objects quickly. Model making a tower of 10 cubes. Ask chn to work with a LP to make their own tower of 10 until there are 10 sticks. Model using towers to count in 10’s.Show chn a pack of 10, 20, 30… 100 cards, Model choosing a card & counting in 10’s to match the correct no of cubes to the cards. Rpt, LP counting the cubes to match diff given no’s. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Count repeated groups of the same size.
Show chnbundles of straws (5, 10, 20). Ask them to estimate whether there are 5,10,20 in their bundle. How can they tell?How could we count them to check. Is there an easier way?.Model how to put them in grps of 2, 5, help. Swap bundles and rpt. Chn collect other small objects, e.g. counters, pieces of dried pasta and put 5, 10, 20 into a clear bags. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Count aloud in 5’s/10’s. Count repeated groups of the same size.Show chnbundles of straws (10, 20, 50, 100). Ask them to estimate whether there are 10, 20,50, 100 in their bundle. How can they tell?Ask chn to work with a LP to talk about how they could count them to check.Model how to put them in grps of 5/10 to help. Swap bundles and rpt. Chn collect other small objects, e.g. counters, pieces of dried pasta and put 10, 20 , 50 or 100 into a clear bags.
Children: / Children: MA Crocodiles / Children: MA Penguins / Children: LA Pandas / Children:HA Giraffes
10:20 / PLAYTIME
CT – Ph3
DW – Ph2 / Carpet session 2: L&S / Carpet session 3: L&S
Recall all previously learned GPCs j v w x y z zz qu sh th ch ng ai ee long oo short oo oa ar
Read through high frequency words learned so far p92.and, no, go, the, to,off, can, had, back,we, me, he, be, she, are, see, was, will, with
Find any grapheme for a given phoneme – alphabet mat. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Practice reading my, for, too p91.
Teach ‘or’ using phonics scheme
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: for, fork, cord, cork.
Blending for reading:
Countdown p86 lord, born, torn, sort.
Reading captions activity Drawing p95: The farm has a big tree. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Practice reading my, for, too p91.
Teach ‘igh’ using phonics scheme
Segmenting for spelling: Phoneme frame p88: high, sigh, light, night.
Blending for reading: Sound buttons p58: tight, might, right, sight.
Demonstration writing p97 write the sentence: The night is not light. / Carpet session 3: L&S
Write each letter correctly when following a model.
Segmentation for spelling: Quickwrite words p89: cart, fork, high, goat.
Blending for reading:
Sorting p88 between things in the kitchen and bedroom, fork, spoon, sink, bed, lamp.
Be able to blend and segment in order to read and spell (using magnetic letters) VC word ox, CVC words cart, lord, and silly words boak, parp.
11:00 / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
AM: ICT / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Shows an understanding of the elements of story, e.g. characters & sequence of events.
WALT: Talk about a story from another culture and sequence the events.Read the African story “We all went on Safari” to the children and ask them to indentify the repeated sentence, We all went on Safari. Invite them to join in with familiar parts of the story. Explain that this story is easy to remember because of the repetition and the counting pattern. Ask the children to discuss what happens at the beginning and end of the story. What animals did the people see along their journey? Model writing a list on the t.board for the children to remember the sequence of events in the story.
Say the numbers 1 to ten to the children. Can the children say what the characters saw at each of these numbers in the story? / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Retells narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of the story.
Continue a rhyming string.
WALT: Look at rhyming patterns in a story from another culture.Remind the children of the story “We all went on Safari”. Ask the children what they like and dislike about the story. Explain that this story is easy to remember because of the regular rhymes on each double page. Ask the children to choose one of the pages to hear again and ask them to identify the rhyming words. Highlight these on the IWB . Encourage children to recognise that phonemes can have alternative representations for example in the words floor and four and also two and dew.
Model writing a list as each rhyming word is mentioned. Which of these words have got the same phonemes in? Which have got different phonemes in? / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Listens with enjoyment to stories, sustain attentive listening & respond with relevant comments, questions./ actions. Continue a rhyming string.
WALT: Talk about similarities/ differences between two stories from another culture.
Show the children the “Hidden Hippo” book. Read the story to the children and discuss any patterns that the children notice. How is similar or different to the story “We all went on Safari”? Are the animals the same or different? How are these animals different to ones that we have in the wild in this country?
Talk about the rhyming pattern in the story. Can they note any of rhyming pairs? Make rhyming couplets of words on the board. / Carpet Session 3: CLL CT/HLTA
Obj: Shows an understanding of the elements of story, e.g. characters & sequence of events. Retells narratives in the correct sequence, drawing on language patterns of the story.
WALT: Recall part of a story from another culture. Read the story “Bringing the rain to Kapiti Plain” and ask them to listen for repetitive phrases or sentences in the story such as That shadowed the ground on Kapiti Plain. Discuss how the story follows this pattern with the story developing more and more on each page. Blow up pages 7 and 8 that starts “This is the grass….”. Read the words through together.
Ask the children to help you make a list of main characters (animals), events and key phrases. Explore the characters’ names, the types of animals and events and compare them with the experiences of the children.
11:20 / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
AM: ICT / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Shows an understanding of the elements of story, e.g. characters & sequence of events.
Beginning, middle and end. Order 3 sets of animals that they saw, one from the beginning, one from the middle and one from the end of the story. Children to have a 3 part story strip to set their work out. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Shows an understanding of the elements of story, e.g. characters & sequence of events.
Beginning, middle and end. Order 3 sets of animals that they saw, one from the beginning, one from the middle and one from the end of the story. Children to have a 3 part story stripto set their work out. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
Obj: Shows an understanding of the elements of story, e.g. characters & sequence of events.
Children to order the images from the story. Children to draw the images onto the story stripand name them using the help sheet. / Adult Led Activity CT/HLTA
CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
HLTA: Spellings and
Handwriting Focus
Children: LA Snowflake / Children: MA Rainbow / Children: MA Raindrop / Children: HA Sunshine / Children:CT Observations/ Identified Focus Groups from AFL
11:50-12:00 / Handwashing & Lunchtime
1:00 / Carpet Session 4: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10 / Carpet Session 5: Register and
Wake & Shake – Take 10
1:15 / Carpet Session 5:
TA: AL IEP TARGETS / Carpet Session 6:
Obj: PS2, 3, 6, K1, 9
Explore the ‘Interactive My First World Map’ together, asking the children to point out countries that they have visited, or would like to visit. Encourage them to talk about their memories, or what they might do on an imaginary visit. Invite the children to look at the poster in LP’s and talk and about what they see/ Model writing a list of suggestions e.g: buildings, animals or environmental features.
Show the children where they live on the poster and ask them to choose another country on the map. Join the two countries with string and talk about how they would travel between them. Repeat this process for other countries the chn have visitied/ heard of. Then explain that we are going to find out about Africa, ask chn to locate Africa on the map and discuss what types of transport we would need to use to travel to Africa. How will we get to Africa?What is the weather like?
What will we need to take with us?
TA: AL IEP TARGETS / Carpet Session 6:
Obj: K11
Read Jambo Means Hello by Muriel Feelings. Say the words, discuss what they mean. Look at the pictures as you go through the book. Discuss what they tell us about daily life in these parts of Africa. Look at pictures of what people are doing in Jambo Means Hello. Have 3 words written on cards – Hodi, Jambo and Karibu. Explain that, in these parts of Africa, when someone comes to your home, they call out ‘Hodi!’ & you reply ‘Karibu’ When you meet someone you know in the street, you say ‘Jambo’ & shake hands or hug them if you know them very well.
Use story ‘Around the World in an Afternoon’ to introduce chn to flags of the world. Work collaboratively to create a large scale collage flag of Africa Language - Simple greetings and counting to 10 in Swahili.
TA: AL IEP TARGETS / Physical Development – Dance
See Separate planning
- EYFS: Ball Skills and/ Multi Skills
then Readersicipate in a SEAl honeme - alphabet ant commentscters & sequence of events.t the no of bricks used? making a tower AL IEP TARGETS then Ind Readers / Carpet Session 6:
See MTP Summer 5 RE/ SEAL Plans: SEAL topic for this half term is ‘Good to be me’
Resources:Small teddy
Guess How Much I Love You
CTAIA:Remind the children circle time skills
Eyes to see, Ears to hear, Mouth to speak, Head to think, Hands in lap to concentrate
Circle Game – Pass the smile
What does “proud” mean? What have you done to make you feel proud? Show me a proud face.
Introduce Teddy and explain that he is feeling excited. Start the round by saying “I think Teddy is excited because...... ” What do children think?
Read Guess How Much I Love You
Pass a smile around the circle
1:45 / Adult Led Activity
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity
Obj: K11
CTAIA:Look again at map of Africa with savannah shaded. Point out that this is a MASSIVE area. It covers many countries & diff types of place – cities, towns, countryside with villages. We All Went on Safari shows us how to count in the language used across the African Savannah – Swahili. Although many people living in/around the savannah speak different languages in their own countries, they mostly all speak Swahili as well so that they can all talk together even when they come from different countries.
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / Adult Led Activity: Library Session
Obj: Support / develop children’s individual reading.
CT: Observing/ Ind Readers
TA: Outside Activities EY Playground
2:05 / Whole School Assembly
2:30 / Adult Led Activity
TA: Outside Activities/ Observing/ Ind Readers / ICT Skills:
See Separate planning:
Finding Things Out – Data Handling and Internet / Adult Led Activity
CT: Observing/ Ind Readers / Carpet Session 6: French
See separate planning / Golden Time
Indoor Games – Bench Ball
3:00 – 3:20 / Story and Hometime / Story and Hometime:
A is for Africa / Story and Hometime: / Story and Hometime / Story and Hometime
Continuous/ Enhanced Provision – Classroom/ Central Learning Environment
Malleable Act: / Make playdough and use it to form letters we have learned. Give the phoneme/grapheme when shown any Phase 2 letter, and the Phase 3 letters learned so far using Phase 3 phoneme playdough mats.