(Grades 9-12)
Aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards
Content Area: School Library Media
Course Title: High School Library Media / Grade Level: 9-12
Unit 1: Library Orientation and Foundations of Research / Grade 9
Unit 2: Evaluating Resources / Grade 10
Unit 3: Your Digital Footprint / Grade 11
Unit 4: Advanced Searching Techniques / Grade 12
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Media Literacy: Library Orientation & Foundations of Research
Content Area: Media Literacy
Unit Title: Unit 1: Library Orientation & Foundations of Research
Target Course/Grade Level: 9
Unit Summary
Introduction to library media center resources and services via a curricular-based lesson of the subject teachers choosing. This lesson will be provided to a class of 9th grade students visiting the the library for the first time to begin a research assignment. The Library Media Specialist will connect the orientation to the applicable research needs of the attending class.
Primary interdisciplinary connections: Cross-curricular. Library instruction is based on the given classroom assignment for which students are scheduled to utilize the lmc.
21st Century Themes: Informational Literacy, Critical Thinking, College & Career Readiness
Technology connections:
Learning Targets
Content Standards
NJ: 2016 SLS: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects 6-12
CPI # / Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
Unit Essential Questions
· What is the function of the library media center?
· How can students identify, locate and access the resources of the library media center for an assignment-specific purpose. / Unit Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
· Identify various sections of the library and resources found in those areas
· Understand the basic function of library resources
· Utilize library resources to answer specific questions
Unit Objectives
Students will know…
· the physical layout of the library as well as library use policies
· how to utilize the on-line catalog to search and access print and electronic books
· how to assess resources to select those that will best meet their information needs
· how to navigate databases to meet the requirements of class assignments / Unit Objectives
Students will be able to…
· Identify various sections of the library and resources found in those areas
· Understand the basic function of library resources
· Utilize library resources to answer specific questions
· Devise keywords to narrow search results
Evidence of Learning
Formative Assessments
Completion of assignment requirements
Summative Assessments
Completion of assignment requirements
Modifications (ELLs, Special Education, Gifted and Talented)
Grouping in collaborative learning
Curriculum Development Resources/Instructional Materials/Equipment Needed Teacher Resources:
· on-line catalog
· eBooks
· electronic databases
· LCD Prodector
· Other web-based tech applications as required
Teacher Notes:
Media Literacy: Evaluating Resources
Content Area: Media Literacy
Unit Title: Unit 2: Evaluating Resources
Target Course/Grade Level: 10
Unit Summary
In this unit, students are able to demonstrate the ability to critically evaluate information. Components include but are not limited to authority, accuracy, coverage, objectivity and accuracy.
Essential Vocabulary:
Authority, bias, currency, relevance, accuracy, scope, sources
Primary interdisciplinary connections:
Students integrate information literacy skills into all areas of learning.
21st Century Themes: Informational Literacy, Critical Thinking, College and Career Readiness
Technology connections:
Learning Targets
Content Standards
NJ: 2016 SLS: English Language Arts
NJ: Grades 9-10
Students Who are College and Career Ready in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, & Language
They comprehend as well as critique.
Students are engaged and open-minded—but discerning—readers and listeners. They work diligently to understand precisely what an author or speaker is saying, but they also question an author’s or speaker’s assumptions and premises and assess the veracity of claims and the soundness of reasoning.
They use technology and digital media strategically and capably.
Students employ technology thoughtfully to enhance their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use. They tailor their searches online to acquire useful information efficiently, and they integrate what they learn using technology with what they learn offline. They are familiar with the strengths and limitations of various technological tools and mediums and can select and use those best suited to their communication goals.
NJ: 2014 SLS: Technology
NJ: Grades 9-10
8.1 Educational Technology
D. Digital Citizenship: Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.
Advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
Demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
Exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
8.1.12.D.1 Demonstrate appropriate application of copyright, fair use and/or Creative Commons to an original work.
CPI # / Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
Unit Essential Questions
· Identify weak and strong resources.
· How do I verify authority?
· How do I show ownership of my own work? / Unit Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
· Identify domain meanings.
· Locate site authority or ownership.
· Understand the difference of primary vs secondary content.
· Analyze and describe the information on the site using several criteria.
Unit Objectives
Students will know…
· How to identify key informational elements of site content.
· How to analyze the content for accuracy, reliability and purpose.
· How to utilize Turnitin to support originality and academic honesty.
· How to create an MLA formatted Works Cited using EasyBib. / Unit Objectives
Students will be able to…
· Analyze online resources for authority, coverage, currency and objectivity.
· Utilize Turnitin for authentication.
· Integrate EasyBib tools.
Evidence of Learning
Formative Assessments
Completion of required assignment
Summative Assessments
Completion of required assignment
Modifications (ELLs, Special Education, Gifted and Talented)
· Grouping in collaborative learning
Curriculum Development Resources/Instructional Materials/Equipment Needed Teacher Resources:
Teacher Notes:
Media Literacy: Internet safety & responsibility
Content Area: Media Literacy
Unit Title: Unit 3: Internet safety & responsibility: understanding your digital footprint
Target Course/Grade Level: 11
Unit Summary: Understands and practices Internet safety & responsibility when using any social electronic media for educational or leisure purposes.
Primary interdisciplinary connections:
Students integrate information literacy skills into all areas of learning.
21st Century Themes:
Technology connections:
Learning Targets
Content Standards
NJ: 2016 SLS: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects 6-12
NJ: Grades 11-12
Capacities of the Literate Individual
Students Who are College and Career Ready in Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, & Language
They demonstrate independence.
Students can, without significant scaffolding, comprehend and evaluate complex texts across a range of types and disciplines, and they can construct effective arguments and convey intricate or multifaceted information. Likewise, students are able independently to discern a speaker’s key points, request clarification, and ask relevant questions. They build on others’ ideas, articulate their own ideas, and confirm they have been understood. Without prompting, they demonstrate command of standard English and acquire and use a wide-ranging vocabulary. More broadly, they become self-directed learners, effectively seeking out and using resources to assist them, including teachers, peers, and print and digital reference materials.
They respond to the varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline.
Students adapt their communication in relation to audience, task, purpose, and discipline. They set and adjust purpose for reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use as warranted by the task. They appreciate nuances, such as how the composition of an audience should affect tone when speaking and how the connotations of words affect meaning. They also know that different disciplines call for different types of evidence (e.g., documentary evidence in history, experimental evidence in science).
They use technology and digital media strategically and capably.
Students employ technology thoughtfully to enhance their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use. They tailor their searches online to acquire useful information efficiently, and they integrate what they learn using technology with what they learn offline. They are familiar with the strengths and limitations of various technological tools and mediums and can select and use those best suited to their communication goals.
They come to understand other perspectives and cultures.
Students appreciate that the twenty-first-century classroom and workplace are settings in which people from often widely divergent cultures and who represent diverse experiences and perspectives must learn and work together. Students actively seek to understand other perspectives and cultures through reading and listening, and they are able to communicate effectively with people of varied backgrounds. They evaluate other points of view critically and constructively. Through reading great classic and contemporary works of literature representative of a variety of periods, cultures, and worldviews, students can vicariously inhabit worlds and have experiences much different than their own.
NJSLSA.W6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and to interact and collaborate with others.
WHST.11-12.6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, share, and update writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.
NJSLSA.W8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.
WHST.11-12.8. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.
CPI # / Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
Unit Essential Questions
How can information you post on the Internet affect your future opportunities?
How can we show respect for others while online? What steps can be taken to stop a cyberbully?
How can an online environment help us collaborate and learn from one another? / Unit Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
A variety of networked environments are public places that are governed by codes of behavior.
Strategies that promote personal safety and protect online and offline reputation should be employed in all online environments.
The importance of a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning and productivity.
Ethical, safety and societal factors in making decisions should be considered.
Decision-making skills should be employed to deal responsibly with daily academic and social situations.
Unit Objectives
Students will know…
That in cyberspace everyone is their audience.
Steps to take when confronted with cyber bullying.
How to communicate with others that shows a high level of respect. / Unit Objectives
Students will be able to…
Recognize that what is shared in an online environment has the possibility of being shared with everyone on the World Wide Web.
Take appropriate steps to end a cyber bullying situation. Show respect to others in an online environment.
Reach agreement on academic group projects and in everyday social situations while interacting online.
Evidence of Learning
Formative Assessments
Completion of required assignment
Summative Assessments
Completion of required assignment
Modifications (ELLs, Special Education, Gifted and Talented)
· Grouping in collaborative learning
Curriculum Development Resources/Instructional Materials/Equipment Needed Teacher Resources:
Teacher Notes:
Media Literacy: Advanced Searching Techniques
Content Area: Media Literacy
Unit Title: Unit 4: Advanced Searching Techniques
Target Course/Grade Level: 12
Unit Summary
Students will have the knowledge of and demonstrate the ability to perform advanced searching techniques across a variety of platforms.
Primary interdisciplinary connections:
Students integrate information literacy skills into all areas of learning.
21st Century Themes: Informational Literacy, Critical Thinking, College and Career Readiness
Technology connections:
Learning Targets
Content Standards
NJ: 2016 SLS: English Language Arts
NJ: Grades 11-12
Research to Build and Present Knowledge
NJSLSA.W7 Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
W.11-12.7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
NJSLSA.W8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.
W.11-12.8. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation (MLA or APA Style Manuals).
NJ: 2016 SLS: Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, & Technical Subjects 6-12
NJ: Grades 11-12
NJSLSA.W8 Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, assess the credibility and accuracy of each source, and integrate the information while avoiding plagiarism.
WHST.11-12.8. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the specific task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source and following a standard format for citation.
CPI # / Cumulative Progress Indicator (CPI)
Unit Essential Questions
· Identify peer-reviewed academic journal articles.
· Perform advanced search strategies.
· Understand the roles and limitations of differing types of information sources. / Unit Enduring Understandings
Students will understand that…
· Modify search terms and results to refine a topic to facilitate research.
· Generate and apply effective search terms and strategies to find information within a specific source.
Unit Objectives
Students will know…
· How to utilize filters and boolean operators in an advanced search strategy.