Horizontal Curriculum Map by Month

Month / Standard(s) / Essential Questions / Content / # of Lessons / Aims / Skills
September / ·  CCSS Reading Grades 11-12 (4,5,6,7,8, 10)
·  Social Studies Standards (1.1,1.3,1.4, 3.1, 3.2,5.1) / ·  How does geography influence the way people live and cultures develop?
·  What is the meaning of freedom? How has it changed over time?
·  Is war inevitable to successful revolutions? / ·  Geography
·  Physical/ Cultural Setting
·  Role of Geography on Historical/Cultural Development
·  Demographics
·  Constitutional Foundations
·  Enlightenment thought
·  Colonial Experience
·  Revolutionary War / ·  8-10
o  3
o  2
o  3
·  10-12
o  1
o  3
o  6 / §  How has the geography of the U.S affected its development?
§  How did certain geographic factors shape the identity of the U.S?
§  How did natural barriers help and hinder westward expansion?
§  How has geography of the U.S affected the early settlement patterns?
§  Why could early European settlement of North America be viewed as an invasion?
§  How could we describe early European settlers in colonial America?
§  How was American society affected by immigration during the period before the Civil War?
§  How was American society affected by immigration between the late 1800s and early 1900s?
§  How does our tree of liberty have roots in European soil?
§  How did European colonization affect indigenous peoples?
§  Why was America a magnet for settlers?
§  How democratic was colonial society?
§  How revolutionary was the American Revolution?
§  How did Enlightenment ideas influence the Declaration of Independence?
§  How important were the leaders in the success of the American Revolution?
§  How did the outcome of the American Revolution impact on the lives of African-Americans?
§  How did the New York State Constitution affirm republican principles?
§  How critical was the “Critical Period?”
October / ·  CCSS Reading Grades 11-12 (2,4,5,6,8,10)
·  Social Studies Standards (1.1,1.2,1.4,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4) / ·  How did democratic ideas shape the laws of the new nation?
·  How has the Constitution shaped our understanding of freedom? / o  Constitutional Convention
o  Bill of Rights
Structure of Government
Basic Constitutional Principles
New Constitutional Principles / o  3-4
o  3-4
o  1-2
o  3-4
§  Why did the Framers of the Constitution decide to write a new Constitution?
§  How did the Framers at the Constitutional Convention deal with conflicting plans of government for the Untied States?
§  How did the spirit of compromise lead to the creation of effective institutions of government?
§  Why was the ratification of the new Constitution a difficult process?
§  How does the Bill of Rights guarantee the citizen’s individual rights?
§  How did the Constitution’s separation of powers create a system of checks and balances?
§  How does the Constitution create a balance between the states and the national government?
§  How have basic constitutional principles been applied in U.S history?
§  How did Washington and Adams shape the role for future Presidents?
§  How did Hamilton’s financial plan contribute to the nation’s success?
§  How did an “unwritten constitution” develop in our nation?
§  Why was Jefferson’s election called the “revolution of 1800?”
§  Is Jefferson deserving of his reputation as an “American icon?”
§  How did the Marshall Court expand the powers of the federal government?
§  How should we view America’s decision to go to war in 1812?
§  Why did industry grow after 1812?
§  How did the Monroe Doctrine reflect American foreign policy?
November / ·  CCSS Reading Grades 11-12 (2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10)
·  Social Studies Standards (1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4, 3.1,3.2, 4.1,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4) / ·  How did various interpretations of law lead to internal conflict?
·  Was slavery the primary cause of the Civil War?
·  Was the Civil War inevitable?
·  How effective is violence in solving conflicts? / ·  Constitutional Foundations
o  Nationalism and Sectionalism
o  Territorial Expansion
o  Civil War / §  8-12
§  2-3
§  5-7 / §  How did the seeds of sectionalism grow during the 19th century?
§  How did life change in the pre-Civil War north?
§  How did immigtation affect pre-Civil War society?
§  How did the slave system develop during the 19th century in the United States?
§  How different was life in the South by 1860?
§  How did the reform movements of the 1830’s and the 1840’s attempt to cure the evils of society?
§  How successful was the Jacksonian Era in furthering democratic reform?
§  How did Native Americans react to growing American expansion?
§  Was the U.S expansion to the West inevitable?
§  How did President James Polk push Manifest Destiny?
§  How effective were political efforts to resolve the issue of slavery?
§  What factors contributed to the Civil War?
§  Why was Lincoln considered a great wartime President?
December / ·  CCSS Reading Grades 11-12 (2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10)
·  Social Studies Standards (1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.1,1.2,5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4) / ·  Does racial equality depend upon government action?
·  How did new technology affect the growth of the nation?
·  Should business be regulated closely by the government? / ·  Industrialization of the U. S.
§  Reconstruction
§  Rise of Business, Industry and Labor
§  Agrarian Response to Change / §  7-12
§  9-14
§  1-2 / §  How did government plan to reconstruct the nation?
§  How was the country changed economically by the Civil War?
§  How did Reconstruction affect American Society?
§  How did “Jim Crow” become the political and social reality after Reconstruction?
§  Why was there a surge in Industrial growth following the Civil War?
§  How did industrial growth and technology develop to meet the changing demands of American Society?
§  How should we evaluate the contributions of 19th century entrepreneurs to American society?
§  How should the government protect the public against unfair business practices?
§  How did labor unions respond to problems caused by economic changes?
§  How can we explain the major strikes of the late 19th century?
§  Why did the Populist movement begin?
January / ·  CCSS Reading Grades 11-12 (1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10)
·  Social Studies Standards (1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,4.1,4.25.1) / ·  Has immigration been the key to America's success?
·  Does power inevitably bring corruption?
·  How can the competing desires of populations be satisfied? / o  Adjusting Society to Industrialism
§  Impact of Industrialization
§  Immigration and Reactions
§  The Frontier / §  5-7
§  3-5
§  5-7
§  1-2-7
§  3-5
§  5-7 / §  Why did cities grow during the latter half of the 19th century?
§  How did differentces in social philosophy create devate during the early 20th century?
§  How did cities grow during the latter half of the 19th century?
§  How did differences in social philosophy create debate during the early 20th century?
§  How were the lives of the working class affected by industrialization?
§  How did changes in the economy affect women?
§  How can we define “new”immigrants?
§  To what extent did American society welcome “new” immigrants?
§  How did government actions affect westward expansion?
§  Why do we romanticize the cowboy?
§  How did our policies affect Native Americans?
§  How significant should we regard the closing of the frontier?
February / ·  How does the government balance the rights of individual
with the common good of everyone?
·  Does government have a responsibility to help the needy?
March / http://webs.rps205.com/departments/TAH/EQs.html