Good Relations Grant Aid
Guidance Notes
How Does the Fund Work?
There is one round of funding this financial year 2018-19.
You can apply for either project costs or core costs up to a maximum of £4,000.
Groups must apply to one particular District Electoral Area (DEA). If you are applying for Core costs, you will apply to the particular DEA where your organisation is based. Applicants for project costs must indicate the DEA that at least 80% of the project beneficiaries are from. Good Relations partnership projects can cross two DEAs, as long as the applicant organisation has secured a partner organisation.
This funding is ‘Good Relations’ funding – so your application must show a clear focus on Good Relations.
Groups who submit multiple applications can only have one successful application funded.
Who Can Apply?
Constituted Community and Voluntary Sector organisations with a base in the Derry City and Strabane District Council areaand provide a project / service that will benefit residents in our Council area can apply. You will have to prove you have good governance in place – including insurance, financial accounts and relevant documentation. Groups that already hold funding or who have applied for funding from Council (e.g. Community Support Grant) or who currently hold a 2017-18 Good Relations Grant from Derry City and Strabane District Council areaareeligible to apply to this fund.
The form has 3 sections A, B and C.
Section ARegistration and Pre Assessment. All applicants must fill in this section.
Section B:Application for Project Costs. Only fill in this section if you are applying for Project Costs.
Section CApplication for Core Costs. Only fill in this section if you are applying for Core Costs.
N.B. You should not fill in both Section B and C. You must make a choice for one type of funding or the other and complete eitherSection B or Section C. Do not send additional documentation (that is checked later if you are funded). Applications must score over 60% to reach the threshold for funding.
A note in relation to Project and Core Funding
A project is generally defined as being time bound with a very specific start and end date. Applications under project are generally to cover costs such as project facilitation, room hire, catering, etc.
Core Costs are generally to support the running costs of an organisation which focuses on Good Relations. Applications are generally for running costs, overheads, rent, salaries, etc
Only organisations with certified or audited accounts can apply for core costs. Any groups based within the Derry City and Strabane District Council Area can apply for core funding. Any regional groups with a branch office building located in the council area may also apply if 100% of the funded costs are related to direct costs of the branch and have clear local benefit.
What is Good Relations?
Good Relations is about equity, diversity and interdependence. It’s about making a meaningful difference locally to attitudes and actions, policies and places in a society in transition from conflict to lasting peace. For further information you may wish to read the government strategy which outlines the issues on:
You can also contact your local Good Relations Team in the Derry City and Strabane District Council area who may be able to provide additional documents as reference points for research and statistics around the need for specific Good Relations initiatives locally.
The Equality Commission defines the promotion of Good Relations as follows:
“The growth of relationships and structures for Northern Ireland that acknowledge the religious,political and racial context of this society, and that seek to promote respect, equity and trust,and embrace diversity in all its forms.” (2008)
Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 is the legal context of Good Relations. It places
a statutory obligation on public authorities to:
“Haveregard to the desirability of promoting good relations between persons of different religiousbelief, political opinion, and racial group.”
Together: Building a United Community Themes
The governments ‘Together: Building A United Community Strategy supports that Good Relationsmust fall within four key themes. Applications must adhere to one or more of these themes and ensure that Good Relations is the primary focus of their core or project application.
Children andYoung People / Aim: to continue to improve attitudes amongst our young people and to build a community where they can play a full and active role in building good relations.
Our Shared
Community / Aim: to create a community where division does not restrict the life opportunities of individuals and where all areas are open and accessible to everyone.
Our Safe
Community / Aim: to create a community where everyone feels safe in moving around and where life choices are not inhibited by fears around safety.
Our Cultural
Expression / Aim: to create a community which promotes mutual respect and understanding, is strengthened by its diversity, and where cultural expression is celebrated and embraced.
What Is Community Planning?
Community Planning is a process led by Councils in conjunction with partners and communities to develop and implement a shared, long-term vision to improve the social, economic and environmental well-being of our City and District. It will also guide how our public services will work together locally to plan and deliver better services
Following an extensive process of engagement and consultation with citizens, organisations and businesses the Community Plan for Derry and Strabane – the Inclusive Strategic Growth Plan - is now complete. The final strategy incorporating the views of all those who have contributed has now been launched.Local Growth Plans will concentrate on those issues which are specific to each of the local community planning areas.
Good Relations is a cross cutting theme in the Inclusive Strategic Growth Plan. Your application will need to show how your project/service clearly aligns to the outcomes identified in the Plan.
Contact with Derry City and Strabane District Good Relations Team:
Officers will be able to provide advice prior to completing your Pre-Assessment and Application Form, assistance will only be available during office hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Please note, officers can only advise on the process, not on the content of your application. Officers have been allocated to particular community planning areas, and can be contacted as follows:
Ballyarnett and Foyleside DEAs
Angela Askin Tel: 02871253253 ext 8220
Waterside and Derg DEAs
Amanda BiegaTel: 02871253253 ext 4298
Sperrin and Faughan DEAs
Pauline O’Neill Tel: 02871253253 ext 8221
Strabane Town and Moor DEA
Carol Stewart Tel: 02871253253 ext 8219
How will decisions be made?
Derry City and Strabane District Council may not be able to fund all successful Projects as there may be more applications than there is funding available. However, all applications will be considered carefully. They will be looked at and assessed by a panel of Council Officers and ratified by the Health and Community Committee and Full Council.
Review Procedure
If you believe the Funding Process has not been followed correctly or your Application has been incorrectly scored you may request a Reviewwithin seven working days of receiving your Letter of Outcome in writing to:
Barry O’Hagan
Head of Community and Leisure
Health and Community Directorate
Derry City and Strabane District Council
98 Strand Road
BT48 7NN
A Senior Council Officer will review the process and equality of scoring within the round and respond to your Review Request.
Deadline for Submission of Applications
If you are submitting your application by hand or by post, you should send it to:-
Good Relations Fund 2018/19
Health and Community Directorate
Community Development Section
Derry City and Strabane District Council
98 Strand Road
Derry BT48 7NN
Good Relations Fund 2018/19
Health and Community Directorate
Community Development Section
Derry City and Strabane District Council
47 Derry Road
Strabane BT82 8DY
Applicants are reminded that the deadline for submission of applications is 3.00 p.m. on Friday,9th February 2018. Applicants are encouraged to submit their application early as this deadline is absolute. Under no circumstances will an application be deemed eligible after the 3:00 p.m. deadline.
Please note that all projects will be subject to a monitoring and evaluation process. Please read all documentation carefully before submitting your application.
Remember:An official receipt must be obtained from a Council Official from the Health and Community Directorate if the application is delivered by hand.
If posting, it is recommended that you do give due regard to delivery times specifically during holiday time including Bank Holidays to ensure that your application is delivered by the closing date.
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Guidance Notes 2018-19