Easter Church Services
Palm Sunday is on Sunday 9th April and there will be a Family Service at 11 am.Rev’d Sid will be taking the service and requires ten of the congregation, of all ages, to take part in reading the Gospel for the day. Your participation is very important and when we have done this before, is quite fun, which in turn, enables you to understand the Gospel. We do hope you will join us at this service and if you haven’t met Rev’d Sid Humphries, our partner vicar to Karen, then this is your opportunity to do so. You won’t be disappointed. If you would like to take part, we would be grateful if you would email myself or Rev’d Sid so we can get some idea as to who is there and where our gaps are. None I hope. Thank you everyone and look forward to seeing you on Palm Sunday or at any of our other Easter services and any family you may have staying with you during this holiday are very welcome.Pat Cusa, Churchwarden
On Good Friday, 14th April, we will be holding the Cross of Christ Service at 9.30 am. This is a service of lessons and hymns, similar in form to the Christmas service of nine lessons and carols, but reflecting on the Easter story. Coffee and hot cross buns are served after the service. We will also see the resurrected Christmas tree (without its branches) put up in the church in the form of the Cross.
On Easter Saturday at 10 am, we will be in church to put together the Easter Garden and get the Cross ready for Easter Sunday. We decorate the Cross with flowers as we go through the Easter Sunday service. This is to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ but also you can bring flowers yourself to place on the Cross in memory of someone you love or just as a gesture for yourself and others you know. It certainly does look very pretty when finished. If you are bringing flowers, please ensure they have a sturdy stem that will go into the Cross but we are happy to have your garden flowers which we place around it.
We do hope you will join us at 11 am on 16th April for the Easter Day Service, which will be Holy Communion followed by coffee.Children are very welcome to come and help with the Easter Garden on the Saturday but if you want any further information please contact me on 01392 877907. Thank you. Pat Cusa,Churchwarden
Easter Lilies
We like to have flowers in the church for Easter Day, including lilies. If you would like to have a lily in memory of a loved one, in the display, then with a recommended donation of £3 it would be included. Please give your money to Paddy on 01392 874264, Pat (01392 877907) or Linda (01392 875708). Many thanks.
Church Coffee Mornings
The March coffee morning raised £106.10. Thank you to those who supported the event by coming along to relax and chat as well as to those who ran and contributed to the stalls and provided the coffee and biscuits. The April coffee morning will be on Saturday 8th from 10 to 11.30 am. We look forward to welcoming you there. Contributions for the cake and produce stall will be much appreciated.
Village Hall Committee Meeting
The next meeting of the Village Hall Committee will be held in the committee room at the Hall on Monday 24th April, as our normal meeting date of 17th April is Easter Monday. We are in urgent need of new members to help in the management of the Hall if we are not to lose this important village asset. Please come along and volunteer. If committee work is not for you, we also need helpers for maintenance and repairs. If you think that you would like to get involved, please come along.
At our website you can view a calendar of current Hall bookings and hire charges as well as downloading hire forms and conditions of hire. We have several Saturdays and Sundays available for hire in the coming year. Anyone wishing to start a regular club should contact the caretaker for the special rates available to regular hirers.
Bishops Clyst Parish Council Notices
Would you like to be a Parish Councillor?
The Parish Council have vacancies - so if you are interested in serving your community then please give the Clerk a call on 07432 761833 or . We have had a very busy few months - the playing field has now been completed and we hope the community will be able to start using it next year. We are still working on a number of highways issues. The PC have been in discussion about setting up an Emergency Plan - this will be run by the locals so if anyone has any areas of expertise which we could use in the case of an emergency please let me know. We will be looking for people who are medically trained; people with storage facilities; people with equipment/vehicles that could be used in an emergency - if you feel that you could contribute then please get in touch: 07432 761833 or .
Clyst St Mary Primary School
WWe are very pleased to say that Clyst St Mary School Choir won their group at this year’s Performing Arts Festival. Well done to them and thank you to Shelley Smith and Mrs Hockin for all their hard work with the choir. The choir performed again at a Learning Community event at the Corn Exchange on Monday 27th March.
Exciting News! As our numbers have been increasing over the last couple of years, we have now reached a point where we need some extra space. We are proposing to build an extra classroom on to our annexe building, the Jubilee Room – this will be a single storey extension and won’t be visible from the front of the school or the main village road. This new room will enable us to make better use of the old Children’s Centre room which they have handed back to us this month, and we will be using it for our breakfast club, after school club and for group work. Devon County Council and NPS will be managing the build and you will have the opportunity to view the plans very shortly. A letter will be put through the letterboxes of all our near neighbours and we will also put a note of the dates on our website. Please do come along and see what we are proposing! We are expecting the work to take place this autumn but will keep you fully informed of what’s going on in school.
Wishing you all a Happy Easter – the summer term starts on 18th April.
Walking Group
The April walk will be on Tuesday 18th. Please meet at the Village Hall as usual at 10 am. The walk will be in the Axminster area, with a pub lunch, and we share cars to the start of the walk. Why not join us? We all walk at our own risk. Please ring Tony Webber on 01297 32076 for information.
Exeter Nomads Short Mat Bowls Club
Our regular Club Night is every Friday from 7 until 10 pm approx. The game is suitable for all ages from 9 to 90! And for ladies and men, girls and boys alike. New members are always welcome so if you would like to try the game please contact Robert or Richard Ivings on 01392 210268 or just turn up.
Table Tennis Club
After a very promising first three months,it is goodto report that we took delivery of a third table meaning that we should all get moregames ofsingles(good for fitness and improvement of technique!) and we could possibly accommodate a few more members.Most importantly and with immediate effect, please note that we shall in future be meeting in the Village Hall at 4 pm on THURSDAYS.This was agreed as a more convenient day for several and it may mean that some folk who couldn't make Mondays can now get along?!If you are interested, please drop Roger Norman an r call him on 01392 874597.
Badminton Club
Is one of your New Year's resolutions - or should it have been - to improve your fitness? If so, why not join our small but very friendly club whose members' ages range from teenage to over 70? New members are always welcome. We play in the Village Hall on Tuesday evenings 8-10 pm. For more information either come along on a Tuesday evening or contact either Malcolm Macmillan on 01392 873280 or Hilary on 01392 874722.
Anyone for Tennis?
Some of us play tennis every Friday morning at a private court in Clyst St Mary (no fee). Would you like to join us? Please ring Janice on 01392 876858 or Martyn on 01392 874948.
Clyst St Mary Football in the Village
As you will be aware, the Parish Council has recently had the field behind the Village Hall levelled to create a small 9 v 9 size football pitch. The grass is growing well and hopefully the pitch will be ready for use next September. Our school has already shown an interest in making use of it and this has given me the idea of getting our community together in forming a football club for primary school aged children. There is a resident in the village, an ex-professional footballer, who is interested in forming such a club and he would be grateful of your support in helping not only to set the club up but also to help run it. Clyst Valley Football Club has offered to help with the formation of this club and assist with its development.
If you are interested in getting involved with this venture, please let me have your details, how many children would like to play and how you would like to get involved. Most matches will be played over weekend periods against other clubs who play in a local league and who are affiliated to Devon FA. Mike Norman (01392 877012; )
Clyst Valley Pre-School
We offer a friendly, secure, stimulating environment in our OFSTED ‘Outstanding’ Pre-School; for children aged 2 years 8 months to school starting age. Our hours are Monday – Friday 9.15 am – 3.15 pm; children come on a full or part-time basis, for either whole or half days. Please get in touch by going to our website at or by calling Pre-School on 01392 876615 during session times. We are currently very busy, but we do have limited sessions available for September, so we advise to get in touch as early as you can to arrange a visit.
Toddler Group
Unfortunately the Monday morning toddler group in the Village Hall is not running at the moment as we don't have enough help to run the group. If anyone would be interested in starting up this group again, please contact Lynne on 07980 759363.
New Clyst St Mary Facebook Group
Did you know that we now have a Clyst St Mary Facebook group? It’s here: Items for sale, lost property, what’s on? – it’s YOUR group and we’d love you to join!