North Carolina History Syllabus/Contract (8th grade Social Studies)
Class: 8th Grade Social Studies (North Carolina History)
Teacher: Ms. T. Williams
Year: 2016-17
As we begin a new academic year at Red Springs Middle School, I would like to welcome you to my class! I am excited about this year and hope the love I have for History will pass to you. This year, I plan on challenging you as students and citizens. I will require you to do, think and work outside the box. In doing this, I will need help from the student and parent. Enclosed you will find specific expectations for this class.
Assignments/Homework: Students will turn in complete assignments with their name on it in the basket assigned to their homeroom. All bell ringers for the week are due on Friday.
Make-Up Policy: Students who are absent have 5 days ONLY to turn in make-up work starting the day he/she returns to school. IT IS THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO COME TO ME TO RECEIVE MAKE UP WORK! I will NOT hunt a student down to make sure they have missing assignments. For example, if a student is absent on Monday and returns Tuesday, by the following Monday he/she should have all assignments turned in. In addition, students are still responsible for the work they are assigned during those five days. It is their responsibility to play “catch up”.
I understand that some students may participate in after school activities and that some do have after school responsibilities or jobs. I encourage these activities so long as the student understands that his/her education should be their number one priority. In knowing this, students who are absent for any reason or fails to complete assignment need to approach me, and if he/she chooses not to do so or does not turn in make-up work in time a zero will be given for the assignment.
Late Work: Assignments will be due, when students walk into the classroom. Anything turned in after this will result in a late penalty: 1 day Late: -5pts, 2 days Late: -10pts, 3 days Late: -20pts, 4 days Late: -40pts
Assignments turned in 5+days late will be counted only half credit.
Class Consequences: I would expect, with the upper level of maturity in my classes, There should be little to no discipline problems. In any case, should a student choose inappropriate behavior over what has been an outline as acceptable behavior the following disciplinary procedures will possibly occur:
-Student breaks rule 1st time: Warning
-Student breaks rule 2nd time: Call/note to parent/guardians
-Student breaks rule 3rd time: Call/note to parent/guardian, referred to student resources (counselor, PBIS etc)
-Student breaks rule 4th time: Call to parent/guardian, Notification to office
The student will be sent to the office IMMEDIATLEY with a discipline referral in extreme situations. Depending on the offense, I reserve the right to skip any level of disciplinary action. Students who are repeated distraction of the educational process will be disciplined to the fullest extent. It is an impossibility to teach and help students become successful if a student is being a hindrance. MISBEHAVIOR is NOT TOLERATED!!!!
Rules/Procedures: In order to achieve and do well in this course, you must follow certain procedures and rules. The following is a breakdown of both rules and responsibilities for this course.
Classroom Behavioral Expectations:
a. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized.
b. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise
c. NEVER use vulgar or offensive language
d. NO food, drink or candy, during instructional time.
e. ALWAYS follow class rules!
Check Your Attitude at the DOOR!!! The classroom will be a POSITIVE environment. No student has the right to change this for another student. Leave all negative attitudes, “FaceBook” problems, “Twitter” trouble, Lunchroom Gossip and neighborhood issues OUTSIDE. It will NOT be tolerated!!!
Arriving in Class:
a. Enter quietly!!!
b. Have all materials out and ready to start work!
c. Copy Homework/Vocabulary
d. Complete any posted assignment
e. Sit quietly, until the teacher starts class.
f. Once you enter class, you will NOT leave.
Speaking in Class:
a. Always raise your hand to speak.
b. Wait to be called on.
c. Be respectful in your comments. If necessary, think before you comment.
During Class:
a. Save trash, until after class.
b. Bathroom/water/Nurse Policy
-Don’t ask if it is NOT an emergency. A pass is needed for leaving the class at any time. If you keep asking to leave, I will schedule a conference with your guardian about the issues you are leaving for. If your teacher needs to be aware of a medical or other problem please do so ASAP.
Finished Work Early, What now?
a. Work on homework
b. Read quietly
c. Work on vocabulary
Leaving Class:
a. I release you from class. CLEAN UP YOUR AREA!!!
b. Exit QUIETLY!!!
Cell phone Policy: While cell phones are the craze of our society, they can be a distraction in class. Though a student may have a cell phone, they are not to be seen, used or shared. I ask both students and parents to refrain from texting or calling, during class. Phones need to one silent, while in class. Should a parent need to contact a student or vice-a-versa, please contact the school office. Should the cell phone rule be violated the following precautions will be taken:
Violation 1: Warning
Violation 2: Phone taken for duration of class
Violation 3: Phone is taken for remainder of day
Violation 4: Phone taken and parents must come get it.
Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the “unlawful copying, paraphrasing or summarizing of another person’s work without giving the author proper credit. Plagiarism is not only cheating, but stealing and will NOT be tolerated in my classroom under ANY circumstances. Should I find plagiarism in any assignment this will result in a zero for the assignment for all parties involved.
Contact the Teacher: If you need to contact your child’s teacher at any time, PLEASE leave a message at the front desk. A call will be returned prompt. Please keep your child’s teachers informed of ANY life changing events that may directly or indirectly affect a student’s grades. Also, please do not hesitate to ask for ANYTHING!!!! If you would like, you can e-mail me at
Student signature ___________________________________________________________
Parent signature _____________________________________________________________
Parent Phone Number ________________________________________________________
Parent email address _________________________________________________________