OP10:Improve student engagement

Action:Review and improve mechanisms of student representation and consultation

Responsible officer:Executive Director of Administration

Timeline:October 2010

Strategic Plan Objective: Key Strategy 3 – Enhancing the Student Experience

“We value the voice that students contribute to our decision-making and commit to working with student representatives to enhance opportunities for effective student participation and advocacy.”

Steering Group: Mr Stephen Jones, Executive Director of Administration

Ms Leonie Clyne, Deputy Chancellor & Chair, FCCS Board

Professor Andrew Parkin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)

Working Group:Stephen Jones, Chair

Director, Academic & Student Services or nominee

Peter Torjul

Faculty Representative

Dr Jane Robbins

2 x University Council Student Members

Peta Page

Sam Taylor

2 x Student Council Student Members as nominated by FCCS Board

Michael Gunn

Heath McCallum

General Manager Flinders1, Andrew Nairn

Current level of representation in the University:

University Council – Elected by students

- Ms Emily Crawford

- Ms Peta Page

- Mr Sam Taylor

Academic Senate – a Standing Committee of University Council

Membership includes:

-President, Student Council of FCCS – ex officio: Mr Michael Gunn

-2 Undergraduate students nominated by the Board of FCCS, on the recommendation of Student Council: Mr Kim Thomas-Francis, Mr Heath McCallum

-2 Postgraduate students nominated by the Board of FCCS, on the recommendation of Student Council: Mr Yavin Grewal, Mr Joseph Provenzano

-One International student nominated by the Board of FCCS, on the recommendation of Student Council: Mr Sean Shan

Flinders Campus Community Services

Chair: Ms Leonie Clyne, Deputy Chancellor

Student Directors:Mr Michael Gunn, Student President

Ms Michelle Tatyzo

Mr Heath McCallum

Mr Jarred Sferuzzi

Mr Benjamin Hine

Student Council

Student President:Mr Michael Gunn

Vice President:Ms Peta Page

Ms Hannah McLeod

Mr Jarred Sferuzzi

Mr Joseph Provenzano

Mr Luke Foale

Mr Sean Shan

Mr Phillip Guerin

Ms Michelle Tatyzo

Mr Heath McCallum

Ms Claire Tatyzo

Ms Benjamin Hine

Ms Emma Wallis

Mr Kim Thomas-Francis

Faculties and Schools

The regularity of meetings of Faculty Boards, and therefore the extent of student representation at this level, is variable across the University.

In some Faculties there are Faculty Committees, some of which have Student representation.

School Boards generally have student representation, and this generally works much better, but this is also patchy and depends on School/Faculty procedures, availability and interest.

It appears that the once mandatory Student Consultative Committee at School level is not as prevalent across the University as it used to be.

Some Faculties/Schoolsmake extra efforts to engage students through surveys, focus groups and other (informal) gatherings.

It is mandatory that there be a student representative on every five-yearly Course Review panel, and it common to have a student representative on Academic Appointment Committees.

The Student Evaluation of Teaching and Student Evaluation of Topics process is an important regular and embedded exercise in systematic student consultation.


There are several surveys that periodically gauge student opinion about a number of matters. They are:

  • Student Satisfaction Survey
  • Student Finances Survey
  • Non-Returning Students Survey
  • Australian Graduate Survey (AGS)
  • Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ)
  • Postgraduate Research Experience Questionnaire (PREQ)
  • Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE)


The project aims to establish means of improving the level and extent of student representation and consultation both at the Faculty/School level and at University level.

The purpose of improving student consultation and representation is to have a reliable base when conducting consultation, and to ensure that students have a systematic means of expressing their views in relation to decisions and matters that concern their study and experience at Flinders.

The outcomes of this project should be such that they can be used as a base when the University explores other developments in line with the Strategic Plan, especially in the area of enhancing the student experience.


Systematic survey of every Faculty/School to determine the current student consultative arrangements

Focus Groups of Students

  • cross-faculty
  • approximately 15 students per group
  • self-nominated
  • facilitated by various members of the Working Party

Vox Pop - Surveys of Students

  • face-to-face, conducted by Student Ambassadors
  • one or two key questions

Written Submissions

Submissions should focus on particular areas of experience:

  • Faculty or School
  • Undergraduate or Postgraduate
  • Bedford Park/other campus
  • FCCS
  • University-wide, eg Council, Senate

and should cover

  • current level of consultation
  • extent of student representation
  • means by which consultation and/or representation could be improved
  • suggestions of evidence/measurement of improvement

Stephen Jones

Executive Director of Administration

23 August 2010