Bradenton Runners Club
Board Meeting Agenda
July 22nd, 2015
Convened @ 7:05pm
Voting Officers:
Janet Gallagher
Gene Fergione
Becky Cosgrove
Ted Watson
Joe Tanner
Lindsay Tanner
Corey Peyerk
Kristin Coyner
1) Minutes
a) April & June Minutes acceptance
b) Going forward meetings will be held @ 6:30pm. Motion made by Ted Watson, Second by Gene. All in favor.
2) Treasurer’s Report -
a) Delayed until August
b) Fit2Run De Soto check. We need to confirm if we invoiced Fit2Run for the Desoto. Janet Gallagher to follow up.
c) Have the scholarship checks been released to the institutions for the students who were awarded funds?
d) Motion made to reimburse $200 for camp costs paid to Charles Britt made by Lindsay Tanner. Second by Joe Tanner. All in favor.
3) Committee Reports
a) Membership Committee
i) Facebook Likes = 1000!!!
b) Scholarship Committee
i) Table @ Canes Classic
(1) Joe and Lindsay to man the table.
(2) Ask Rae Ann if there is a coach’s packet and we can put the scholarship info on the MRR5. – Lindsay
(3) Becky Cosgrove will create flyer to go into bags and email to Lindsay
c) Events Committee
i) Reconstitute for Desoto 5k – start planning and forming committees to plan and execute race.
(1) Need to start organizing race committies (food, shirts, hospitality, volunteers etc)
(2) Need to lessen the pressure on the race director role by providing organized committees that support the role.
(3) Ultimately the race director should be responsible for delegating and pushing responsibilities onto committees instead of doing everything.
ii) If the Desoto Parade foundation can help us get 400 people, we can pay the $500 fee to be part of the event. Janet and Joe to meet with foundation.
iii) Corey Peyerk interested in reworking the race to Implement kids race; out and back; start mats, full 5k course. More to come.
d) Social Committee
i) Activities update
(1) Fall Pasta Party – Robin and Betty have agreed to host the pasta party via potluck method.
(2) Motion to hold party on 11/7 @ 6pm, Italian dishes made by Joe Tanner, Second by Ted Watson. All in favor.
(3) Motion to spend up to $150 for the main course at Danny’s Pizzeria. Guests will bring sides, dessert and drinks.
(4) Janet will coordinate with Danny’s to see how far our $150 will go.
(5) Need to announce date ASAP.
e) Sponsorship Committee
i) Fit2Run is the Feature Sponsor for the MRR5.
ii) Joe and Lindsay, The Cosgrove, Tom O, CT Handy Man,
iii) Danny’s amount TBD
iv) Darwin amount TBD
v) Gulf Bay Realty – Jesse Brisson TBD
vi) Island Tattoo – TBD
vii) Smart Pharmacy – TBD
viii) Guardian Pharmacy – TBD
ix) Shapes Fitness - TBD
4) Old Business
a) Events Planning
i) Turkey Trot (Thursday, November 26th)
(1) Race Director – Justin Meisner and Danny Fernandes
(a) Joe Tanner mentor
(2) Shirts & Logo – orange shirts with the same logo $15
(3) Turning Points will provide volunteers for water stops.
(4) Online Registration – same as last year. Bill to set up in RunSignUp???
(5) Donations will be split equally between the two charities.
(6) Suggested donation will be $15
ii) Manatee River Run (Saturday, December 26th, 2015?)
(1) Race Director – needs to be determined. If no one steps up, Joe Tanner will do it.
(2) Logo – has been created
(3) Online Registration is the only option. No mail in registrations. Walk up sign-ups at the sign up parties and day of race.
(4) Need to set up sign-up parties with some of our sponsors.
(5) Shirt update – shirts have been received and log is ready.
(6) Course length – Someone needs to remark the course. Joe Tanner, Corey Peyerk and Ted Watson will take the wheel to remeasure the course.
(7) Timing services still out for bid. Endurance sports has a $0.50 discount per runner for online registration. Tabled until August meeting to allow for additional bids.
(8) Bill – please send Corey the information on how to make a flyer.
b) Board Governance
i) Term limits / Conflict of Interest
(1) Lindsay will draft email and send to Bill for review and delivery.
(2) The board would like to move forward to vote on the amendments by September.
c) Miscellaneous
i) Schwag Update
(1) Joe working with Linda Kubecka on new club shirts.
(2) Becky Cosgrove inquired about purchasing tanks and singlets for the next round of member shirts.
ii) Race Series Update
iii) Lindsay to share Racing Series info with Danny Fernandes so he can tally the new scores.
iv) Web Site Feedback & Update Requests
v) Kristin Coyner nominated to be the new webmaster. Motion made by Lindsay Tanner, second by Joe Tanner. All in favor.
(1) Board member profiles
(a) Lindsay will create a questionnaire to send to each board member.
(2) Kristin plans to create a newsletter.
5) New Business
a) Miscellaneous
b) Event Updates
i) Flyer information needs to go Johnson Printing in Bradenton.
Meeting adjourned: 8:26pm
BRC Event Calendar
Event / Location / Date/Time / CommentsCanes Classic 5K / G. T. Bray Park / 9/7/15 / BRC Race Series
BRC Sponsored
St Joseph Eagle 5K / Manatee County Central Library / 11/14/15 / BRC Race Series
BRC Turkey Trot / De Soto National Monument / 11/26/15 / BRC Event
Scrooge 10K / Heritage Harbor / 12/10/15 / BRC Race Series
Manatee River Run 5 Miler / Emerson Point Park / 12/26/15 / BRC Event
BRC Race Series
2016 BRC Banquet / 2/6/16