
Robin was sitting in science class and had her new phone on the table because she was going to listen to music while she did her work. Her Mom had FINALLY given her a phone after she begged and promised she would be responsible. Her Mom had to work overtime for a month to afford to buy her the phone.

When the teacher hands out yesterday’s tests Marshall gets so mad that he throws his books at Robin’s desk, knocking her new phone on the floor shattering the glass.

Does Robin deserve to react violently?

When Robin gets home she shows her Mom her phone. Her Mom goes crazy and starts yelling at her “I thought you said you were going to be responsible! You beg me for a phone and break it the first week! You’re grounded! Give me your phone!”

Robin is so mad at her Mom. It wasn’t her fault the phone got broken. She goes into the living room and grabs the first thing she can find and throws it as hard as she can. Then she goes upstairs and gets online to talk to her friends about how unfair her mom is.


Ted is on the basketball team and usually he’s the high scorer but tonight he had a bad game. To make matters worseJoey had an amazing game and everyone was telling him how awesome he was. Usually everyone is telling Ted he’s the best. He’s afraid coach might give his position to Joey. He worked so hard to get that position. THEN he comes home and goes to get on the computer but his sister Robin is on it ALL night! Robin has a Smart phone, well HAD a Smart phone until she got it taken away. Now he’s never going to be able to talk his Mom into getting him a phone. She went and ruined it for both of them.

Then, in her fit she threw his Xbox controller and broke it. He was going to play tonight but now he can’t. He can’t play X box and she won’t get off the computer so he can’t hang out on line. What is he supposed to do for fun? Why does she have to wreck everything?!

Does Ted deserve to react violently?

The next day in class everyone is talking about what a great game Joey had. They’re high fiving him. They talk about what a great game he had on the announcements. Ted has been talking to Stella but today Stella walked with Joey to class. Then, in gym class they’re playing basketball too and they’re picking teams. So Ted says “Joey doesn’t need a team! He can just score all the points by himself. Why should the rest of us play, we’ll just sit and watch the superstar.”


Joey is on the basketball team. He’s been cut the last 2 years so he practices constantly. He got a basketball hoop for Christmas and shoots an hour every night. Finally his hard work paid off! He had a really great game last night! He was on FIRE! People used to tease him because he was so uncoordinated, it feels SO good to finally do something good! Last night he was the lead scorer!

Today he’s in gym class and he hears Ted say “Joey doesn’t need a team! He can just score all the points by himself. Why should the rest of us play, we’ll just sit and watch the superstar.”

Seriously? Ted is such a ball hog, he’s usually they high scorer. He can’t just let Joey have this one game?

Does Joey deserve to react violently?

Joey is walking to class and not paying attention because he is so mad. Barney bumps into him and it bumps his hand onto Monica’s butt. He’s so embarrassed he looks at her, laughs nervously and then walks to class.


Monica can’t believe it, Joey just grabbed her butt! Then he looked at her and laughed! She thought he was a nice guy! WTF?!

Does Monica deserve to react violently?

At lunch she is sitting telling her friend Phoebe about it. She looks over and sees that Rachel is looking at her and then laughing. Monica tells Phoebe “I can’t believe Joey just grabbed my butt! Who does he think he is?! I thought he was a nice guy!” Then Phoebe says “Look at Rachel. She keeps looking over here at you and whispering. What’s her deal?” Monica doesn’t know. She and Rachel used be really good friends but then Rachel started hanging out with Lilly and Robin and now she’s too good to hang out with Monica. Monica doesn’t know why Rachel stopped hanging out with her but it really hurt her feelings. So Monica says “Hey Phoebe, isn’t Rachel talking to Ross? You should post that pic of you and Ross at the cookout last summer on Instagram. It totally looks like you guys are dating. Then I’ll post “you 2 are so cute together!” That will teach her to talk about me!”


Rachel has been “talking” to Ross for a few weeks now, he’s so cool! Today at lunch he was sitting across the room at lunch. She kept looking at him while she was talking to Lilly and Robin. Ross said he’d snapchat her later. She can’t wait. She needs to go home and find the perfect outfit.

Rachel gets out of school and sees a pic of Phoebe and Ross on Instagram and they are all cuddled up. Then Monica wrote “you 2 are so cute together.” What the heck?! He’s been talking to her for weeks. Rachel guesses he’s been playing her. Guess he’s been talking to Phoebe too. Guys are all liars! He said he was at his Dad’s house last weekend, he must have been hanging out with Phoebe instead. He lied right to her face!

Does Rachel deserve to react violently?

Well let’s see how he likes lies… Rachel goes on Facebook and writes “I saw Ross checking out Joey at the basketball game last night. Did you see him pat his butt after the game? What a fruitcake.” Then Rachel told her friends to all comment too. So they all go on Facebook too, adding to it by saying they’ve seen Ross with guys and stuff. That will teach him to lie to her!


Ross’s friends keep texting him telling him everyone is calling him gay on Facebook and Instagram. So when he gets home he spends all night watching everyone who is supposed to be his friend telling all these terrible lies!

First Rachel says he was crushing on Joey and thenBarney commented on his picture on Instagram, calling him gay. Phoebe posted a pic of them from last year and Barney said “can’t be true, he’s into dudes.” Now everyone is going on there and adding to it. He and Rachel have been talking for weeks! Why would she say that? Barney is supposed to be his friend, what did Ross ever do to him? He can’t get away from it, he stays up all night just watching more and more people jump on the bandwagon.

Does Ross deserve to react violently?

The next day Ross goes to school and everyone laughs as he walks by and makes comments. Even some of his so called friends won’t talk to him.

Turns out it was Rachel started it all. She was the first one to say something on Facebook. What they heck! They were talking and he thought things were going great. Why would she go and lie about him like that!?

Ross can’t go around having everyone thinking he’s gay. Monica has always been really cool to him and she’s one of the only people not treating him differently today. She’s been going out with Chandler, his best friend but flirting with her is the only way he can think to prove that he’s not gay. Since Rachel won’t talk to him he has to find some girl to flirt with. So he goes out of his way to flirt with her. He walks with her to class, lends her his English homework to copy and sits with her at lunch.


Chandler and Ross have been best friends for years. They both play football and basketball so they are together all the time. Chandler has been going out with Monica for a couple months now. Today at school Chandler sees Ross flirting with Monica. Seriously? He’s supposed to be his best friend! What’s he doing making a move on Chandler’s girlfriend!? Chandler sees Ross and Monica walking to class and laughing. Monica always waits for Chandler to walk to her class, why is she walking with Ross?

Does Chandler deserve to react violently?

Chandler is so mad he follows Ross and Monica to class and stops them, he says “What the heck Dude! I thought you were my friend! Why are you walking MY girlfriend to class!?” Monica butts in and says “Chill out Chandler! We were just talking. “Chandler is so mad that he’s late to class. When he walks in to Mr. Jones’s class he’s late. Mr. Jones says “Chandler! You’re late, have a seat.” Chandler loses it and says “Who cares! Its 2 minutes! It’s not like this class matters! I had to go to the bathroom, you can’t keep me from going to the bathroom! I hate school!” Mr. Jones sends Chandler to the office.


Marshall is having a bad day. His parents just told him they are getting divorced last night. He went into his room and cried until he went to sleep. He came to school late and didn’t feel like talking to anyone. He even broke down and cried a little in lunch and everyone was calling him a baby. Then he was late to class and his teacher, Mr. Jones, yelled at him in front of everyone.

Does Marshall deserve to react violently?

Mr. Jones then wouldn’t let him go to the bathroom. So as soon has class ends he runs out to go to the bathroom. He’s running out of class in such a hurry that he bumps into Barney. He feels bad but he HAS GOT TO GO so he doesn’t stop to say he’s sorry.


Barney can’t figure out what’s with up with Marshall. He didn’t meet him online last night to play Halo. He didn’t answer any of his text messages last night or this morning. They usually hang out before school but Marshall walked right past him this morning and didn’t say anything. Marshall didn’t hang out with Barney this morning and then wouldn’t talk to him in English class. What’s his deal!?

Later that day, Barney is walking in the hallway and Marshall runs into him and doesn’t even acknowledge him.

Does Barney deserve to react violently?

In his next class he gets back his science quiz and he got a C! He studied all night for that and his Dad told him that if he got an A he would get him a new X box game. His parents don’t tolerate C’s! He’s going to get grounded! That test was so unfair! There was stuff on there his teacher never taught!

Barney is so mad about the test and just everything else, that when he gets his test back he throws his science book and it knocks Robin’s phone to the floor.