Summary of Secondary Budget Cuts from the 2010-2011 Budget
In April of 2010, the board approved the secondary budget which included cuts from the 2009-2010 budget.
Highlights of cuts from the 2010-2011 budget as of April 2010:
Cuts account
-$4,000Employee Training and conferences
-$500Employee verification
-$4,000Meals and refreshments
-$1,000Student transportation/field trips
-$5,000Contracted services
-$5,000Contract maintenance and equipment repair
-$20,000Computer hardware
-$5,000Office supplies
-$5,000Instructional materials
-$5,000Copier usage
-$2,000Graduation materials
-$1,000library materials
-$70,500 total cuts made to the 2010-2011 budget
Teacher salary increases remained at this time. Revenue over expenses: $48,474
After the 2010-2011 Budget was approved in April, personnel changes occurred that saved the secondary additional money.
Mr. Spinnato took another position. This resulted in hiring a new high school AP with less experience (less expensive). Also, the decision was made to combine the jr high assistant principal position with the athletic director position saving on two salaries.
The biology teacher left (who had many years of teaching and a PhD) and was replaced with a first year teacher.
The only general education educational assistant moved to another state. To save even more money, the decision was made to not fill the vacancy.
These changes saved the secondary thousands of dollars.
As you all know, more information about further cuts were made public a few months ago promoting further cuts to the 2010-2011 Budget. Our aim was to cut 6% from the April budget which is approximately $192,000.
Highlights of further cuts made to the secondary budget in November of 2010
Salary increases were taken back. Including the staffing changes that occurred after the April budget was approved, this saved the secondary over $92,000. Also, the April budget was originally in the black: $48,474.
The administration and leadership team along with the board carefully analyzed the budget, cuts needed and student/teacher needs. The final budget includes further cuts and at times adding money back to certain critical line items.
Cuts account
-$1,000Awards and banquets
-$500Employee verification
-$2,000Meals and refreshments
-$1,000Equipment rental
-$7,000technology services—The grant written by Jen Davis allowed this
Savings to be possible
-$7,000Computer software
-$2,500marketing and advertising
-$4,000permits/licenses and fees
-$5,000office supplies and equipment
-$2,000custodial supplies
-$12,000testing materials and college courses
-$1,500library materials
$54,500 Cuts made to the budget. Revenue over expenses is now: $944
For those taking a calculator to this, you won’t balance for a couple of reasons. First the April budget was made with 480 students with an estimated per pupil revenue (PPR) of $6,650. Also, the district charges us for certain things (health, insurance, SPED and ELL) based on the total enrollment. We ended up with 482.5 students (.5=part time student) with a PPR of $6653.30 which changed our funding and charges.
It is the PPR which is expected to be rescinded by 5-7%.