Home Run Ministries Supply Lists for Teachers (Listed in ABC order by

Teacher’s Last Name) Revised 7/11/2017

For all classes, the student will be expected to bring each of these items AND whateverbooks and assignments have been requested to each class meeting. Your being properly prepared for class is reflected in your class participation grade. During the school year, theteachers may request other supplies as necessary.

Personal Finance and Job Seeking – Noreen Baggett

1" 3-ring binder

5 pocket dividers

Loose-leaf paper

Pens - any color

Calculator - any type to do basic calculations.

Beginning Math and Basic Math—Mrs. Baggett

binder—1-inch binder with five sectional dividers(no pockets necessary)

loose leaf notebook paper—wide ruled

#2 pencils (no mechanical pencils)

1 small pack of red pens

black (preferred) or blue graph paper, 1 package

erasers (2 packs of the small erasers for the ends of pencils and 1 large eraser)


Pack of 3 x 5 cards (Beginning Math Only)

protractor (Basic Math Only)

compass (Basic Math Only)


Health and P.E.—Mrs. Baggett

tennis shoes

shorts (just above knee cap) required every class period

spiral notebook

blue or black pens

2 yellow highlighters

Spanish 1 and Spanish II—Mrs. Canalas

3-ring, 1-inch binder

1 manila folder for 8 ½ x 11 papers

3 dividers

blue/black pens and red pen

Spanish-English dictionary

1 pack of colored construction paper

Crayola markers

The last two items will need to be available on an as-needed basis.

Basic English – Mrs. Carman

2-inch binder

loose-leaf style notebook paper (college or wide ruled) or wireless composition bookswhich are perforated so that sheets of notebook paper tear out without leaving shreddedpaper along the edges (NO paper from a spiral)

8 pocket folders

pens—blue, black, and red



dry tape-style of Whiteout (no liquid)

dictionary and thesaurus

IEW writing resource binder(received in Intensive Writing Workshop)

English 2—Mrs. Carman

3-ring binder: 1 1/2-2 inch

loose-leaf style notebook paper (college or wide ruled) or wireless composition bookswhich are perforated so that sheets of notebook paper tear out without leaving shreddedpaper along the edges (NO paper from a spiral)

10 pocketed folders with 3-ring binder holes: these will be placed in the 3-ring binder andwill be used for Grammar, Vocabulary, Writing (IEW), and the various books we will bereading and studying

colored pens (2-3 of each color): black, blue, green, red (used for IEW assignments)

pencils/pens for classroom notes

Thesaurus: Roget's or Webster's

IEW writing resource binder(received in Intensive Writing Workshop)

Please feel free to email me-- --with any questions regarding the supply

list. I am looking forward to working with you and your student!

Biology and Anatomy & Physiology—Mrs. Cline

3-ring binder with 3 dividers titled Notes, Daily Work, and Labs

loose-leaf style notebook paper (college or wide ruled) or wireless composition bookswhich are perforated so that sheets of notebook paper tear out without leaving shreddedpaper along the edges (NO paper from a spiral)

plain white paper for lab drawings (The cheapest printer paper is fine.)

black or blue pen, red pen, pencil, good eraser, colored pencils, ruler, and highlighter

3x5 note cards

MS History: Reformation and Renaissance, Texas History and Latin Part I – Mrs. Czarnik


dividers and tabs labeled as follows:

Assignment sheets





pencils, red pen, and highlighter

required to join the Cambridge Latin Website—Cost about $10/year. Provides online support, practice, games, and cultural information --

College Prep Genius – Mrs. Czarnik

The CPG curriculum will be available for purchase the first day of class. Cost for

curriculum is approximately $250.

Pre-Algebra and Algebra II --Mrs. Florian

Single subject spiral notebook (100+ pages)

Pencils and Highlighters

Glue stick and Scissors

Graph paper

College ruled notebook paper

Binder -- 1 inch with five sectional dividers

12" ruler (with both inches and cm)

Protractor (Algebra 2)

Graphing calculator (TI-83 recommended) (Algebra 2)

Pre-Calculus – Mrs. Harden

spiral notebook

notebook paper


red pen

scientific calculator (suggested model TI 83)

English I and English 3/4 – Mrs. Jackson

pens: black, blue, and red

several highlighters, any color

2-3-inch binder with loose-leaf notebook paper

6 or more sectional dividers

thesaurus: Roget's or Webster's

IEW Resource Notebook (received in Intensive Writing Workshop)

U. S. History, Comparative Religions, End Times, and Government- Mr. Keegan

3-ring notebook with filler paper for class notes and handouts

pens and pencils

computer with Internet access at home

CLASS PROJECTS will require additional supplies – to be determined largely by the student

NOTE: Spiral notebooks are fine for note taking. However, I will not accept papersturned in for homework which have been torn out of spiral binders. They are rather messy.

Geography - Mrs. Lawrence

colored pencils (12-24 pack) and markers

craft paints (at home)

the ability to prepare and bring recipes/food items on occasion

suggested items to purchase are a World Atlas and a globeto use and keep at home.

Handouts will be given in class. Students will be required to keep these handouts in appropriatefolders in a 3-ring binder throughout the school year.

Economics - Mrs. Lawrence

3-ring notebook with filler paper for class notes and handouts

pens and pencils

computer with Internet access at home

CLASS PROJECTS will require additional supplies – to be determined largely by the student

NOTE: Spiral notebooks are fine for note taking. However, I will not accept papersturned in for homework which have been torn out of spiral binders. They are rathermessy.

$5 cash

Speech - Mrs. Lawrence

3-ring notebook with filler paper for class notes and handouts

pens and pencils

English 1 – Mrs. Lipe

1 inch binder with 4 dividers labeled: notes, homework, quizzes, tests

looseleaf paper

pencils with good erasers

blue, black and red pens

IEW Resource Notebook (received at Intensive Writing Workshop)

French I – Mrs. Lipe

1 inch binder with 4 dividers labeled: notes, devoirs, interros, examens

looseleaf paper

pencils with good erasers

blue, black and red pens

Space and Earth Science—Mrs. Inkster

3-ring binder with 4 dividers titled Notes, Daily work, Labs, and Tests

loose leaf notebook paper–College- or wide-ruled is fine.

black or blue pen, red pen

#2 pencils, good eraser

General Science – Mrs. Inkster

3-ring binder with 3 dividers titled Notes, Daily Work, and Labs

loose-leaf style notebook paper (college or wide ruled) or wireless composition bookswhich are perforated so that sheets of notebook paper tear out without leaving shreddedpaper along the edges (NO paper from a spiral)

plain white paper for lab drawings (The cheapest printer paper is fine.)

black or blue pen, red pen, pencil, good eraser, colored pencils, ruler, and highlighter

3x5 note cards

Geometry—Mrs. Teel


college-ruled, loose leaf paper or wireless composition books from which pages can betorn without leaving shreds

pencils, colored pencils, and erasers

index cards (with box or spiral type)


ruler (6-inch)

Physical Science, Chemistry, and Physics – Mrs. von Dohlen

All classes:

pen with colored ink for grading (NOT orange, yellow, silver, or gold becausethey’re impossible

to see)

black or blue pen

#2 pencils, preferably the kind you have to sharpen. Automatic pencils don’tallow enough

pressure to make the writing dark enough for me to read easily.

good eraser

scientific calculator (a graphing calculator is okay, too)

graph paper—preferably ¼” squares

map pencils—a small package will do (Please do not send liquid markers ratherthan map pencils)

composition notebook (the sewn kind with a marbled cover) for lab reports.

Please purchase a new notebook of the specified type and stress that it is to bededicatedto the subject. All labs must be written by hand completely in thecomposition book. I will not accept: notebooks that have been used for another class, labs turned in on loose paper,labsturned in on handouts, labs pulled out of the lab manual,labs with sections cut from the lab instructions and pasted into thenotebook, labs printed out and pasted into the notebook.

AdditionalPhysical Science and Physics supplies—von Dohlen

12” ruler marked in inches and cm

drawing compass


Algebra I--Mrs. Watts

pencils and erasers

pens--1 small pack of red

highlighter - yellos

3-ring 1 or 1.5 inch binder with dividers titled Warm Up, Daily Work, and Tests

loose leaf notebook paper

graph paper

scientific calculator (not needed first 4 weeks for Algebra I)

1 spiral notebook