(No. 11-3)
Faith Community Communiqué
Ten Recurring Needs for Children in Crisis
When children arrive at The Children’s Neighborhood, most often they have only the clothes on their back, are under-nourished, and/or are educationally and emotionally deficient. While under CIC’s loving care, their physical, social, and spiritual needs are met. With your help, they are showered with unconditional love and acceptance. Together we ensure our children have nourishment for their mind, body, and soul. Through The Children’s Neighborhood, you help show each child there is a better way of life and give them hope for the future.
As children leave The Children’s Neighborhood, each takes seven complete changes of clothing (including Sunday “finery”) two pairs of shoes, toiletries, personal items, new favorite toys, a handmade quilt of their choosing, books, luggage, and best of all, a new Bible of their very own. To continue this level of care, our Pantry and Supply Room have to be continually restocked. Therefore, it’s easy to see why the following are our ten most recurring needs!
- Food: Pantry Pounding Parties/Food Drive for non-perishables and gift cards/cash for perishables (including meat, milk, eggs, cheese, butter, etc.)
- Household Supplies: Cleaning products, paper towels, toilet paper, etc.
- Shoes: Most often we need gift cards to purchase specific sizes for specific children. We ensure every child has appropriate school shoes and/or tennis shoes and a pair of church shoes.
- School supplies/backpacks
- Toiletries and personal items
- Clothing: New and gently used clothing for children ages 6-14. We need play clothes, school clothes, sleep wear, and church attire. We can use donations and/or gift cards for children who wear an uncommon size and to purchase new clothing for special occasions like Easter and Christmas. Donations are also accepted for our teens that have specific clothing needs.
- Bedding needs: Handmade twin size quilts, white towels, washcloths, and twin sheet sets
- Bible and Books (prefer Read With Me Bible – an NIRV Story Bible for Kids, Illustrated Study Bible for Kids Holman Christian Standard Bible, and The Message Remix 2.0 Bible)
- Toys and Games
- Prayers, Volunteers, and Lifelines
The Children’s Neighborhood is a realityand ourchildren flourish because YOU care!
1000 Luke’s Way, Ft. Walton Beach, FL 32547● 850-864-4242● Fax: 850-226-7875●