Allow up to eight weeks for review and approval of completed application.
The Distance Education Addendum may be submitted in lieu* of an Application for Expansion of Distance
Educationwhen submitted in conjunction with a program application for a new or modified program delivered in part or in whole via distance education. This includes the following program applications: Application for New Program Approval, Application for Substantive Program Revision and Application for Minor Program Revision.
An institution must have a current ABHES approval to offer a program(s)via distance education before the
addendum may be utilized. If the institution does not have a current ABHES distance educationapproval, it
must complete and submit the Application for DistanceEducation. If the program represents the institution’s
first full distance education program or includes laboratory-based courses delivered by distance education, an
Application for Expansion of DistanceEducation must be completed.
*ABHES reserves the right to request additional information or application, as necessary, to determine compliance with accreditation requirements regarding distance education delivery.
Date of Application:Proposed Expansion Start Date*:
Institution:ABHES Identification Number:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:Website:
Current On-site director:Email Address:
Contact for application:Email Address:
I certify that the information submitted is current and that the proposed distance education expansion has not
been published in the catalog or advertisements, or offered to students.
Name: Title:
Signature: Date:
*Once approved,if the program does not commence distance enrollment within 90 days of the anticipated start date disclosed on the application, you are directed to notify ABHES of this in writing. Please be advised that any approved delivery method that has not been in operation for a continuous 12-month period within a program is considered discontinued and reapplication is necessary (see III. B.4.C.c. of theAccreditation Manual).
1. Approval to expand distance education offerings is requested for the following program: (Submit a separate application and fee for each program in which distance education will be expanded.)
Program Title* / In Class Clock Hours / Recognized Outside Clock Hours** / Total Clock Hours / Length inWeeks / Academic
Credit Hours
Semester / Max. %
Education / Method of
Delivery*** / Credential
*Program title must match state approval submitted under exhibit 1
**IV.G.1. of the Accreditation Manual outlines expectations relative to calculating minimum requirements for outside (student preparation) hours. All credit-awarding programs require the completion of outside (student preparation) hours; however, ABHES does not require that these hours be listed on the new program approval letter.
Does the institution have approval of the student outside (preparation) hours as part of the total hours for any of the above program(s)?
YesIf yes, then identify the number of recognized outside hours in the noted column above.
NoIf no, then leave the noted column above blank so that the clock hours provided in both the “in class” and “total clock hours” columns are the same.
2.Will students have the option to take the above listed program(s) in a fully residential (on-ground) format once the distance education expansion is instituted, or will the program only be offered as a blended or full distance education program? **List all available methods in chart above.
***Please note,programs should be listed as residential if all coursework within a program is delivered at an approved on-ground locations. Distance education programs should be listed asblended ifInstruction within a program or course is provided in on-ground and distance education formats. A distance education program should be listed asfull distance education if all instruction within a program is provided through distance education.
3.Describe the proposed expansion or addition, including the type of courses to be offered (Gen. Ed.,Required Didactic, Core, Elective, Laboratory); method of delivery (online, teleconference, synchronous, asynchronous); and, whether the proposed expansion will be blended or full distance education.
4. List courses within the specific program to be offered via distance education delivery:
Course Name / Course Number / Credits/Hours / Type of Distance Ed. CourseGen. Ed., Core, Electives, Lab
5.List currently approved distance education programs:
Program Name / Credential Awarded / Blended or Full Distance Ed. Delivery+ / Types of Distance Ed. Courses(list all that apply w/in program)
Gen. Ed., Core, Electives, Lab
*Please note,programs should be listed as residential if all coursework within a program is delivered at an approved on-ground locations. Distance education programs should be listed asblended ifInstruction within a program or course is provided in on-ground and distance education formats. A distance education program should be listed asfull distance education if all instruction within a program is provided through distance education.
6. Describe any changes to the approved delivery platform. Provide the URL/web address, along with a temporary user ID and password to access and review the distance education delivery method.. If any special instructions are needed for access, please list.(If a distance delivery method other than online is utilized, this may not be applicable.)
7.How has the institution ensured that the academic rigor of the proposed distance education curricula (didactic, laboratory and clinical experiences) is: (a) comparable to that of a program offered on ground, and (b) appropriate to justify the clock hours/credit awarded? How will this be monitored and by whom?
8.How will the institution ensure that appropriate instructional and library resources are readily available and accessible to distance education students? Include a description of the instructional and library resources available to support the learning objectives for this program.
9. If the program will be offered via distance education to students in additional states, submit the AttestationofState Authorization form located at with this application. If the institution is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity, include SARA approval.
Include documentation from the state(s) (or applicable regulatory agencies) demonstrating approval for the proposed distance education program. Submit the approval documentation under DE exhibit1 labeled as “DE Approvals.”
Administration & Management
10.Describe any changes or enhancements to the distance education administrative capacity and infrastructure to support the proposed expansion of distance education. If new administrators have been hired, or existing administrators have been assigned new responsibilities for distance education, attach their resumes outlining qualifications and training. Submitresumes under DE exhibit 2 and label as “DE Admin. Updates.”
11.Provide enrollment projections for the next three fiscal years based upon the proposed expansion in the table below and describe the basis for the projections.
Year / Projected Enrollment / Projected CapitalInvestment / Projected Expenses / Projected Budget for the Expansion
Student Assessment
12. What are the admission requirements for a student enrolling in a distance education program? What are the expectations, admissions requirements or prerequisites for participating in distance education?
13. How will the institution assess, during the admissions process, whether students have the skills and competencies to succeed in distance education?
Provide copies of all draft documents to include information below;submit underDEexhibit3 as
“DE Disclosures.” Highlight portions noted below in yellow on the documents.
15. Provide draft catalog descriptions for the programs, which specify the delivery methods.
16. How and where will the expectations, admissions requirements or prerequisites for participating in distance education be disclosed to the students? If the institution will offer distance education outside the state in which it is physically located, the disclosure must include a list of states in which the institution is authorized to deliver distance education.(If the institution is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity, a link to the SARA listing of states may be used.)
17. How and where will the institution disclose any material circumstance that may adversely impact an applicant’s ability to complete a program or gain employment in the applicant’s field of study?
One (1) USB or a CD Rom of the completed application is required (hard-copies are no longer necessary). The USB or CD must be submitted in one seamless PDF document and bookmarked for ease of review. The file must include the completed application, addendum, and all required exhibits labeled and bookmarked as directed in the application and addendum. It is imperative that the submission is correctly labeled with the (1) institution’s name, (2) city/state, (3) ABHES ID #, and (4) Type of Application. Submissions must include the appropriate fee of $250. Applications submitted without the required fee or exhibits will enter the review queue upon receipt of all materials.
Applications will not be reviewed if submitted without the required exhibits.
DE Exhibit 1 / (as applicable) If the program will be offered in additional states via distance education, submit the AttestationofState Authorization form located atBookmark as DE Approvals
DE Exhibit 2 / (as applicable) Resumes of new distance education administrators
Bookmark as DE Admin. Updates
DE Exhibit 3 / Draft documents including disclosures outlined in #15- #17 of the application with the distance education references highlighted in yellow
Bookmark as DE Disclosures
ABHES will notify the individual noted on the application in writing of the status of the application within 8-12 weeks of receipt of the completed application.
April 2017