UFECMeeting Minutes-
October 19, 2016
- imPACT testing coming soon!
November 3rd
Time TBA
Please come!
- Visit UFequestrian.com to see upcoming events, active requirements, and the constitution
- Facebook page
Still can’t join? Come speak to me!
- *November 4: STOP Hunger Now meal packaging
8:30 AM- 3:00 PM @ Straughn Center
Sign up online- you pick shift. Admission= 3 non-perishable food items
Cannot be participating for another club to earn UFEC credit
- November 16: Toy Drive toys due at/before meeting
Those who signed up, pick your age/gender by Friday
Spots that aren’t filled by Friday will be open to the rest of the club.
- November 26: 3* Equiventures
- December 12: Christmas for the Community Luncheon
- Inactive: no merchandise, no showing for the following semester (even for club members)
- Check the spreadsheet, contact me if something is wrong
- Dressage excuses will be returned after the meeting
- Excuses are due when they are due, NO EXCEPTIONS, unless it is an EMERGENCY!
- Rec sports waiver link:
- Spreadsheet:
- Email:
•Active Member Requirements
•Team Members
-Participation in 2 fundraisers
-1 community service project
-1 social event
-1 shift at every UF hosted show (All day at your home show)
•General Club Members
-Participation in 1 fundraisers
-1 community service project
-1 social event
-1 shift at every UF hosted show
*No member can have two unexcused meetings in a row
- Hunt Seat - $6,516.10
- Western - $10,732.06
- Dressage - $3,571.60
Heart attacks are more likely to happen on a Monday
- Thanks for coming to all of our events so far!!!
- Events to come:
Painting with a Twist
Ice Cream Social during Finals
- Send me a picture of yourself at the GI Joe mixer if you have not done so yet!!!
- Orders have been placed
- If you ordered only a challenger jacket please let me know asap!
- See me after for change
- Contact me with any questions:
- Thanks to everyone who came to Wine & Cheese!!
- Next Fundraiser: Burrito Brothers!
October 26th/ALL DAY 11am-9pm
Tell cashier you’re with the UFEC
Send me a picture of your receipt. Buy two meals or bring a friend.
If you haven’t gone to a fundraiser yet make it to this one!
- Reminder
Club members need 1 fundraiser
Team members need 2 fundraisersFB: Katie Cardenas
Public Relations
- HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who came out for the parade
- Make sure you email me if you were there for social point
- Pictures
- Tabling
- End of the Year Banquet
- Like our Facebook page, Insta, and Twitter & send me your pictures!
- Thank you for turning in sponsorships! We are working on getting team shirts ordered.
- Our first show is at UCF on Nov. 5th
- Lesson! Jenny is at Congress until Oct 30th
- Home Show December 3rd
Hunt Seat
- Home show is this Saturday, Oct. 22nd! Sign up for a shift if you have not already. Hunt seat members are required to be there all day.
- Proper attire please :)
- We need saddles for the show, if you have one not already at the farm we would really appreciate it if we could use them
- SCAD show: Nov. 5th-6th
- UNF show: Nov. 12th
- Break out after the meeting
- Address to the Farm: 5400 NW 110th Ave, Ocala, FL 34482
- Contact us with any questions:
- Katy:
- Sign up sheet will be coming out this weekend, remember you are required to work one shift or you will become inactive!
- Thank you everyone who contacted Meghan about the game saturday, you will be assigned a sunday shift.
- Longwood address will be on the sign up sheet!
- Team meeting outside after, there’s lots of stuff to go over!
- Contact us anytime!
- Meghan Watt
- Zoe Bowden
- Show Results:
- PMR:
Elle Strote: 2nd Place
Jill Bobel: 4th Place
- OBN:
Megan McNatt: 1st Place
- BNR:
Edward Britten-Kelly: 3rd Place
- Volunteers needed for equine endurance ride at Dunn's Creek State Park Thanksgiving weekend, will send out an individual email with details
- Stirrups ‘n Strides Events:
- Yard Sale this Saturday, October 22: 9 AM- 3 PM (donations and/or support)
Location: 4246 W. Hwy 318, Citra
- Jammin’ at Jumbolair Charity Benefit, December 3: 5 PM- 10 PM
Location: Jumbolair (1201 NE 77th St., Ocala)
- Dr. Brooks: Research opportunity- limited openings for volunteer research for short term, but could turn into a long term (may be paid). Contact Dr. Brooks for more information.