North Dakota State University
Academic Affairs Course Proposal and Change Form
Note. Please use one form for each course proposed or modified.
TYPE OF CHANGE: Requested Effective Term Fall 05
1. New Course, including new Cross-Listed Course (complete sections A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J)
2. Course Change (complete sections B, C, F, G, H, I, J)
3. Cross-Listing Addition(s) to Existing Course (complete sections B, C, D, F, G, H)
4. Course Deletion (complete sections B, G, H, J)
5. Special Topics or Temporary/Trial Course (complete sections A, C, D, E, F, G)-Expiration Date (3 year max)
College: _AHSS_____ Date Submitted: _12/18/04_____
Prefix:Engl / Course #:
423 / Abbreviated title (32 char.):
Creative Writing Studio / Credits:
Complete course title:
Creative Writing Studio
Course taught before? Yes No When?
Enrollment in our current creative writing courses (322 and 323) is always healthy, and students have long shown interest in more. They have the option of additional offerings across the river at MSUM, but have trouble getting into already full classes. Creative writing courses at all levels traditionally tend to fill well, and an advanced option at NDSU is overdue. It also fits helpfully with curricular changes in English now being discussed (vertical curriculum, English Writing major.).
Prefix: / Course #: / Present title: / Presentcredits:
Proposed Prefix: / Proposed Course #: / Proposed title: / Proposed
Rationale for change:
Bulletin (catalog) description of course (maximum number of words = 35):Advanced creative writing workshop with an emphasis on the student as working writer. Readings in creative and/or critical texts and participation in community events. Intensive workshop discussion, with the goal of publishing a manuscript.
Prerequisites/Corequisites: 275, 322, 323, or permission of instructor
Effect on university resources, including library, computer resources, facilities, and personnel:Effect should be minimal. Instructors are available, existing computer resources are sufficient, and no special facilities or equipment are required.
Was this course offered previously as a temporary course? Yes NoIf yes, which term(s) was/were the course(s) offered?
What was the third-week enrollment for each section?
What is the anticipated enrollment?
/ lower division: / upper division:
12-15 / graduate:
Is this course part of a new program being developed that will be presented later? Yes No
If yes, explain:
This course may be part of a proposed vertical writing curriculum in English, as well as a component in a new writing major which is being discussed.
In which major, minor, or other program(s) will this course be required or used?This course will serve as an elective for English Liberal Arts majors and English Writing minors. It will also provide an alternative to Engl 458 (Advanced Writing Workshop), relieving enrollment in that course and allowing it to focus more firmly on preparing English Ed students to teach writing..
Attach responses from any department or unit that this course may significantly impact (e.g., conflict of interest, duplication, etc.)N/A
General Education:Is this course currently approved for general education? Yes No Category__
Will this course be proposed as a new general education course? Yes No Category__
Does this course require the approval of any of the following committees/boards? (Check all that apply):Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC)
Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC)
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
For the committee(s) checked, please attach copy of approval confirmation.
Common Course Number (CCN) – typically restricted to lower-division courses:Current Courses Only:
Is this course currently approved as a CCN within the North Dakota University System (NDUS)? Yes No
New Courses Only:
Does the department desire that this course be proposed as a CCN within the NDUS? Yes No
1. A course syllabus must be attached to this form. Please see WWW address for syllabus guidelines:
2. If this course is to be offered for BOTH undergraduate and graduate credit, the additional requirements for graduate credit must be clearly described on the syllabus.
3. If this course is to be offered for GRADUATE CREDIT, approval is required from the Graduate Council and the Dean of the Graduate School before it may be approved by Academic Affairs.
APPROVALS/INFORMATION (Originals in blue ink please.):
Department Chair Date Dean of Graduate School (when required) Date
College Academic Affairs Date Senate Academic Affairs Date
Dean of the College Date Date of University Senate Approval
Signatures of Other Departments and/or Colleges, when applicable (i.e.: cross-listed courses):
Department Chair Date Dean of the College Date
College Academic Affairs Date
Signatures of Other Departments and/or Colleges, when applicable (i.e.: cross-listed courses):
Department Chair Date Dean of the College Date
College Academic Affairs Date
F 09-2004