MATH 1401 – Calculus I
Spring Semester – 2010
Section 4: TR 5:00-6:50 in PL-130
Instructor: Nathan Kurtz
Office: CU-Denver Building Room 648
Phone: 303-556-6268 (I rarely answer)
Email Address: (this will be your best method of contact)
Dept. Associate Chair: Lynn Bennethum, Office: CU-638, Ph: 303-556-4810
Office Hours: Our official office hours will be T, TR: 3-4:30 in my office. However, I am in my office often, so don’t be afraid to stop by and ask questions. Also note that there are assistants available for your help in the MERC (NC-4015) during all of their operating hours.
It must be assumed that every student has a good understanding of the mathematical concepts in an Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry course. You must have been manually signed into this course stating you have met the prerequisites: A passing score on the placement exam, an ACT Math score of 27 or above, or a SAT Math score of 620 or above.
- Calculus: Early Transcendentals (9th edition) by Anton, Bivens, and Davis.
*note: You are not required to bring your textbook to class
Computing Technology:
This course will utilize the TI-89 calculator, with graphics capability and a Computer Algebra System, to facilitate the study of calculus. Although this calculator is not a requirement, it will be used in class often, and will help in the learning of calculus. All students are required to have a graphing calculator and to be able to use a Computer Algebra System, such as the TI-89, or the program DERIVE which is on the computers in the MERC lab. It will be a worthwhile investment, not only for this course, but for all of your future work.
Course Objectives:
- To strengthen the students algebra and mathematical logic skills.
- To help students understand the fundamental concepts of calculus.
- To show how calculus can be used to model real-world problems.
- To use technology efficiently to facilitate the understanding of important calculus concepts
Weekly Assignments: Each weekly assignment is worth 25 points and will be posted in the blackboard course shell. There will be two portions to each assignment; a print out and odd problems from the book. The odd problems must be done on separate paper where as the print out must be complete on the print out. Staple the print out on top of the odd problems and make sure your pages are in order. All work must be in pencil, written clearly in order. No work shown or messy work will receive zero credit. Make sure your final answers are in proper form. All assignments must be turned in before class begins on the due date of the assignment. You will have to access blackboard weekly to get the corresponding assignment.
Calculus Application Project: A calculus application project will be assigned during the semester. The purpose of the project is to apply the mathematics learned in this class to real world problems. There are two different projects to choose from, you will only have to do one. The project will require a written paper (3-5 pages size 12 font double spaced) which will be graded on both mathematical content/accuracy and grammar. This project will be worth 35 points. It is due Thursday April 22nd by the beginning of class.
Exams: There will be three exams aswell as a comprehensive final exam. The exams will be closed note, closed book, non-calculator. The exams are worth 100 points each, while the comprehensive final is worth 200 points. The comprehensive final will be held on Saturday, May8th from 9am-12. Missing any of the exams is inexcusable; if you must miss an exam, prior arrangements must be made with the instructor or you will receive a zero.
Recitation Attendance or Exam Averages: 10 % (90 pts) of your final grade will be determined by the higher of the following:
A.)Recitation Attendance and Participation Grade
B.) Exam Grade
Your recitation grade will be calculated for three different intervals. 30 points will be allocated based upon your attendance and participation previous to Exam 1 or your Exam 1 grade (whichever is higher), 30 points for attendance and participation at recitation between Exam 1 and Exam 2 or Exam 2 grade (whichever is higher), and 30 points for attendance at recitation between Exam 2 and Exam 3 or Exam 3 grade (whichever is higher). Notice that this grading policy allows flexibility for your recitation attendance.
Late Policy: Absolutely no assignments or exams will be accepted late with or without excuse unless prior arrangements have been mate with the instructor.
Extra Credit:There will be no opportunities to earn extra credit so study and prepare accordingly from Day 1.
*Note: It is strongly encouraged to try to work with others in class on assignments and for studying; however, copying someone’s assignment, project, or test will not be tolerated. Cheating on tests or copying assignments will receive an F for the course and possible expulsion from school for all students involved, SO DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!
Points Summary:
11-Weekly Assignments:275 points
1-Application Project:35 points
3-Recitation/test grade:90points
3-Exams:300 points
1-Final Exam:200 points
Total:900 points
Your final grade will be determined by the percentage of these points you have actually received. A: 91-100%, A-: 90%, B+: 89%, B: 81-88%, B-: 80%, C+: 79%,
C: 70-78%, D: 60%-69%, F: Below 60%
Week # / Dates / Sections covered / Notes and due1 / 1/19, 1/21 / 1.1, 1.2,
2 / 1/26, 1/28 / 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, / WA#1 due 1/28
3 / 2/2, 2/4 / 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 / WA #2 due 2/4
4 / 2/9, 2/11 / 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 / WA #3 due 2/11
5 / 2/16, 2/18 / Catch up/ review / WA#4 due 2/16
Test #1 on 2/18
6 / 2/23, 2/25 / 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
7 / 3/2, 3/4 / 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 / WA #5 due 3/4
8 / 3/9, 3/11 / 4.1, 4.2 / WA #6 due 3/11
9 / 3/16, 3/18 / Catch up/ review / WA#7 due 3/16
Test #2 on 3/18
10 / 3/23, 3/25 / Spring Break
11 / 3/30, 4/1 / 4.3, 4.4
12 / 4/6, 4/8 / 4.5, 4.6, 4.8 / WA#8 due 4/8
13 / 4/13, 4/15 / 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 / WA #9 due 4/15
14 / 4/20, 4/22 / 5.4, 5.5, 5.6 / AP Project and
WA #10 due 4/22
15 / 4/27, 4/29 / Catch up/ review / WA #11 due 4/27
Test #3 on 4/29
16 / 5/4, 5/6
5/8 / Review / Final Exam on
Saturday 5/8
*Note: The instructor reserves the right to adjust this tentative syllabus as needed throughout the semester.
INCOMPLETE GRADES (I): Incomplete grades (I) are not granted for low academic performance. To be eligible for an Incomplete grade, students must (1) successfully complete 75 percent of the course (minimum of a C grade), (2) have special circumstances (verification may be required) that preclude the student from attending class and completing graded assignments, and (3) make arrangements to complete missing assignments with the original instructor. A CLAS Course Completion agreement is required. The student will have one year to make up the missed course work or the (I) will be replaced with an F as a course grade.
The Center for Learning Assistance
- The Center for Learning Assistance is where students go to get help or insight with class assignments, course-loads, and study skills. The Center also helps with arranging tutoring sessions, which take place in the days or evenings.
- NC 2004; (303) 556-2802
Program Access for Persons with Disabilities
- The University of Colorado at Denver is committed to providing reasonable accommodations and access to programs and services to persons with disabilities. Students should contact the Disabilities Services Offices.
- NC 2514; 303-556-3450, TTY 303-556-4766.
Academic Advising Center
- This office serves as the first point of contact for students who are pre-business, pre-engineering, or who have not declared a major in CLAS or CAM. In addition, the center provides general information and resource referral to all students.
- (NC) 2024; 303-352-3520
Career Center
- The Career Center offers a full array of services that prepare students for career success, such as resume help, internship and career counseling and they have a large career library.
- Tivoli Student Union Room 259
Spring 2010 CLAS Academic Policies
The following policies pertain to all students and are strictly adhered to by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS).
- Every student MUST check and verify their schedule prior to the published drop/add deadlines. Failure to verify a schedule is not sufficient reason to justify a late add or drop later in the semester. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure that their schedule is correct prior to the appropriate deadlines.
- CLAS students must use their email address. Email is the official method of communication for all University of Colorado Denver business. All email correspondence will take place using your UCDHSC email address. Go to activate your email address.
- Students are NOT automatically added to a course off a wait list after wait lists are dropped. If a student is told by a faculty member that they will be added off the wait list, it is the responsibility of the student to complete the proper paperwork to add a course.
- Students are not automatically notified if they are added to a class from a wait-list. Again, it is the responsibility of the student to verify their schedule prior to any official dates to drop or add courses.
- Students must complete and submit a drop/add form to make any schedule changes. Students are not automatically dropped from a class if they never attended, stopped attending or do not make tuition payments.
- Late adds will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late add are beyond the student’s control and can be documented independently. This will require a petition and documentation from the student. Please note that the signature of a faculty member on an add form does not guarantee that a late add petition will be approved. Petitions are available in NC 4011.
- Late drops will be approved only when circumstances surrounding the late drop have arisen after the published drop deadlines, are beyond the student’s control, and can be documented independently. This will require a petition and documentation from the student. Pre-existing circumstances (circumstances that existed prior to the published drop deadlines) regarding illness, work, family, or other confounding issues will not be considered adequate reason to drop or withdraw from courses after the published University and/or College drop deadlines. Please note that the signature of a faculty member does not guarantee that a late drop petition will be approved. Petitions are available in NC 4011.
- Undergraduate studentswishing tograduate in spring of 2010 must meet with their academic advisor by census date to obtain a graduation application. This application must be completed and submitted by 5 PM on February 3, 2010. You can obtain an application ONLY after meeting with your academic advisor. There are no exceptions to this policy or date.
- Graduate students wishing to graduate in spring semester 2010 must complete their Intent to Graduate form and have a Request for Admissions to Candidacy on file with the CLAS Dean’s office no later than 5 PM, February 3, 2010.
- Students are responsible for completing financial arrangements with financial aid, family, scholarships, etc. to pay their tuition. Students will be responsible for all tuition and fees for courses they do not officially drop using proper drop/add procedures and forms.
Important Dates
- January 19, 2010: First day of Class
- January 24, 2010: Last day to add a class or be added to a wait list for a class using the SMART system.
- January 25, 2010: Wait Lists are dropped. Any student who was not added to a course automatically from the wait list by this date and time MUST complete a schedule adjustment form to be added to the class. Students are NOT automatically added to the class from the wait list after this date and time. If your name is not on the official student roster, you are not registered for the course.
- January 26-February3, 2010: Students are responsible for verifying an accurate spring 2010 course schedule via the SMART registration system. Students are NOT notified of their wait-list status by the university. All students must check their scheduled prior to February 3, 2010 for accuracy.
- January 26, 2010: First day instructor may approve request to add a student to a full course with a Schedule Adjustment Form.
- February 3, 2010: Census date.
- February 3, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day to add structured courses without a written petition for a late add. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such. This deadline does not apply to independent study, internships, project hours, thesis hours, dissertation hours, and late-starting modular courses.
- February 3, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day to drop a spring 2010 course or completely with draw from all spring 2010 coursesusing a schedule adjustment form with a tuition adjustment minus the drop charge and no transcript notation – this includes section changes. Drops after this date will appear on your transcript. This is an absolute deadline and is treated as such.
- February 3, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day to request pass/fail or no credit option for a course.
- February 3, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day to for a graduate student to register for a Candidate for Degree.
- February 3, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day for a Ph.D. student to petition for a reduction in hours.
- February 3, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day to apply for spring 2010 graduation. You must make an appointment and see your academic advisor before this date to apply for graduation if you are an undergraduate; you must complete the intent to graduate and candidate for degree form if you are a graduate student.
- February 15-24, 2010: Faculty can use the early alert system.
- March 22-28, 2010: Spring break (no classes/campus open)
- April 2, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day for non CLAS students to drop or withdraw from all classes without a petition and special approval from the student’s academic Dean. After this date, a dean’s signature is needed.
- April 16, 2010 at 5 PM: Last day for CLAS students to drop or withdraw from all classes with signatures from the faculty and Dean without a petition. This is treated as an absolute deadline.
- After April 16, 2010all schedule changes require a full petition. Petitions are available in NC 4011.
- May 10-15, 2010: Finals Week
- No schedule changes will be granted once finals week has started. There are NO exceptions to this policy.