Health Professions Advisory Committee Letter Instructions
To obtain a Committee interview and letter, you must submit all materials to PrivateFolio(NOT Interfolio) by midnight on January 31, 2018. All deadlines and eligibility requirements are final.
Application Components
- HPAC Application
The application is a Word document. After completing, please upload as a single Word document. The application includes Supplemental Information Questions and aPersonal Statement (5300 characters, including spaces).
- You must include an AMCAS, AADSAS, AACOMAS, or TMDSAS ID on the form. These IDs are assigned to you when you open an account with the appropriate medical or dental school association. The ID you receive is the same one you will use when creating your online application through their centralized application system. If you do not yet have an ID, you will need to provide it when you receive it.
- Checklist & FERPA waiver
Please print, sign, and upload to PrivateFolio as a separate document. Electronic signatures will not be accepted. If you cannot upload it to PrivateFolio, you may drop it off in person at the CCAS Advising Office located in Phillips Hall, 107.A GW-specific PrivateFoliolink and account set up instructions will be on our website.
- Academic Transcript(s)
You must obtain copies of unofficial transcripts from all other colleges/universities where you have taken courses and upload these transcripts to PrivateFolio. Transcripts from study abroad are not necessary. Transcripts from pre-matriculation credits (such as dual-enrollment college credits you received in high school) are only needed for science or math coursework.
Upload the PDF report that is generated after completing the GPA Calculation Form on our website.
Upload a PDF of your current resume.
- Letters of Recommendation (LOR)
You need at least three letters of recommendation. The total number of recommendations should not exceed five. Please reviewthe Guidelines for Recommendation Letter Writers document on our website and provide a copy to your letter writers.
You must have:
- At least oneletter from a member of the science faculty at GW (Biology, Chemistry, or Physics)
- At least one letter from a member of the faculty in your undergraduate major at GW
- If your major is in the sciences, you would have a letter from two science faculty members.
Interview Process
Once you submit your application materials, please complete the HPAC Application Submission Confirmation Form. You will receive an email in the last week of January with instructions about how to schedule your in-person HPAC interview. Interviews start in February and run through April. Each interview will be 15-20 minutes in duration. You will need to provide 5 copies of your current resume at the time of your interview.
Committee Letter Packet
The Committee Letter of Evaluation will be written by mid-July for all interviewed students who attend an HPAC Follow Up Appointment. Once the letter is completed, it will be combined with a cover letter describing the GW HPAC process and your letters of recommendation submittedas a part of this application to form one Committee letter packet.The Committee letter packet will then be available to submit to your application service.